To: All Christians and Black Voters
Subject: Black Candidates Calling Mary Norwood a "Republican"
Date: October 29, 2009
Dear Christians and Black Voters:
The Atlanta black mayoral candidates are calling Mary Norwood a "Republican," in the hope of energizing the black voting bloc in voting for them, forcing a Mary Norwood run-off, on November 3rd, in the City of Atlanta Mayor's race. What they don't realize, is that this is a good thing for us devout Christians! These black candidates are telling the black voting bloc, "Vote for us, because we all are black and Democrats (Like you always do, vote straight party line, on next Tuesday, November the 3rd)."
Not so fast, you Democratic candidates! In 2006, I wrote a brochure, entitled, "The Vote!" In this brochure, I define what the contemporary Democratic and the Republican Parties believes in and stands for. The following is a copy of the brochure for your information and perusal:
The Purpose
Primarily, this brochure is geared towards disseminating pertinent information to the Christian black and the Christian poor white voters. At the very beginning of the pamphlet, I have juxtaposed, for your convenience, the views of each party, at a single glance, on sensitive controversial issues that are very important to these voters’ Christian faith and belief. Strictly for the King James, Bible believing Christians; you atheists and agnostics don’t waste your time!
Description of the Democratic Party
Within the last decade, the Democratic Party has made a three -hundred –sixty-degree subtle metamorphic turn-around. In year 2003, I began noticing this subtle change in the Democratic Party. Up until then, I had been voting like my family voted—straight party line! That King James Version, Bible believing God-fearing Democratic Party day is gone bye-bye with the wind! Preachers now in the contemporary Democratic Party are preaching the true Word of God and don’t even believe in it. This is a Christian nation; and this is why I feel obligated to inform the ninety-six percent of the American Christian voters about this contemporary Democratic Party.
Description of Republican Party
Many say that the Republican Party only caters to the rich; it's because the Republican Party doesn't believe in the government giving the people what they need; but instead, teach the people how to earn what they need! God said, “I place before you, life and blessings and death and curses. Choose life.” Wisely, the Republican Party has chosen life for you; but the Democratic Party has, foolishly, chosen death. What a pity!
© Copyrighted 2006.
Democratic Party
(For) Separation of Church and State
Like apples and oranges, secular and non secular things don’t add up. The government’s job is to govern the American people’s business and not their religious community affairs
(For) Evolution taught in Schools
The two controversial concepts of creationism and evolutionism should be taught to the student in school and let the student makes up his own mind as to what he thinks what happened.
(For) Abortion
It’s the woman’s body and she should be the one to make the decision to have or not have the baby she’s carrying in her body. After all, abortion is lawful
(Against) Ten Commandments in Schools
The Ten Commandments promote religion and that is unconstitutional. It is the parents’ responsibility to teach their children about God and not our government public schools.
(For) Same-Sex Marriage
As Rev. Jesse Jackson said, “If two same-sex people love each other, there’s nothing wrong with it.” After all, none of us has control over how we are born into the world. These people should be allowed to live a full and happy life just as anyone else has, living here in America.
© Copyrighted 2006.
Republican Party
(Against) Separation of Church and State
The first public school classes were held in the same churches the early Americans held their Sunday meeting worship services. You cannot separate God from man; after all, God made him and the only one who could give him instruction and guidance (The Bible) as to how he should live.
(Against) Evolution being taught in Schools
This is nonsense! It’s inconceivable why our educators would waste their time listening to these crazy theories of evolutionists; such as, the world came into being by the big, bang theory, man has no superior being to give in account for his action and man evolve from an ape and monkey. Let me tell you something, if one of these kooks told me that I evolved from a monkey I would look at him as though if he had just fell of the back of a turnip truck; for any fool knows that a man and a woman are still producing babies and monkeys are still producing monkeys. You see, this alone, kills this evolution theory thing!
(Against) Abortion
Life begins at conception. As soon as a woman and man's sperm link up together, at that moment a human being is conceived; and if any one stops the natural development of this human being, by killing him, is guilty of intentional meditated, first degree murder. Man has no right to take something that he can’t give; only God has that right because He can give life.
(For) Ten Commandments in Schools
What other individuals are more qualified to instruct and guide their children than the parents. God made us and he knows more about us and what we need than anyone else on this earth; so He gave us instructions to guide and direct our lives. Those instructions are incorporated in a guide called the Ten Commandments.
