To: All My Cyberspace Loyal Fans and Readers
Subject: "Operation Dogs and Cats"
Date: September 26, 2009
Dear Fans and Readers:
For years, the US military has been training dogs and cats to be used in military combat missions. Today, President Bush surprised all America, and the world, when he decreed that these dogs and cats were replacing our young American military men and women, fighting in combat missions in Iraq! The Democratic Congress, ACLU, CEO, National Animal Humane Society and other animal rights groups became irate, outraged over this an anomalous, unprecedented shift to such strange military strategy in fighting the Iraqi war. These dogs and cats were used as robots, strapped with bombs, hand-grenades and minds, to sneak in and destroy enemy territories. Instead of being easy targets for our enemies, our young men and women were overseers of this dog-and-cat, robotic, operation. This human-life-saving military strategy was devised and approved by Vice-President Dick Chaney, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and President Bush's brilliant Advisory Committee.
Meanwhile, two weeks after "Operation Dogs and Cats" began, the President's approval rating sky-rocketed from 15% to a whopping 99%! "Operation Dogs and Cats," revved up the President's approval rating, because the American people, whole-heartedly, agreed with the President's change of strategy in fighting the Iraqi war. These dogs and cats were, satisfactorily, getting the job done even though many were being blown to pieces in the process. All hell broke loose in America! You guessed it! All those animal loving wachos, all over America, began protesting and demonstrating against the US military using these animals in combat missions; instead of using US military soldiers. The American people's response was simple and to the point, "At least these are just dogs and cats; and not our young boys and girls! They're only dogs and cats; for heaven sakes!"
However, in spite of the President's high approval rating, a buzz of impeachment started to brew upon Capitol Hill. The talk was that President Bush had lost his mind; and was unfit to serve as Commander-In-Chief. Impeachment noise continued until the media picked it up; and headlines began to appear all over, such as, "Will President Bush be impeached on Charges of Animal Cruelty and Abuse?" Finally, the Speaker of the House, Democratic Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, filed Articles of Impeachment proceedings against President Bush, charging him with Animal Cruelty and Abuse. The articles were swiftly voted on; and President George W. Bush was later impeached and thrown out of office. End of story! See if you can guess the ultimate moral of this story!
Sir Leonard
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
The Signs of the Times
To: All My Cyberspace Loyal Fans and Readers
Subject: The Signs of the Times
Date: September 23, 2009
Dear Fans and Readers:
The phrase, "This is precedent setting," is now being used all over the place, after the heavy, rock-moving rain, continued to fall upon the State of Georgia the last several days! The rainwater rushed through neighborhoods and over busy freeways like the evening tides of the ocean, with hurricane-like swiftness, moving too fast to be clocked, taking everything it touched down streams with it--houses, cars, chunks of streets, highways, bridges and even people. The three following humanly sad incidents stand out in our minds:
1. The father desperately holding on to the hand of his son as he held on to a standing tree trying to save him from being pulled away, by rising rushing waters; but the power of the water snatched him away anyway, as the father watched helplessly. "I told my son I loved him," the father said, with tears continuously, like the flood, gushing from his eyes down his face.
2. How can one ever forget, the Sam's Club's employee, Seydi Burciaga? Mrs. Seydi Burciaga had gotten off work at 5 o'clock PM and gotten into her minivan and headed for her home on Desiree Drive; but only got as close as 7 tenth of the way there; before having to make an emergency 911 phone call to the Gwinnett County Police Department. She told the 911 dispatcher that, "I need help! I'm about to drown! Please help me! The wheels of my van are rising above the water and my car is moving downstream! Please help!" The dispatcher did all she could, on the phone, to help her but to no avail.
3. Fourteen year old Nicholas Osley drowned when he and a friend saw a jeep in the muddy water and they dove in to see if any one in it needed help. His friend survived.
Just two months after a parching two year drought, the several days of steady, pounding rain now saturate the red-clay soil of the State of Georgia. With saturated soils, the roots of every tree have become loosen and are hazards for the public to watch out for.
