Be a Winner

Having tried and failed, I'll always consider you a winner; but having not tried and failed, I'll always consider you a nobody!

Sunday, June 14, 2015

America has Become World's Second Sodom & Gomorrah

As it was in ancient Sodom and Gomorrah, the homosexuals control and rule America.  In Sodom and Gomorrah, God used fire and brimstones to rid His world of those obnoxious homosexuals.  However--since this same America is responsible for the proliferation of homosexuality around the world, angering God so as to cause Him to withdraw from it His blessings and prosperity--plunging the country into chaos, confusion and hard times.    As God's judgment upon America and the rest of the world--instead of using fire and brimstones to rid His world of these homosexuals for good--He has decided to use Islamic Shariah law.  Believe it or not, folks, the Muslims have already taken over America; and, as we speak, many of our States are installing Islamic Shariah law in their courts--soon to replace our judicial "rule of law" system.    

In the meantime, my Christian brothers and sisters, in spite of the gamut of hopelessness, disappointment and despair over our freedom of religious rights, the last few weeks, I offer you these words of comfort:  "under Islamic Shariah law, the practicing of homosexuality is a capital (beheading) offense--scaring these homosexuals back into the closet--where they belong."  Since we can't trust these politicians with our rights, I suggest we stand back and let God handle things.

President Barack Hussein Obama--Last President of the US

Folks, I want you to listen to me very carefully--President Obama will be the last President of these United States. Pope Frances will be the last Pope of this earth age, as we know it.   The age of biblical information is over, folks.  For over 2000 years, God has supplied man with the information, he needed know, in order to enter into eternal life.  Just before Christ ascended into the heavens, to sit on the right side of the Father, He said, "I go to the Father and in 2000 years I'll come again and receive you unto myself (speaking to His church)."  Hey, folks, this is year 2015, meaning the Lord is 15 years overdue, which He could come ant moment now to rapture His church.
However, this is not the Second Return of Christ to the earth.  It is the rapture of His church from down here on planet earth, before the Antichrist takes over, which will be Muslim.   During this time, Christ never really appears on earth.  The Bible says, "We'll be caught up in the sky to meet the Lord."  This is when we'll be changed "in the twinkling of an eye" to be with the Lord forever and ever more.  Continue to follow me on a daily basis, and I'll be instructing you what you need to do to be prepared to meet the Lord up in the "air."

How to Get Ready to Meet the Lord in the "Air"
What you need to do to prepare and get yourself ready to meet the Lord in the "air." First, repent, get yourself right and stay right with Jesus Christ. Second, stop committing the "unforgivable sin" by attending these American religious social clubs, masquerading as churches. How are you committing the unforgivable sin by attending these so-called American churches? For example, last Christmas, I attended a Christmas play, in which, my son participated--held at one of these so-called churches. During the intermission of the play, the church hostess asked, "Does anyone in here know how to do the "Holly Ghost dance"? Raise your hands and come on up here. Several members went up on the stage. The moderator said to the band, "hit it"! The band started to play and these people started dancing, imitating the Holy Ghost--making fun of the Holy Spirit; and anger rose up inside of me and I began to run out of this church, into the back area--telling those outside how this church was mocking God's Spirit. Folks, it's a commonality throughout these so-called American modern churches, that these hip hop preachers are pretending they're "speaking in tongue," playing with and mocking the Holy Spirit. Jesus said, "You can curst me and the Father and you'll be forgiven; but if you mock and offend the Holy Spirit, you won't be forgiven in this world or the world to come." The unforgiveable sin, folks! There you have it.
However, then, your most logical question to me would be, "Then, what do I do"? My answer to you is do what I do--stay at home, read your Bible, pray and look upwards and wait on the coming of the Lord.

"There'll Be A Massive Believer-Falling Away From Christ"

Hey, folks, the Bible alerts staunch, devout followers of Jesus Christ, "When you see a massive of true believers falling away from Christ, then you'll know the end is not near--but the end is here."  That's why the voices of the American churches are tight-lipped and silent on same-sex marriage, because, they no longer believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God.  These are the ones that's gonna be "left in the fields" while others be taken away to be caught up in the "air" to be with Lord forever and ever more.  Folks, the Lord will be coming to rapture His church from planet earth at any moment now.
However, I'm seeing many of you, including kinfolks, continuing to ignore God's warnings, as they toy in the foolishness of this world.  Folks, there's no more time left in this world for you to make up your minds if you wanna serve God or Satan.  The conclusion of this world, as we know it, now has come to an end, folks!

Hey, folks, can't you see it all over America, how everybody seems to have turned their backs on God?  How they're carrying on as if there's no God?  Everybody seems to have come to believe in the "Big-Bang" theory, and that man has truly evolved from a monkey, the traditions and principles of Man--inspite of a man and a woman still  having babies and monkeys still having monkeys--instead of of believing in the principles and  the Word (the Bible) of God.

Authored by Sir Leonard
However, then, your most logical question to me would be, "Then, what do I do"? My answer to you is: do what I do--stay at home, read your Bible, pray and look upwards and wait on the coming of the Lord.

However, then, your most logical question to me would be, "Then, what do I do"? My answer to you is: do what I do--stay at home, read your Bible, pray and look upwards and wait on the coming of the Lord.

However, then, your most logical question to me would be, "Then, what do I do"? My answer to you is: do what I do--stay at home, read your Bible, pray and look upwards and wait on the coming of the Lord.



Saturday, June 13, 2015

Islamic Shariah Law vs. Fire and Brimstones

You'd better listen up, folks--you'd better listen up and hear what I have to say about Islamic Shariah law and fire and brimstones.  Just what is Islamic Shariah law?  Islamic Shariah law is the law all Muslims are obligated to abide by.  Some Muslims pretend that they don't abide by the Islamic Shariah law.  They're just flat out lying through their teeth--all Muslims must follow and obey the preambles of Islamic Shariah law.

 However, God used fire and brimstones to rid His world of those homosexuals in Sodom and Gomorrah.  Since America has proliferated homosexuality around the world--pissing God off to the nth degree--so, God has decided to use Islamic Shariah law to rid His world off these homosexuals for good.   Believe it or not, Muslims have already taken over America--and, as we speak, many of our States are now installing Islamic Shariah law in their courts--soon to replace our current "rule of law" judicial system.  You see, folks, under Islamic Shariah law, the practicing of homosexuality is a capital (beheading) offense--frightening and scaring these homosexuals back into the closet, where they belong.

Please, save this important message to your Favorites for future reference.

Why You Should Understand Islamic Shariah Law?

 Hey, folks, I've been posting messages about Islamic Shariah law now daily --and hopeful you're paying attention--because many of our States are not installing Islamic Shariah law in their courts, soon to replace our judicial "rule of law" system.  After all, believe it or not, the Muslims have already taken over America.  I explained in my message, "Islamic Shariah Law versus Fire and Brimstones," that I've been posting on my Face Book page mostly daily, how God decided to use Islamic Shariah law to rid His world of these homosexuals for good, this time.  You see, folks, under Islamic Shariah law, the practice of homosexuality is a capital (beheading) offense--frightening and scaring these homosexuals back into the closet--where they belong.
Authored by SirLeonard