(Against) Same-Sex Marriage
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist or any person with a well balanced logical mind to know that Mother Nature does not tolerate “sameness.” God built this world upon the principle of opposites—male and female. Note the animal kingdom—male and female; the plant kingdom—male and female and even gravitation, the force that keeps things in order; such as, the north and south poles. Remember, back in school, when we played with the magnets of the north and south poles? Every time that we would put the two north poles or the two south poles together, how they would repel each other(they would run away from each other—they couldn’t stand each other); but when we would put the opposites, north and south, magnets together they loved it! This is why God tells a man and a man and a woman and a woman it’s an abomination (it’s disgusting and despicable to him) for them to lie together. God didn’t have to tell me because I can look around at Mother Nature and observe this principle of opposites operating in the life of all living creatures and living plants.
Sir Leonard
Recording Artist and Writer
Fit T Hit Records
© Copyrighted 2006.
In the meantime, I don't want anyone to think that I just made up the information contained in the above brochure. This information was obtained from the media; such as, television, talk radio, newspapers and the populace. This information is based upon truth and needs no defense! I compiled it so that the voter can really know where his or her candidate stands on issues and what he or she believes in--because all you're going to get from the candidate is double talk, evasiveness and straight out deception. The reaction I observed from most people, after reading my brochure, and learning the truth about both parties--especially, the Democratic Party, is always the same, "Ah! I didn't know they were like that! I think, I'm going to vote Republican the next time!" The purpose of the brochure is not to promote either Party; but to educate the voter on what each believes in and stands for. Remember, when you vote Tuesday, November 3, 2009, don't vote color vote qualification! Vote Mary Norwood!
Sir Leonard
Recording Artist, Writer and Blogger
Fit T Hit Records
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
President Obama: "Others were more deserving of the Nobel Peace Prize than I"
To: All My Loyal Cyberspace Fans and Readers
Subject: President Obama: "Others were more deserving of the Nobel Peace Prize than I"
Date: October 10, 2009
Dear Fans and Readers:
It's being reported that President Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize for promoting diplomacy. Promoting diplomacy, what diplomacy? The President sitting down talking with world heads of State is not promoting diplomacy; it's only part of the job that the President of the United States is expected to do. There's nothing anomalous about that; leaders do that all the time!
Meanwhile, on November 27, 1895, Mr. Alfred Nobel authorized in his last will and testament that most of his wealth be given away as a series of prizes--which he named, "Nobel Prizes." Mr. Nobel, himself, described the two types of individuals who would be eligible recipients of such prize:
1. One who, effectively, persuades nations to abolish or reduce their armies.
2. One who, humanitarianly, intervenes and facilitates peaceful, diplomatic dialogue among hostile nations.
The above requirements seem to fit the description of President Bill Clinton rather than President Barack Hussein Obama. Wouldn't you say? It's inconceivable how such prestigious committee could have overlooked and ignored such world-wide camaraderie that President Bill Clinton had established with nations, and awarded the Nobel Peace Prize to a rookie President who has only been in office for a mere few months! This is as illogical and unreasonable as two men or two women turning toward each other (same-sex) seeking sexual fulfillment! Way to go distinguished members of the Nobel Peace Prize Committee!
Sir Leonard
Writer and Blogger
Fit T Hit Records
Subject: President Obama: "Others were more deserving of the Nobel Peace Prize than I"
Date: October 10, 2009
Dear Fans and Readers:
It's being reported that President Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize for promoting diplomacy. Promoting diplomacy, what diplomacy? The President sitting down talking with world heads of State is not promoting diplomacy; it's only part of the job that the President of the United States is expected to do. There's nothing anomalous about that; leaders do that all the time!
Meanwhile, on November 27, 1895, Mr. Alfred Nobel authorized in his last will and testament that most of his wealth be given away as a series of prizes--which he named, "Nobel Prizes." Mr. Nobel, himself, described the two types of individuals who would be eligible recipients of such prize:
1. One who, effectively, persuades nations to abolish or reduce their armies.
2. One who, humanitarianly, intervenes and facilitates peaceful, diplomatic dialogue among hostile nations.
The above requirements seem to fit the description of President Bill Clinton rather than President Barack Hussein Obama. Wouldn't you say? It's inconceivable how such prestigious committee could have overlooked and ignored such world-wide camaraderie that President Bill Clinton had established with nations, and awarded the Nobel Peace Prize to a rookie President who has only been in office for a mere few months! This is as illogical and unreasonable as two men or two women turning toward each other (same-sex) seeking sexual fulfillment! Way to go distinguished members of the Nobel Peace Prize Committee!