Meanwhile, let's pause and take a good look at what has happened to us within the last year. Check out the following precedent-setting occurrences:
Collapse of World Economies
The banking systems, auto industry, housing crises and mortgage foreclosures, they were all anomalous events taking place simultaneously. Local, world town-hall meetings and summits will not fix the economy. Matter-of-fact, no country leader is qualified to come up with the fix for any current economy, except the anti-Christ. This individual is currently somewhere in Europe, as we speak. He will soon, publicly, appear on the scene and effect a peace treaty between the Israelis and the Palestinians. He's going to be charismatic, charming and oratorical, as he influences and captivates the world masses. The miraculous powers he will demonstrate will be awesome and unbelievable! Everybody will mistake him as the real Jesus Christ except God's elect. There will be one world order, which began a little over a decade ago, one currency (the Euro) that is already in Europe; one bank, one economy and one world government--headed by this anti-Christ.
But Of course, if you're a true follower of Jesus Christ, there's no need to worry, because Jesus will have returned and raptures you away from all of this. The signs of the times!
The various influenza viruses, such as, the West Nile, the Bird flu and the current, worst of all, swine flu, we have been experiencing the last decade. And other deadly pestilences, such as, AIDS, mad cow disease, salmonella and equine encephalitis, are all part of Biblical prophecy. The signs of the times!
Other, Surprising, History-making Events
We always thought of earthquakes being connected to California and other foreign countries; but recently these earthquakes are occurring everywhere, even in the State of Georgia and other unusual whereabouts. Men and women are turning away from the opposite sex toward their own sex and instead of people loving and fellowshipping with one another; many are turning their love away from one another to cats and dogs! Just yesterday, I read from a blog, where an animal wacho woman said, "It's animals first and then humans!" On January 20, 2009, America made history in two ways; first, by inaugurating the first Black President of the United States and, secondly, by setting free, the first lying, lawless, mass-murdering President of the United States, President George W. Bush! The Signs of the times!
Putting my trust in God's Word, Jesus said, in Mathews 24, that all of the things now happening would be the signs of the times and that we should look up, as His second return would be eminent and near, even at the door! Some has already predicted that the glaring return of Jesus Christ will be in May 22, 2011. So, get ready, my brothers and sisters, we're out of here, anytime now!
Sir Leonard
Recording Artist and Writer
Fit T Hit Records
Subject: The Signs of the Times
Date: September 23, 2009
Dear Fans and Readers:
The phrase, "This is precedent setting," is now being used all over the place, after the heavy, rock-moving rain, continued to fall upon the State of Georgia the last several days! The rainwater rushed through neighborhoods and over busy freeways like the evening tides of the ocean, with hurricane-like swiftness, moving too fast to be clocked, taking everything it touched down streams with it--houses, cars, chunks of streets, highways, bridges and even people. The three following humanly sad incidents stand out in our minds:
1. The father desperately holding on to the hand of his son as he held on to a standing tree trying to save him from being pulled away, by rising rushing waters; but the power of the water snatched him away anyway, as the father watched helplessly. "I told my son I loved him," the father said, with tears continuously, like the flood, gushing from his eyes down his face.
2. How can one ever forget, the Sam's Club's employee, Seydi Burciaga? Mrs. Seydi Burciaga had gotten off work at 5 o'clock PM and gotten into her minivan and headed for her home on Desiree Drive; but only got as close as 7 tenth of the way there; before having to make an emergency 911 phone call to the Gwinnett County Police Department. She told the 911 dispatcher that, "I need help! I'm about to drown! Please help me! The wheels of my van are rising above the water and my car is moving downstream! Please help!" The dispatcher did all she could, on the phone, to help her but to no avail.
3. Fourteen year old Nicholas Osley drowned when he and a friend saw a jeep in the muddy water and they dove in to see if any one in it needed help. His friend survived.
Just two months after a parching two year drought, the several days of steady, pounding rain now saturate the red-clay soil of the State of Georgia. With saturated soils, the roots of every tree have become loosen and are hazards for the public to watch out for.
