Be a Winner

Having tried and failed, I'll always consider you a winner; but having not tried and failed, I'll always consider you a nobody!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Debt Ceiling Crisis

As far as the debt ceiling crisis concerned, neither party gives a damn about "the American people."  They only care about themselves.  Apparently, Speaker John Boehner and his Re      publicans were following were following Rush Limbaugh's instructions when they intentionally put forth two worthless bills they knew wouldn't pass the Senate; so they could blame President Obama for getting us into this mess and not having the ability to get the country out of it. Mr. Boehner, you guys just couldn't wait until you get your two worthless bills pass the House so you can begin your blaming game.

What happened to your crying binge, Speaker Boehner?  I thought you said that you cry a lot when you're extremely passionate about doing the right thing.  Apparently, you're not set on doing the right thing in resolving this crisis, because you haven't shed one public tear since the inception of the debt ceiling crisis began.  Your earlier TV discussions with the President and Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid, were just a documented sham set up as a means for criticizing the President after putting forth two worthless bills that don't have a chance passing in the Senate. That's exactly what has happened.  Now you're looking back and telling the American people that, "We've sat down with the President several times and tried to have a civil discussion on this important issue, but he fails to compromise.  Also, we've passed two bills in the House that the President vows to veto if they reached his desk.  Yet, this President fails to lead by not putting a plan on the floor to be voted on.  The only action the President has taken toward resolving the debt crisis is criticizing the Republicans plans.  Come on, Mr. President, lead by showing us your plan."

I recall, at the beginning of this mess, President Obama submitted his plan and the Speaker of the House, John Boehner, and his Republicans rejected it by reason of the inclusion a tax-raise phrase.  Things got out of control when the Republicans fired back with, "There can never be any deal unless the plan contains spending cuts and no tax raise."  To all you freshmen Republicans, listen up:  We voted for you to use commonsense and discretion in holding spending and not to use stupidity and lack of good judgment to destroy this country.  Now is the time to get in there, stand up and use your own good judgment and vote America out of this crisis!

In 2012, the Democratic Party and the Republican Party should be voted out and two new parties, the Green Party and the Liberatarian Party, should be voted in.  All the Democratic Party and the Republican Party do are fight like little children in Washington, pissing everybody off!