Be a Winner

Having tried and failed, I'll always consider you a winner; but having not tried and failed, I'll always consider you a nobody!

Friday, July 23, 2010

You'd Better Get Ready, Get Ready, Get Ready!

To: All American Christians

Subject: You'd Better Get Ready, Get Ready, Get Ready!

Date: July 19, 2010

Dear American Christian Sisters and Brothers:

Upfront, I profess I'm not a preacher--just a Christian, blogger and writer! As a reader and believer of the Holy Bible, I'm persuaded to warn and caution American Christians that unless they alter their lackadaisical attitude towards the teachings of Jesus Christ they're going to miss the boat as those procrastinators did in Noah's day; as Jesus Christ will make his second return soon to rapture His church. To all you so-called Christians and pastors, out there, who are all bent out of shape upon "political correctness" and are continuously urging your parishioners to vote those unbelieving, ungodly Democrats back in office again--time after time, after time! As pastors and leaders of your communities, God will hold you responsible for not telling Christians--especially, uneducated elder Christians--the truth about the contemporary Democratic Party which has become un-Godly and is striving to kick God out of America. In other words, currently, the Democrats believe in the principles of the Devils; while the Republicans believe in the principles of God.

However, you'd better get ready, get ready, get ready 'cause King Jesus is rapidly approaching the home stretch--He's even at the door! How do I know? Because, He said anomalous signs of events would signify the time of His second coming; which reminds me of a food infomercial I saw on television, the other day, where the popular, renowned chef, Tony Marciante (chef Tony), demonstrated his newest invention, The Taste Ti Wave. Its stunning and amazing how this funny little gadget has transformed microwave cooking to a maximal new level of preparing every meal imaginable on planet earth. This gadget consists only of three or four disks, put together in different combinations for performing certain method of preparing meals; such as, grilling, roasting, baking, and steaming--with a maximal cooking time for any meal 13 minutes or less--more simple meals, eight or less minutes; and what so unthinkable and mind-boggling about this whole method of preparing meals is how all the meals turn out so tasty, juicy and tender.

Matter-of-fact, Jesus talks about such things when He said, "When you see the explosion of knowledge of invention craze taking place upon the earth, the time of my second return is near at hand." The following are other signs of the end time we're frequently observing happening all around us every day:


Men are turning away from the natural use of the woman, and turning towards the unnatural use of other men. Likewise, the woman is turning towards the lust of other women. Governors, of five States, have signed same-sex marriage into their states laws. Cities, all across the country, have adopted government programs, without the will of the people, that legally allow two men (same-sex) and two women (same-sex) to "shack up" in the name of a such thing as a domestic partnership union; and it is placing a gun to the taxpayers' heads and forcing them to pay for the benefits of these same-sex couples. This is unconstitutional, outrageous and we must put an end to it! We can do it in November by voting those unbelieving, ungodly Democrats out of office!

Anomalous Events Happening Around Us

The BP oil spill in the Atlantic Ocean, like the collapse of the global economies, it was not an accidental oil spill; it was a divine planned event that fits in with the prophecy of the signs of the end times. Unheard of before this year, anomalous budget problems are taking place--thousands of school teachers cut from the payroll, school classes swell in sizes, sports and entertainment programs are being dumped. CNN reports that top artists and entertainers are canceling millions of dollars of concert tours, not only in America, but all across the world; because not enough tickets are being sold! The signs of the times!

Indecency and Lawlessness Grip America

Not only young men and women have lost due respect for their parents and elders but for the entire country. The young men and women are openly and unashamedly communicating to each other in a triple-X rated fashion on a daily basis. May be their choice of ugly, filthy language is a spin off from hip hop and rap music. I notice stores and other places of business prohibit a shirtless person from entering; yet they allow young men to enter, wearing their pants below their behinds! Young women are emulating the boys by wearing the neck of their blouses below their breasts and the bottom of the blouses as far away from the top of their pants as to show their undergarment and the crack of their behinds.

Young men and women are smoking marijuana as though it's all legal in America! All college students are smoking the stuff--everywhere--at the park, at home, walking the street and, I do believe, in schools; and, may be, so are the principals and teachers, too! Why not just legalize the stuff!

These are the things, that Jesus said when you see happening, you should start looking upward--His second coming is near--even at the door! Even if you don't believe what Jesus said, it still is not enough to keep it from happening!



B y

Sir Leonard

See My Blog, at: http://thunderc

Copyright 2010, all rights reserved.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

LeBron James Blew It--Big Time!

To: All My Cyberspace Loyal Fans and Readers

Subject: LeBron James Blew It--Big Time!

Date: July 9, 2010

Dear Fans and Readers:

LeBron James' dumb decision to sign with the Miami Heat's instead of the Chicago Bulls blew the rare chance of him ever becoming a superstar in his National Basketball Association playing career. The Chicago Bulls was that opportunity!

In the meantime, let's talk about what made players superstars--like Isaiah Thomas, Magic Johnson, Larry Byrd, Michael Jordan, etc. First of all, superstars are not made. They're born. Like intelligence, superstar ability is innate and intrinsic--it cannot be taught, acquired nor learned. It is that "something" that shows up, when needed, at the right time and at the right place.