Meanwhile, let's pause and take a good look at what has happened to us within the last year. Check out the following precedent-setting occurrences:
Collapse of World Economies
The banking systems, auto industry, housing crises and mortgage foreclosures, they were all anomalous events taking place simultaneously. Local, world town-hall meetings and summits will not fix the economy. Matter-of-fact, no country leader is qualified to come up with the fix for any current economy, except the anti-Christ. This individual is currently somewhere in Europe, as we speak. He will soon, publicly, appear on the scene and effect a peace treaty between the Israelis and the Palestinians. He's going to be charismatic, charming and oratorical, as he influences and captivates the world masses. The miraculous powers he will demonstrate will be awesome and unbelievable! Everybody will mistake him as the real Jesus Christ except God's elect. There will be one world order, which began a little over a decade ago, one currency (the Euro) that is already in Europe; one bank, one economy and one world government--headed by this anti-Christ.
But Of course, if you're a true follower of Jesus Christ, there's no need to worry, because Jesus will have returned and raptures you away from all of this. The signs of the times!
The various influenza viruses, such as, the West Nile, the Bird flu and the current, worst of all, swine flu, we have been experiencing the last decade. And other deadly pestilences, such as, AIDS, mad cow disease, salmonella and equine encephalitis, are all part of Biblical prophecy. The signs of the times!
Other, Surprising, History-making Events
We always thought of earthquakes being connected to California and other foreign countries; but recently these earthquakes are occurring everywhere, even in the State of Georgia and other unusual whereabouts. Men and women are turning away from the opposite sex toward their own sex and instead of people loving and fellowshipping with one another; many are turning their love away from one another to cats and dogs! Just yesterday, I read from a blog, where an animal wacho woman said, "It's animals first and then humans!" On January 20, 2009, America made history in two ways; first, by inaugurating the first Black President of the United States and, secondly, by setting free, the first lying, lawless, mass-murdering President of the United States, President George W. Bush! The Signs of the times!
Putting my trust in God's Word, Jesus said, in Mathews 24, that all of the things now happening would be the signs of the times and that we should look up, as His second return would be eminent and near, even at the door! Some has already predicted that the glaring return of Jesus Christ will be in May 22, 2011. So, get ready, my brothers and sisters, we're out of here, anytime now!
Sir Leonard
Recording Artist and Writer
Fit T Hit Records
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Michael Jackson's Skin-Color Change
To: All My Loyal Cyberspace Fans and Readers
Subject: Michael Jackson's Skin-Color Change
Date: September 17, 2009
Dear Fans and Readers:
After watching the Oprah Winfrey Show, "Remembering Michael Jackson," and Oprah dedicating her entire one hour show, narrating her 1993 interview with Michael Jackson, I decided to write my take on the interview--especially the sensitive part where he was asked about the color-change; and he became uneasy and acrimoniously combative. Miss Oprah, wisely, took a hint and moved on; in her narrative remarks, she said, "He became very testy and didn't want to talk about it!"
However, I list two medical discoveries below that I believe are being suppressed and withheld from the public because of the possibility of getting into the hands of the wrong unscrupulous groups of people.
The Invisibility Discovery
I never cared, and still don't, about going to movies too much when I was growing up. The movies that turned me on were Shoot'em ups, Superman, and the Invisible Man; and oh, how I loved to go see the Invisible Man movies! In one of these movies, the Invisible Man revealed his secret of becoming invisible. He said, "A scientist had discovered the secret from a flower that came from a plant in South America; and he had vials filled with this chemical; and, when he wished to become invisible, he gave himself a shot in the arm. Somehow, I always believed that there was some truth in this; but it was kept a secret less the criminal world found out about it and became the world unstoppable enemy! Imagine a criminal becoming invisible; walking in and taking money from banks at will, slapping people at will as law enforcement becomes helpless!
Skin-Color Change Discovery
This is where the late pop-singer Michael Jackson comes in. I don't think the metamorphic change of Michael Jackson's skin color, from black to white, was a gradual process but more closely to a sudden one. In the interview, I observed that the white pigment of his was smooth and homogeneous. There was a continuity of whiteness covering the entire surface of his skin--his ears, neck, arms hands face, etc. In my opinion, like many blacks, Michael Jackson's ultimate desire was to become white; and he had the wealth to search out ways to get it accomplished. I do believe he succeeded. He found some scientific way to achieve his desire. The biological color system, a system with which I'm not too familiar, I'm convinced was a great part of Michael Jackson's world over the last two decades. The saddest thing of all that I gleaned from the interview was how distraught the king of pop was about having done these things to himself; and, ho, how he wished he could undo what he had done!