Sir Leonard
Writer and Blogger
Fit T Hit Records
DeKalb Co. Homeless Man's Lawsuit wins $165,000 of Taxpayers' Money
To: All My Cyberspace Loyal Fans and Readers
Subject: DeKalb Co. Homeless Man's Lawsuit wins $165,000 of Taxpayers' Money
Date: October 17, 2009
Dear Fans and Readers:
In many instances, winning a lawsuit is not the most difficult problem, but collecting it! In this case, there was no problem at all. Immediately, after the verdict, DeKalb County cut the man a $165,000 check on the spot. How prompt and easy can that be? Reason being that DeKalb Co. is fully aware of that it doesn't own a dang, dong copper cent! It's the taxpayers' money it is paying out! Meanwhile, let's talk a little about the incident lead up to this costly, taxpayer payout. Reportedly, this homeless man approached this DeKalb County police officer and asked him to arrest him. Instead of ignoring the man or trying to help him, the police officer put the man in his squad car and drove him to the next county and dropped him off. Later, apparently, the man made a deal with an attorney (it had to a deal; because this bum didn't have any money to hire him) to file a lawsuit on his behalf that his civil rights had been violated. This avarice attorney jumped on the case!
As in the case above, the policeman always creates the reason for going to court--whether it's appropriate or not! Being arrested and ticketed by the police, I've learned that, that policeman out there has absolute control over our lives; he can choose to give you a ticket, if he decides to--for anything; for instance, if he doesn't like your looks, the way you talk, if you refuse to "sir" him--any ole thing! And, oh, how about him being armed with that ole "probable cause" law? Most American citizens are unaware of just how this law works. It gives the policeman authority to act upon, not evidence, but what he thinks! If this clown even thinks you're doing something wrong, such as having drugs in your car or home, he can stop you and search your car or kick your door in and destroy your home without any judge signing a warrant; and you don't have any recourse in the court system. He can make your life a living hell on earth!
However, with your help, we can conquer this big, bad boy by petitioning Congress to enact legislation that would give the American citizens the right to not only be able to sue police departments, but, also, the police officer if found not guilty of the crime this police officer accused you of committing. Not only would this unclog our court systems of those frivolous tickets policemen are currently giving out, but would make the police officer really think before he writes you a ticket or arrests you without having enough credible evidence to get a conviction against you in court. Currently, there's no skin off his back if you're found not guilty; but then, if you win, you can sue him--take that pretty car, town house or condo!
Sir Leonard
Subject: DeKalb Co. Homeless Man's Lawsuit wins $165,000 of Taxpayers' Money
Date: October 17, 2009
Dear Fans and Readers:
In many instances, winning a lawsuit is not the most difficult problem, but collecting it! In this case, there was no problem at all. Immediately, after the verdict, DeKalb County cut the man a $165,000 check on the spot. How prompt and easy can that be? Reason being that DeKalb Co. is fully aware of that it doesn't own a dang, dong copper cent! It's the taxpayers' money it is paying out! Meanwhile, let's talk a little about the incident lead up to this costly, taxpayer payout. Reportedly, this homeless man approached this DeKalb County police officer and asked him to arrest him. Instead of ignoring the man or trying to help him, the police officer put the man in his squad car and drove him to the next county and dropped him off. Later, apparently, the man made a deal with an attorney (it had to a deal; because this bum didn't have any money to hire him) to file a lawsuit on his behalf that his civil rights had been violated. This avarice attorney jumped on the case!
As in the case above, the policeman always creates the reason for going to court--whether it's appropriate or not! Being arrested and ticketed by the police, I've learned that, that policeman out there has absolute control over our lives; he can choose to give you a ticket, if he decides to--for anything; for instance, if he doesn't like your looks, the way you talk, if you refuse to "sir" him--any ole thing! And, oh, how about him being armed with that ole "probable cause" law? Most American citizens are unaware of just how this law works. It gives the policeman authority to act upon, not evidence, but what he thinks! If this clown even thinks you're doing something wrong, such as having drugs in your car or home, he can stop you and search your car or kick your door in and destroy your home without any judge signing a warrant; and you don't have any recourse in the court system. He can make your life a living hell on earth!
However, with your help, we can conquer this big, bad boy by petitioning Congress to enact legislation that would give the American citizens the right to not only be able to sue police departments, but, also, the police officer if found not guilty of the crime this police officer accused you of committing. Not only would this unclog our court systems of those frivolous tickets policemen are currently giving out, but would make the police officer really think before he writes you a ticket or arrests you without having enough credible evidence to get a conviction against you in court. Currently, there's no skin off his back if you're found not guilty; but then, if you win, you can sue him--take that pretty car, town house or condo!