Meanwhile, back to LeBron James and what caused him to make such a blundering misjudgment to go to Miami! My guess, the reason for such poor judgment, was because of the last three years, as the leader of the Cleveland Cavaliers (especially, after winning back-to-back MVP awards and having the best record in the NBA the last two years), he became frustrated, disappointed and lost his confidence in his ability to lead when the Cavs were knocked out in the second round of the playoff three years in a row. His fear of signing with Chicago was that the same thing might happen to him there; so he packed his things and "high-tailed" to Miami where Dwayne Wade could cover his back when needed! I suppose, LeBron Raymone James never had in him the making of a superstar in the first place.

Now that it's all over with--when you really think about it--it was all about nothing!





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Copyright 2010, all rights reserved.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

The King--LeBron James

To: All My Loyal Cyberspace Fans and Readers

Subject: The King--LeBron James

Date: July 7, 2010

Dear Fans and Readers:

Now that NBA player Chris Bosh has joined superstar Dwayne Wade in signing with the Miami Heat's, LeBron James' burden should feel much lighter--since one of those two elephants that was lying on top of him now has gotten up off him--his decision to sign with the Chicago Bulls should become a no-brainer. Sportscasters are now speculating that LeBron James will either remain in Cleveland or go to the New York Knickerbockers or may be Miami--and not the Chicago Bulls!

However, staying in Cleveland or going to the NY Knicks, LeBron James would be setting himself up for joining such unenviable, non-achieving class of great NBA players who fought the hard fight, for many years, but failed to earn one NBA championship ring; for example, Karl Malone, Reggie Miller, Allen Iverson, Patrick Ewing, John Stockton--to name a few. How about King James joining up with Dwayne Wade and Chris Bosh in Miami? This would be a gross crassitude of judgment on behalf of LeBron James! Next season, Chris Bosh is going to be a great NBA player playing with a superstar player, Dwayne Wade; and if LeBron James joined up with the two, he would be just a great NBA player playing with a superstar player, Dwayne Wade.

In the meantime, on Thursday night, I'm looking for the King to decide to shake the dust out from under his feet and head for the "Windy City!"





See my blog, at:

Copyright 2010, all rights reserved

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Process of Elimination suggests LeBron James Signs with Chicago Bulls

To: All My Cyberspace Loyal Fans and Readers

Subject: Process of Elimination suggests LeBron James Signs with Chicago Bulls

Date: June 30, 2010

Dear Fans and Readers:

July first is the reckoning date for NBA superstar LeBron James. On this date, he gains his free-agent status as a Cleveland Cavalier; and, I assume, that he will not "re-up" (renew) his contract with Cleveland. Also, on this date, all speculations, as to where he will go, will come to an end. Definitely, he will not sign with teams without playoff talent; such as, the NY Nicks, New Jersey Net, LA Clippers, nor the Dallas Mavericks.

As of today, rumors and the mass sports media all but have him signing with the Miami Heat. As they have generalized, LeBron James and Chris Bosh going to the Miami Heat and hooking up with Dwayne Wade and becoming the Miami Heat's big Formidable Three. This wouldn't work because Dwayne Wade is already the Miami Heat's superstar; and the pride of LeBron James would never let him play second fiddle to Dwayne wade--such scenario is dead on arrival!

Therefore, the most likely sensible scenario is that LeBron James and Chris Bosh will hook up with the young, talented Chicago Bulls' team, which will give them such a golden opportunity to repeat the Michael Jordan-Scottie Pippin's history-making, back-to-back, NBA championship-winning years as Chicago Bulls players. There's just one pivotal question I have with LeBron James playing with the Chicago Bulls, will the team allow him to continue to wear #23?




Sir Leonard

Copyright 2010, all rights reserved.

US Supreme Court Shoots Down Gun Control Laws

To: All My Cyberspace Loyal Fans and Readers

Subject: US Supreme Court Shoots Down Gun Control Laws

Date: June 29, 2010

Dear Fans and Readers:

Yesterday, the US Supreme Court's blockbuster ruling, that a ban on handguns, is unconstitutional and a violation of the Second Amendment of American citizens' right to bear arms. The long-awaited ruling was vociferously extended to all cities and States of the United States. This makes me happy, because of what happened to me a few years ago! I was arrested for carrying a gun without a license, booked and went to trial. During the trial, my statement to the court was as follows:

"Your, Honor, I carry my gun, simply, for my protection. I am a citizen of the United States, have no felony convictions on my record and have applied for a Georgia license to carry a weapon but was denied by the State (by reasons unknown). As you know, a few years ago the US Supreme Court ruled that, 'It is not the police's responsibility to protect the citizens of the United States but to enforce the law.' Now what was I suppose to do, Your Honor, walk these violent street without being able to protect myself?" This judge convicted and fined me $750.00--a travesty of justice!

Just rulings like this, makes one proud to be called an American. Right on US Supreme Court!



By Sir Leonard

Copyright 2010, all rights reserved.