Subject: Michael Jackson's Skin-Color Change
Date: September 17, 2009
Dear Fans and Readers:
After watching the Oprah Winfrey Show, "Remembering Michael Jackson," and Oprah dedicating her entire one hour show, narrating her 1993 interview with Michael Jackson, I decided to write my take on the interview--especially the sensitive part where he was asked about the color-change; and he became uneasy and acrimoniously combative. Miss Oprah, wisely, took a hint and moved on; in her narrative remarks, she said, "He became very testy and didn't want to talk about it!"
However, I list two medical discoveries below that I believe are being suppressed and withheld from the public because of the possibility of getting into the hands of the wrong unscrupulous groups of people.
The Invisibility Discovery
I never cared, and still don't, about going to movies too much when I was growing up. The movies that turned me on were Shoot'em ups, Superman, and the Invisible Man; and oh, how I loved to go see the Invisible Man movies! In one of these movies, the Invisible Man revealed his secret of becoming invisible. He said, "A scientist had discovered the secret from a flower that came from a plant in South America; and he had vials filled with this chemical; and, when he wished to become invisible, he gave himself a shot in the arm. Somehow, I always believed that there was some truth in this; but it was kept a secret less the criminal world found out about it and became the world unstoppable enemy! Imagine a criminal becoming invisible; walking in and taking money from banks at will, slapping people at will as law enforcement becomes helpless!
Skin-Color Change Discovery
This is where the late pop-singer Michael Jackson comes in. I don't think the metamorphic change of Michael Jackson's skin color, from black to white, was a gradual process but more closely to a sudden one. In the interview, I observed that the white pigment of his was smooth and homogeneous. There was a continuity of whiteness covering the entire surface of his skin--his ears, neck, arms hands face, etc. In my opinion, like many blacks, Michael Jackson's ultimate desire was to become white; and he had the wealth to search out ways to get it accomplished. I do believe he succeeded. He found some scientific way to achieve his desire. The biological color system, a system with which I'm not too familiar, I'm convinced was a great part of Michael Jackson's world over the last two decades. The saddest thing of all that I gleaned from the interview was how distraught the king of pop was about having done these things to himself; and, ho, how he wished he could undo what he had done!
Monday, September 14, 2009
The Coercion of Michael Vick to Preach Against Dog- Fighting
To: All My Loyal Cyberspace Fans and Readers
Subject: The Coercion of Michael Vick to Preach Against Dog- Fighting
Date: August 17, 2009
Dear Fans and Readers:
Just as one can't, effectively, stop the prevalence of wickedness and sin in the world; also, it will not do any good in forcing Michael Vick to rail and preach to kids against the dog- fighting industry! By preaching and telling kids to not to follow his example in doing dog -fighting, are just as futile as it has always been, when teaching kids to avoid getting involved in criminal activities; such as, selling drugs, prostitution, robbery, burglary, forcible rape, assaults, etc. The fact that these crimes still exist is evidence that all the preaching and teaching in the world are not going to end the activity of crime!
Accordingly, the above criminal activities will always go on and on and on without an iota of ever being retarded in the slightest sense of the word. Of course, these animal wacos already know this. They're using Michael Vic's predicament to blackmail him into doing what they want him to do; and that is to be the catalyst in promoting their stupid animal rights movement--without him having the choice of saying yes or no. They know that they've got him over the barrel! This is blackmail in its deepest sense, mean-spirited and downright lowdown!
Sir Leonard
Recording Artist and WriterFit T Hit Records
Subject: The Coercion of Michael Vick to Preach Against Dog- Fighting
Date: August 17, 2009
Dear Fans and Readers:
Just as one can't, effectively, stop the prevalence of wickedness and sin in the world; also, it will not do any good in forcing Michael Vick to rail and preach to kids against the dog- fighting industry! By preaching and telling kids to not to follow his example in doing dog -fighting, are just as futile as it has always been, when teaching kids to avoid getting involved in criminal activities; such as, selling drugs, prostitution, robbery, burglary, forcible rape, assaults, etc. The fact that these crimes still exist is evidence that all the preaching and teaching in the world are not going to end the activity of crime!