Sir Leonard
Atlanta not being a Sports Championship Town
To: All My Cyberspace Loyal Fans and Readers:
Subject: Atlanta not being a Sports Championship Town
Date: October 19, 2009
Dear Fans and Readers:
Having lived in many large sports cities, I find that Atlanta, Georgia, is the only one that's not a sports championship town! Arriving in Atlanta some twenty-plus years ago, I found that the Atlanta Braves Baseball team was the talk of the town! Every year this Atlanta baseball team would begin the season in an awesome, ferocious manner, beating all teams who dared to compete against them--living up to a seemingly fitting name for Atlanta, "Home of the Braves!" Approaching the last two months of the season, this brave game-winning team's record would begin falling below mediocre in their league's percentage standings. After three years of this same ole thing; it became enough for me! Yet the town's people continue to support and yak about these not-so-cool Atlanta Braves.
However, ten years later, this early-sprinting baseball team managed to forge a way to win a World Series Championship for Atlanta. Sheer pandemonium fell upon the entire City of Atlanta--fans stampeding streets, destroying automobiles, business establishments and everything that wasn't nailed down!
Nevertheless, this would not change mind about the Atlanta Braves. My pet phrase for this continuously losing team was, "The sorry Atlanta Braves!" After the Atlanta Braves' World Series win, their fans and supporters would ask me why I continue to call the team "sorry." My response was always the same, "Because they stayed too sorry for too long!" How about the Atlanta Falcons football and the Atlanta Hawks basketball teams? Atlanta has had the cream of the crop players in football; such great Falcons quarterbacks, beginning with Randy Johnson, Bobby Hebert, Steve Bartkowski, Chris Miller, Jeff George and the infamous Michael Vick, etc-- but all failed to win a super bowl. Atlanta Hawks basketball greats, such as , straight-shooter "Pistol Pete," Dominique Wilkins (beat Michael Jordon in a one on one slam-dunk contest) and Dikembe Mutombo (the tallest human body in professional basketball)--didn't amount to a hill of beans when it came right down to winning a basketball championship for the City of Atlanta! Let's face it folks, Atlanta is not a championship town!
Sir Leonard
Recording Artist, Writer and Blogger
Fit T Hit Records
Subject: Atlanta not being a Sports Championship Town
Date: October 19, 2009
Dear Fans and Readers:
Having lived in many large sports cities, I find that Atlanta, Georgia, is the only one that's not a sports championship town! Arriving in Atlanta some twenty-plus years ago, I found that the Atlanta Braves Baseball team was the talk of the town! Every year this Atlanta baseball team would begin the season in an awesome, ferocious manner, beating all teams who dared to compete against them--living up to a seemingly fitting name for Atlanta, "Home of the Braves!" Approaching the last two months of the season, this brave game-winning team's record would begin falling below mediocre in their league's percentage standings. After three years of this same ole thing; it became enough for me! Yet the town's people continue to support and yak about these not-so-cool Atlanta Braves.
However, ten years later, this early-sprinting baseball team managed to forge a way to win a World Series Championship for Atlanta. Sheer pandemonium fell upon the entire City of Atlanta--fans stampeding streets, destroying automobiles, business establishments and everything that wasn't nailed down!
Nevertheless, this would not change mind about the Atlanta Braves. My pet phrase for this continuously losing team was, "The sorry Atlanta Braves!" After the Atlanta Braves' World Series win, their fans and supporters would ask me why I continue to call the team "sorry." My response was always the same, "Because they stayed too sorry for too long!" How about the Atlanta Falcons football and the Atlanta Hawks basketball teams? Atlanta has had the cream of the crop players in football; such great Falcons quarterbacks, beginning with Randy Johnson, Bobby Hebert, Steve Bartkowski, Chris Miller, Jeff George and the infamous Michael Vick, etc-- but all failed to win a super bowl. Atlanta Hawks basketball greats, such as , straight-shooter "Pistol Pete," Dominique Wilkins (beat Michael Jordon in a one on one slam-dunk contest) and Dikembe Mutombo (the tallest human body in professional basketball)--didn't amount to a hill of beans when it came right down to winning a basketball championship for the City of Atlanta! Let's face it folks, Atlanta is not a championship town!
Sir Leonard
Recording Artist, Writer and Blogger
Fit T Hit Records
New England Patriots' 59-0 unfair win over Tennessee Titians
To: All My Cyberspace Loyal Fans and Readers
Subject: New England Patriots' 59-0 unfair win over Tennessee Titians
Date: October 19, 2009
Dear Fans and Readers:
After interrupting my daily routine exercise for a few minutes to take a peek in on the NFL New England Patriots-Tennessee Titians football game, I became very upset about what I saw! Mater-of-fact, I became so intensely frustrated, I had to abandon my exercising entirely. Compared to Atlanta, these players were playing on an outdoors football field in an environment of inclement weather which had produced heavy snow, 10 to 15 mph winds and 40 degree temperatures. It was downright frustrating and uneventful to watch the Titians struggling to maintain their balance and hold on the football without any success whatever; they only appeared like little school kids out playing in the snow! The main brunt of my problem I had was with those bird brain sports commentators. It was astounding that neither one of the two ever mentioned the unfamiliar playing environment condition, under which the Tennessee Titians were playing, was the cause of their unusual poorly playing performance. All these two nit-wits could comment was, "This is the results of the Tennessee Titians injuries and young inexperienced players"
What happened today is what I was afraid would happen to teams playing in the NFL under inequitable playing environments; such as, indoors vs. outdoors. I suggest that the NFL Commissioner, owners and the NFL Football Players Union, immediately, come together and adopt a mandatory universal rule that all football games be played indoors. Rule that current teams without football domes must make arrangement to have their games played indoors while their own domes are being built. This would acclimatize players for playing in only one environment instead of many. Today, after throwing 5 interceptions, the rookie New York Jets' quarterback Mark Sanchez said, "I'm not use to playing in this kind of weather. I never played in weather below 55 degrees!" See what I mean?
Meanwhile, if all playing accommodations were either inside or outside there would be an equal playing field; and very likely the final results, in both above situations, would have had a different outcome. Players of baseball, basketball, tennis, hockey, racing, etc., they all play in equal weather environment settings. Currently, NFL players are playing in weather prone environment that is antiquated and well in need of updating.
Sir Leonard
Recording Artist, Writer and Blogger
Fit T Hit Records
Subject: New England Patriots' 59-0 unfair win over Tennessee Titians
Date: October 19, 2009
Dear Fans and Readers:
After interrupting my daily routine exercise for a few minutes to take a peek in on the NFL New England Patriots-Tennessee Titians football game, I became very upset about what I saw! Mater-of-fact, I became so intensely frustrated, I had to abandon my exercising entirely. Compared to Atlanta, these players were playing on an outdoors football field in an environment of inclement weather which had produced heavy snow, 10 to 15 mph winds and 40 degree temperatures. It was downright frustrating and uneventful to watch the Titians struggling to maintain their balance and hold on the football without any success whatever; they only appeared like little school kids out playing in the snow! The main brunt of my problem I had was with those bird brain sports commentators. It was astounding that neither one of the two ever mentioned the unfamiliar playing environment condition, under which the Tennessee Titians were playing, was the cause of their unusual poorly playing performance. All these two nit-wits could comment was, "This is the results of the Tennessee Titians injuries and young inexperienced players"
What happened today is what I was afraid would happen to teams playing in the NFL under inequitable playing environments; such as, indoors vs. outdoors. I suggest that the NFL Commissioner, owners and the NFL Football Players Union, immediately, come together and adopt a mandatory universal rule that all football games be played indoors. Rule that current teams without football domes must make arrangement to have their games played indoors while their own domes are being built. This would acclimatize players for playing in only one environment instead of many. Today, after throwing 5 interceptions, the rookie New York Jets' quarterback Mark Sanchez said, "I'm not use to playing in this kind of weather. I never played in weather below 55 degrees!" See what I mean?
Meanwhile, if all playing accommodations were either inside or outside there would be an equal playing field; and very likely the final results, in both above situations, would have had a different outcome. Players of baseball, basketball, tennis, hockey, racing, etc., they all play in equal weather environment settings. Currently, NFL players are playing in weather prone environment that is antiquated and well in need of updating.
Sir Leonard
Recording Artist, Writer and Blogger
Fit T Hit Records
Monday, October 12, 2009
Torrential Rain-falls, Storms and Earthquakes
To: All My Loyal Cyberspace Fans and Readers
Subject: Torrential Rain-falls, Storms and Earthquakes
Date: October 6, 2009
Dear Fans and Readers:
Being of such destructive forces of Nature, I feel it's my humanitarian obligation to attempt to reduce unusual rainfalls, storms and earthquakes to their lowest term; so much so, as to be able to be understood by all. Unusual rainfalls are results of abnormal fluctuation of the temperatures in the earth's atmosphere; storm development, named after animals (Such as, "Tiger," "Panda," etc.), in the Pacific Ocean are called typhoons and cyclones and identifiable by wind velocity; similarly, storm development, named after people (Such as, "Susuie," "Ringo," etc.), in the Atlantic Ocean are called hurricanes and tornadoes and, also, identifiable by wind velocity. The tornado is the most violent of all storms!