Accordingly, the above criminal activities will always go on and on and on without an iota of ever being retarded in the slightest sense of the word. Of course, these animal wacos already know this. They're using Michael Vic's predicament to blackmail him into doing what they want him to do; and that is to be the catalyst in promoting their stupid animal rights movement--without him having the choice of saying yes or no. They know that they've got him over the barrel! This is blackmail in its deepest sense, mean-spirited and downright lowdown!
Sir Leonard
Recording Artist and WriterFit T Hit Records
The Word "Remorse"
To: All My Loyal Cyberspace Fans and Readers
Subject: The Word "Remorse"
Date: August 17, 2009
Dear Fans and Readers:
Every since Michael Vick got out of prison, the word "remorse" has been used so many times until it now has become an icon associated with Michel Vick. The dictionary says that the word "remorse" is a noun; and it takes on many meanings; the one I'm impressed with the most is the one which lists penitence as the synonym for the word remorse; and define it as, an individual, feeling guilty about the things he did wrong in the past. This tells me that remorse is an emotion--not anything that that can be visualized (can be shown). Commissioner Roger Goodell, the National Football League, was in error and showed his lack of understanding of what the word of remorse is all about; when he said that Michael Vick hadn't shown him any remorse for what he had done.
Mr. Goodell, if remorse, is feeling guilty about the things one did wrong in the past, then, where were you when Michael Vick pleaded guilty in a Virginia court to what he had done wrong? Michael Vick showed remorse the moment he pled guilty; he went to prison and served his time and, without incident, served his time required under house arrest. Yet, you still screamed that he hadn't shown any remorse! You peeve my off, Commissioner, the way you're embarrassing Michael Vick in catering to those animals rights waco's in forcing him to prove to them that he's being remorseful by joining in with their movement in railing and preaching against animal abuse. This is ridiculous and ad nausea!
In closing, just think; all this is happening to an outstanding sports' athlete, because he did a noble thing of destroying some ole vicious pit bull dogs! How about what happens to those sweet, good ole race horses when they break a leg and not capable of racing anymore? I'll tell you what happens; they're "put down" (shot and killed)! What about that, you animal rights lovers!
Sir Leonard
Recording Artist and Writer
Fit T Hit Records
Subject: The Word "Remorse"
Date: August 17, 2009
Dear Fans and Readers:
Every since Michael Vick got out of prison, the word "remorse" has been used so many times until it now has become an icon associated with Michel Vick. The dictionary says that the word "remorse" is a noun; and it takes on many meanings; the one I'm impressed with the most is the one which lists penitence as the synonym for the word remorse; and define it as, an individual, feeling guilty about the things he did wrong in the past. This tells me that remorse is an emotion--not anything that that can be visualized (can be shown). Commissioner Roger Goodell, the National Football League, was in error and showed his lack of understanding of what the word of remorse is all about; when he said that Michael Vick hadn't shown him any remorse for what he had done.
Mr. Goodell, if remorse, is feeling guilty about the things one did wrong in the past, then, where were you when Michael Vick pleaded guilty in a Virginia court to what he had done wrong? Michael Vick showed remorse the moment he pled guilty; he went to prison and served his time and, without incident, served his time required under house arrest. Yet, you still screamed that he hadn't shown any remorse! You peeve my off, Commissioner, the way you're embarrassing Michael Vick in catering to those animals rights waco's in forcing him to prove to them that he's being remorseful by joining in with their movement in railing and preaching against animal abuse. This is ridiculous and ad nausea!
In closing, just think; all this is happening to an outstanding sports' athlete, because he did a noble thing of destroying some ole vicious pit bull dogs! How about what happens to those sweet, good ole race horses when they break a leg and not capable of racing anymore? I'll tell you what happens; they're "put down" (shot and killed)! What about that, you animal rights lovers!
Sir Leonard
Recording Artist and Writer
Fit T Hit Records
Michael Vick Blew It!
To: All My Loyal Cyberspace Fans and Readers
Subject: Michael Vick Blew It!
Date: August 15, 2009
Dear Fans and Readers:
Michael Vick's decision to sign a one year 1.6 million dollar contract to play with the Philadelphia Eagles is one he'll soon regret. It's just too much going on in this organization for Michael Vick to achieve the success he's hoping for; his pride and stubbornness are going to cause his stay with the Eagles to be short lived. Snubbing and thumbing his nose at the interest that the Orlando, one of the four teams of the new fledgling United Football League, had in him as a player, are certainly going to haunt him.