However, I shall deal with the earthquake as a special phenomenon. An earthquake is caused by a violent movement of the earth within itself. Neither wind nor rain is involved in an occurrence of an earthquake, only sound. Usually, earthquakes occur along the California Andrea Faulk; but may occur anywhere on the planet without warning. When this phenomenon occurs along the earth's seismic faulks, it is called an earthquake; but when it occurs on the ocean's bottom it is called a tsunami earthquake. The ocean tides are the only water associated with tsunami earthquakes; while no rain at all is involved, as some people may think. The strength and force of earthquakes are measured on a seismograph Richter Magnitude scale from one to ten--ten being the strongest.
Moreover, there you have it! I'm hoping, to your satisfactory, that this will clear out some of the fog and much confusion of the phenomenon of the meteorological weather world surrounding us on planet earth. There is more info on my blog page, "Thundercat Speaks...," at Google.
Sir Leonard
Your Favorite Blogger
Fit T Hit Records
Subject: Torrential Rain-falls, Storms and Earthquakes
Date: October 6, 2009
Dear Fans and Readers:
Being of such destructive forces of Nature, I feel it's my humanitarian obligation to attempt to reduce unusual rainfalls, storms and earthquakes to their lowest term; so much so, as to be able to be understood by all. Unusual rainfalls are results of abnormal fluctuation of the temperatures in the earth's atmosphere; storm development, named after animals (Such as, "Tiger," "Panda," etc.), in the Pacific Ocean are called typhoons and cyclones and identifiable by wind velocity; similarly, storm development, named after people (Such as, "Susuie," "Ringo," etc.), in the Atlantic Ocean are called hurricanes and tornadoes and, also, identifiable by wind velocity. The tornado is the most violent of all storms!
However, I shall deal with the earthquake as a special phenomenon. An earthquake is caused by a violent movement of the earth within itself. Neither wind nor rain is involved in an occurrence of an earthquake, only sound. Usually, earthquakes occur along the California Andrea Faulk; but may occur anywhere on the planet without warning. When this phenomenon occurs along the earth's seismic faulks, it is called an earthquake; but when it occurs on the ocean's bottom it is called a tsunami earthquake. The ocean tides are the only water associated with tsunami earthquakes; while no rain at all is involved, as some people may think. The strength and force of earthquakes are measured on a seismograph Richter Magnitude scale from one to ten--ten being the strongest.
Moreover, there you have it! I'm hoping, to your satisfactory, that this will clear out some of the fog and much confusion of the phenomenon of the meteorological weather world surrounding us on planet earth. There is more info on my blog page, "Thundercat Speaks...," at Google.
Sir Leonard
Your Favorite Blogger
Fit T Hit Records
The United Football League--the Black Football League
To: All My Loyal Cyberspace Fans and Readers
Subject: The United Football League--the Black Football League
Date: October 1, 2009
Dear Fans and Readers:
It's a sad sense of regret when our sports leaders regress back to the dark period of segregation where the black baseball leagues, the black basketball leagues, etc., were the norm. The United Football League is a total eclipse--everybody is black--the commissioner, coaches, players including referees! Oh, well, that shouldn't surprise me, at all, because blacks are the causes of our black schools have become re-segregated this very day, all over America. I will never forget, while living in Los Angeles, that it was reported on the news how the blacks in Atlanta, GA, were protesting and screaming their heads off about not wanting their children being "bussed" from their black neighborhoods schools to white neighborhoods schools. I thought my own eyes were deceiving me as I watched such idiotic thing taking place in Atlanta; because I approved the way the federal government was using forced bussing as a tool for desegregating schools in America. As a result of these black people's protest, the federal government forced bussing was ended; also, was ended the history-making progress made toward desegregation by bold and courageous individuals for which they gave their lives.
Moreover, I witnessed a crystal clear example taking place as I went through my Air Force basic training at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas. Housed at this Base were young men and women from all over the United State--North and South, East and West and many foreign countries. At the beginning of the training period, training personnel laid down the rules and procedures by which everyone was to be governed; such as, everyone would be treated the same whether from North, South, East, West or wherever; and no form of segregation nor discrimination would be tolerated! And low and behold, at social gatherings, one could tell those that were from the South by obviously segregating themselves in little groups hovering in corners of social gatherings. I could never understand that; since there, they had nothing to fear. I thank God that I never had to undergo such humiliating, deep-rooted fear in my bringing up in Portland, Or.