The way the NFL treaty him, after getting out of prison Michael Vick should've gone straight to Orland and signed with this Orlando team. This Orlando team had such strong interest in him; such interest, I believe they would've given him any stipend amount, even a signed blank check on which Michael Vic could've entered any amount he wanted it to pay him for playing. With Orlando, Michael Vick could be on his way to regaining his athletic omnipresence throughout the sports world again with popularity far greater than he ever had earned in the NFL. Let's face it, Michael Vick, you blew it, man! You blew it! Big time!
Sir Leonard
Recording Artist and WriterFit T Hit Records
Subject: Michael Vick Blew It!
Date: August 15, 2009
Dear Fans and Readers:
Michael Vick's decision to sign a one year 1.6 million dollar contract to play with the Philadelphia Eagles is one he'll soon regret. It's just too much going on in this organization for Michael Vick to achieve the success he's hoping for; his pride and stubbornness are going to cause his stay with the Eagles to be short lived. Snubbing and thumbing his nose at the interest that the Orlando, one of the four teams of the new fledgling United Football League, had in him as a player, are certainly going to haunt him.
The way the NFL treaty him, after getting out of prison Michael Vick should've gone straight to Orland and signed with this Orlando team. This Orlando team had such strong interest in him; such interest, I believe they would've given him any stipend amount, even a signed blank check on which Michael Vic could've entered any amount he wanted it to pay him for playing. With Orlando, Michael Vick could be on his way to regaining his athletic omnipresence throughout the sports world again with popularity far greater than he ever had earned in the NFL. Let's face it, Michael Vick, you blew it, man! You blew it! Big time!
Sir Leonard
Recording Artist and WriterFit T Hit Records
: Abortion Doctor boasts and brags About Killing 60, 000 Innocent Babies
To: All My Loyal Cyberspace Fans and Readers
Subject: Abortion Doctor boasts and brags About Killing 60, 000 Innocent Babies
Date: August 29, 2009
Dear Fans and Readers:
A late-term, abortionist doctor, LeRoy Carhart, Bellevue, Nebraska, joked and laughed about having killed 6o, 000 babies and 400 of them had reach the age of six months old in their mothers' wombs. As you know that there are many babies born prematurely at that age. Dr. LeRoy Carhart was the understudy and friend of the infamous late-term, abortionist doctor, George Tiller, who was shot point blank in the head on May 31, 2009, while attending the Reformation Lutheran Church in Wichita, Kansas, just south of Omaha. This scum -of- a doctor, LeRoy Carhart said that Dr. Tiller was an ideal human being and, like himself, just admired the word, "abortionist." I say to you, Dr. LeRoy Carhart, you're nothing but a disgusting, despicable piece of sad humility; and should be burnt up!
However, Troy Newman, President, "Operation Rescue," one of the largest activist organizations against abortion in the world, has organized a huge protest and demonstration against abortion, in this country, that will take place this weekend in Bellevue, Nebraska. One of the drivers has a picture of a dismembered baby's hand on a quarter displayed across the truck he'll be driving in this weekend's demonstration.
Speaking of aborting babies, how about aborting dogs and cats; they're overpopulating and straying all over the place! Yet we never hear of an abortion veterinarian doctor! Why is this, is it because we value the animal life above Homo sapiens (us human beings)? Think about it America!
In conclusion, I leave this field of eye-opening wisdom with you:
"God Assigns the Glory
In assigning the glory, God assigned man as His glory; a woman as man's glory, which he's trying to replace with another man; and the woman's hair as her glory, which she's trying to replace with cats and dogs!" (An extract from the chapter, entitled, "You May Quote Me," from my book, "Sir Leonard Speaks...!")
BySir Leonard
Subject: Abortion Doctor boasts and brags About Killing 60, 000 Innocent Babies
Date: August 29, 2009
Dear Fans and Readers:
A late-term, abortionist doctor, LeRoy Carhart, Bellevue, Nebraska, joked and laughed about having killed 6o, 000 babies and 400 of them had reach the age of six months old in their mothers' wombs. As you know that there are many babies born prematurely at that age. Dr. LeRoy Carhart was the understudy and friend of the infamous late-term, abortionist doctor, George Tiller, who was shot point blank in the head on May 31, 2009, while attending the Reformation Lutheran Church in Wichita, Kansas, just south of Omaha. This scum -of- a doctor, LeRoy Carhart said that Dr. Tiller was an ideal human being and, like himself, just admired the word, "abortionist." I say to you, Dr. LeRoy Carhart, you're nothing but a disgusting, despicable piece of sad humility; and should be burnt up!
However, Troy Newman, President, "Operation Rescue," one of the largest activist organizations against abortion in the world, has organized a huge protest and demonstration against abortion, in this country, that will take place this weekend in Bellevue, Nebraska. One of the drivers has a picture of a dismembered baby's hand on a quarter displayed across the truck he'll be driving in this weekend's demonstration.
Speaking of aborting babies, how about aborting dogs and cats; they're overpopulating and straying all over the place! Yet we never hear of an abortion veterinarian doctor! Why is this, is it because we value the animal life above Homo sapiens (us human beings)? Think about it America!
In conclusion, I leave this field of eye-opening wisdom with you:
"God Assigns the Glory
In assigning the glory, God assigned man as His glory; a woman as man's glory, which he's trying to replace with another man; and the woman's hair as her glory, which she's trying to replace with cats and dogs!" (An extract from the chapter, entitled, "You May Quote Me," from my book, "Sir Leonard Speaks...!")
BySir Leonard
Vicious Dogs Attacking and Killing Americans
To: All My Cyberspace Loyal Fans and Readers
Subject: Vicious Dogs Attacking and Killing Americans
Date: August 19, 2009
Dear Fans and Readers:
Vicious dogs attacking and killing American adults and children are being silenced by the "political correctness" of the media and public officials in this country. Their inaction against such violence is due to the fear and worrying about what the Humane Society and those other asinine, nonsensical animal rights' groups, out there, would say or do. There's no time to worry about political correctness when our people are being mauled and killed by these vicious dogs! I urge and importune Congress to enact tuft and strict laws that would warrant dog owners to be criminally held accountable and responsible for the actions of their dogs. This legislation should stipulate that any owner's dog, that inflicts a vicious attack upon a person, the owner would be charged with a felonious dog attack which should carry no less than 5 years in prison, without the possibility of parole; and if the person dies from this dog attack, the owner would then be subject to 20 years in prison, without the possibility of parole. This legislation would deter the lackadaisical attitudes dog owners are currently exhibiting throughout our society.
Meanwhile, for the safety of the American people, Congress must ignore any innuendo coming from the Humane Society and other anti-human, asinine animal rights' group. Something must be done and something must be done now! I encourage all of my fans and readers, out there, to call, write and fax your Congress and Senate persons, demanding and urging them to enact the above suggested laws, holding dog owners accountable and responsible for their dogs' actions!
Sir Leonard
Recording Artist and WriterFit T Hit Records
Subject: Vicious Dogs Attacking and Killing Americans
Date: August 19, 2009
Dear Fans and Readers:
Vicious dogs attacking and killing American adults and children are being silenced by the "political correctness" of the media and public officials in this country. Their inaction against such violence is due to the fear and worrying about what the Humane Society and those other asinine, nonsensical animal rights' groups, out there, would say or do. There's no time to worry about political correctness when our people are being mauled and killed by these vicious dogs! I urge and importune Congress to enact tuft and strict laws that would warrant dog owners to be criminally held accountable and responsible for the actions of their dogs. This legislation should stipulate that any owner's dog, that inflicts a vicious attack upon a person, the owner would be charged with a felonious dog attack which should carry no less than 5 years in prison, without the possibility of parole; and if the person dies from this dog attack, the owner would then be subject to 20 years in prison, without the possibility of parole. This legislation would deter the lackadaisical attitudes dog owners are currently exhibiting throughout our society.
Meanwhile, for the safety of the American people, Congress must ignore any innuendo coming from the Humane Society and other anti-human, asinine animal rights' group. Something must be done and something must be done now! I encourage all of my fans and readers, out there, to call, write and fax your Congress and Senate persons, demanding and urging them to enact the above suggested laws, holding dog owners accountable and responsible for their dogs' actions!