After attending and graduating from such distinguished University as Cornell, one would think that UFL Commissioner Michael Hugyhue would know better not to regress backward while organizing this football league. Any proud, aggressive, forward-minded, black NFL player, rightfully, would never agree to enter in any interleague competition, with such backward-moving football league. He has my vote!
Sir Leonard
Subject: The United Football League--the Black Football League
Date: October 1, 2009
Dear Fans and Readers:
It's a sad sense of regret when our sports leaders regress back to the dark period of segregation where the black baseball leagues, the black basketball leagues, etc., were the norm. The United Football League is a total eclipse--everybody is black--the commissioner, coaches, players including referees! Oh, well, that shouldn't surprise me, at all, because blacks are the causes of our black schools have become re-segregated this very day, all over America. I will never forget, while living in Los Angeles, that it was reported on the news how the blacks in Atlanta, GA, were protesting and screaming their heads off about not wanting their children being "bussed" from their black neighborhoods schools to white neighborhoods schools. I thought my own eyes were deceiving me as I watched such idiotic thing taking place in Atlanta; because I approved the way the federal government was using forced bussing as a tool for desegregating schools in America. As a result of these black people's protest, the federal government forced bussing was ended; also, was ended the history-making progress made toward desegregation by bold and courageous individuals for which they gave their lives.
Moreover, I witnessed a crystal clear example taking place as I went through my Air Force basic training at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas. Housed at this Base were young men and women from all over the United State--North and South, East and West and many foreign countries. At the beginning of the training period, training personnel laid down the rules and procedures by which everyone was to be governed; such as, everyone would be treated the same whether from North, South, East, West or wherever; and no form of segregation nor discrimination would be tolerated! And low and behold, at social gatherings, one could tell those that were from the South by obviously segregating themselves in little groups hovering in corners of social gatherings. I could never understand that; since there, they had nothing to fear. I thank God that I never had to undergo such humiliating, deep-rooted fear in my bringing up in Portland, Or.
After attending and graduating from such distinguished University as Cornell, one would think that UFL Commissioner Michael Hugyhue would know better not to regress backward while organizing this football league. Any proud, aggressive, forward-minded, black NFL player, rightfully, would never agree to enter in any interleague competition, with such backward-moving football league. He has my vote!
Sir Leonard
Why Same-sex Relationships are Shun?
To: All My Loyal Cyberspace Fans and Readers:
Subject: Why Same-sex Relationships are Shun?
Date: October 13, 2009
Dear Fans and Readers:
Same-sex relationships are shun because reasonable and logical individuals can't even began to phantom how two individuals, of the same sex , can consider such asinine thing, when animals of the same sex know better. I've neither seen nor heard of any same-sex animals attempting to copulate. The strange thing about this, which I've noticed, that those individuals, who participate in such nonsense, show neither shame nor embarrassment. Surly, their heads have to contain rocks, instead of brains! This doesn't mean that God "miscreated" them, in any part of the sense. In the book of Genesis 1:1, the Bible says, "In the beginning God created the heaven, the earth...," but stopped short of saying, "and good and evil." How about us restating this for clarification: "In the beginning God created the heaven, the earth and good and evil." After God made the Israelites (the Jewish people) His chosen people, they were the only people who had access to salvation. The Greek, known as the gentiles, had no access to salvation at that time; but later were grafted in, after the conversion of Paul, the Apostle.
However, the following information is my paraphrase of what Apostle Paul reveals, in the book of Romans 1:26-32, regarding how homosexuality got started:
The Israelites, being God's chosen people, became what they thought all wise and turned away from God and started doing their own thing. Matter-of-fact, so much so, that they all became fools; and God gave them up to their unclean lust and vile affections that they had for one another; as they dishonored their own bodies between themselves. Their women turned away from their men; and turned toward the unnatural affection for one another. The men turned away from the woman and burned in their lust for one another; men with men doing the unseemly, unthinkable things with each other.
Officially, withstanding the above Biblical information let it be known to psychologists, sociologists, psychiatrists and all the other "ologists," that homosexuality was not part of God's designed creation! Note, the words and phrases, "turning away from the natural," "toward the unnatural," all indicative of perversion against Mother Nature! Homosexuality is, definitely, a profound, self-chosen lifestyle.
Sir Leonard
Subject: Why Same-sex Relationships are Shun?
Date: October 13, 2009
Dear Fans and Readers:
Same-sex relationships are shun because reasonable and logical individuals can't even began to phantom how two individuals, of the same sex , can consider such asinine thing, when animals of the same sex know better. I've neither seen nor heard of any same-sex animals attempting to copulate. The strange thing about this, which I've noticed, that those individuals, who participate in such nonsense, show neither shame nor embarrassment. Surly, their heads have to contain rocks, instead of brains! This doesn't mean that God "miscreated" them, in any part of the sense. In the book of Genesis 1:1, the Bible says, "In the beginning God created the heaven, the earth...," but stopped short of saying, "and good and evil." How about us restating this for clarification: "In the beginning God created the heaven, the earth and good and evil." After God made the Israelites (the Jewish people) His chosen people, they were the only people who had access to salvation. The Greek, known as the gentiles, had no access to salvation at that time; but later were grafted in, after the conversion of Paul, the Apostle.
However, the following information is my paraphrase of what Apostle Paul reveals, in the book of Romans 1:26-32, regarding how homosexuality got started:
The Israelites, being God's chosen people, became what they thought all wise and turned away from God and started doing their own thing. Matter-of-fact, so much so, that they all became fools; and God gave them up to their unclean lust and vile affections that they had for one another; as they dishonored their own bodies between themselves. Their women turned away from their men; and turned toward the unnatural affection for one another. The men turned away from the woman and burned in their lust for one another; men with men doing the unseemly, unthinkable things with each other.
Officially, withstanding the above Biblical information let it be known to psychologists, sociologists, psychiatrists and all the other "ologists," that homosexuality was not part of God's designed creation! Note, the words and phrases, "turning away from the natural," "toward the unnatural," all indicative of perversion against Mother Nature! Homosexuality is, definitely, a profound, self-chosen lifestyle.
Sir Leonard
President Obama: "Others were more deserving of the Nobel Peace Prize than I"
To: All My Loyal Cyberspace Fans and Readers
Subject: President Obama: "Others were more deserving of the Nobel Peace Prize than I"
Date: October 10, 2009
Dear Fans and Readers:
It's being reported that President Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize for promoting diplomacy. Promoting diplomacy, what diplomacy? The President sitting down talking with world heads of State is not promoting diplomacy; it's only part of the job that the President of the United States is expected to do. There's nothing anomalous about that; leaders do that all the time!
Meanwhile, on November 27, 1895, Mr. Alfred Nobel authorized in his last will and testament that most of his wealth be given away as a series of prizes--which he named, "Nobel Prizes." Mr. Nobel, himself, described the two types of individuals who would be eligible recipients of such prize:
1. One who, effectively, persuades nations to abolish or reduce their armies.
2. One who, humanitarianly, intervenes and facilitates peaceful, diplomatic dialogue among hostile nations.
The above requirements seem to fit the description of President Bill Clinton rather than President Barack Hussein Obama. Wouldn't you say? It's inconceivable how such prestigious committee could have overlooked and ignored such world-wide camaraderie that President Bill Clinton had established with nations, and awarded the Nobel Peace Prize to a rookie President who has only been in office for a mere few months! This is as illogical and unreasonable as two men or two women turning toward each other (same-sex) seeking sexual fulfillment! Way to go distinguished members of the Nobel Peace Prize Committee!
Sir Leonard
Writer and Blogger
Fit T Hit Records
Subject: President Obama: "Others were more deserving of the Nobel Peace Prize than I"
Date: October 10, 2009
Dear Fans and Readers:
It's being reported that President Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize for promoting diplomacy. Promoting diplomacy, what diplomacy? The President sitting down talking with world heads of State is not promoting diplomacy; it's only part of the job that the President of the United States is expected to do. There's nothing anomalous about that; leaders do that all the time!
Meanwhile, on November 27, 1895, Mr. Alfred Nobel authorized in his last will and testament that most of his wealth be given away as a series of prizes--which he named, "Nobel Prizes." Mr. Nobel, himself, described the two types of individuals who would be eligible recipients of such prize:
1. One who, effectively, persuades nations to abolish or reduce their armies.
2. One who, humanitarianly, intervenes and facilitates peaceful, diplomatic dialogue among hostile nations.
The above requirements seem to fit the description of President Bill Clinton rather than President Barack Hussein Obama. Wouldn't you say? It's inconceivable how such prestigious committee could have overlooked and ignored such world-wide camaraderie that President Bill Clinton had established with nations, and awarded the Nobel Peace Prize to a rookie President who has only been in office for a mere few months! This is as illogical and unreasonable as two men or two women turning toward each other (same-sex) seeking sexual fulfillment! Way to go distinguished members of the Nobel Peace Prize Committee!
Sir Leonard
Writer and Blogger
Fit T Hit Records
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