Sir Leonard
Recording Artist and WriterFit T Hit Records
Policemen Writing Frivolous Tickets
Policemen are to blame! They're writing too many frivolous tickets that are plugging up the Courts; and causing the public defender system to go broke. You stop it, by passing a law that allows a suspect, if found not guilty in the code of law, to be able, not only to sue the City but, also, sue the arresting officer. What would happen then is that the police officer would carefully think about the situation at hand before he takes out his pin and write a ticket; because he would know that he could be sued if the suspect is found not guilty of the crime that he's accusing him. Currently, the police can write and give out ticket as he pleases, knowing he doesn't have enough evidence to get a conviction. So what, there's no skin off his back! The suspect sues the City, so what! Enact this law; and you'll soon see the rate of ticket-writing, without evidence that would hold up in court, would plummet like a rock falling from the sky! Sir Leonard, Atlanta, GA
Homosexuals Seek a Special Legal Right
Shame on all of you homosexuals! Reasonable Americans and I, too, are sick and tired of your moaning, wining and grumbling about being discriminated against and denied your equal civil rights as an American! You seem to have forgotten that you have the same rights that all Americans have under the United States Constitution of America. One of the arrestees of this homosexual Eagle bar said, "We don't deserve to be treated like second-class citizens!" No, you don't and you weren't. You were treated just like any other person who transgresses the law; as a law breaker! Wholeheartedly, I agree with Rush Limbaugh, when he said, "The blacks should slap these homosexuals down when they try to compare their asinine movement to the Civil Rights movement," initiated in the South by Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Unlike your movement, defending a lifestyle you chose to live; but the civil rights' movement was the opposite. It was all about blacks not having a choice in the manner of being born with the color of their skin.
However, your movement is all about seeking a special right so you could, legally, force your self- chosen, abominable lifestyle upon this country, our children and me! I always said that there are "good" and "bad" discrimination. When the actions of a group of people's lifestyle heaps shame and disgrace upon a country; and their actions are being rebelled against by the people, this is "good" discrimination! As a reasonable, logical person and writer, the majority of the American people and God Himself will never accept such an abominable, nonsensical attempt, of a people, to pervert Mother Nature! Just as God refused to accept such an abominable behavior of such a people, in those two Biblical cities of Sodom and Gorrmorrah, so shall be His response in this country. The reasons God won't put up with such nonsense in America, for the same reason He didn't put up with it in Sodom and Gorrmorrah! What you folks don't understand is that God loves man! He created him for His glory; and would never let him become extinct; that's why He put Adam and Eve, instead of Adam and Adam or Eve and Eve in the Garden of Eden--to replenish the earth! Now just how you think that two men or two women-- without the aid of a man --can replenish the earth? This homosexual process would only lead to repletion of the earth.
Meanwhile, I invite you people to open your eyes and take a good look around you. Tell me if you can observe or ever have observed two male or two female animals (same-sex) attempt to copulate? If not, what that tells you? This tells me that homosexuality is not a normal part of God's creation mix. It had to come about by and through some unnatural experiences that occurred in the early background of such a person's life. The principles of Mother Nature are built upon the principle of opposites not duplications or sameness! Just you remember, "You can't trick or fool Mother Nature!"
However, your movement is all about seeking a special right so you could, legally, force your self- chosen, abominable lifestyle upon this country, our children and me! I always said that there are "good" and "bad" discrimination. When the actions of a group of people's lifestyle heaps shame and disgrace upon a country; and their actions are being rebelled against by the people, this is "good" discrimination! As a reasonable, logical person and writer, the majority of the American people and God Himself will never accept such an abominable, nonsensical attempt, of a people, to pervert Mother Nature! Just as God refused to accept such an abominable behavior of such a people, in those two Biblical cities of Sodom and Gorrmorrah, so shall be His response in this country. The reasons God won't put up with such nonsense in America, for the same reason He didn't put up with it in Sodom and Gorrmorrah! What you folks don't understand is that God loves man! He created him for His glory; and would never let him become extinct; that's why He put Adam and Eve, instead of Adam and Adam or Eve and Eve in the Garden of Eden--to replenish the earth! Now just how you think that two men or two women-- without the aid of a man --can replenish the earth? This homosexual process would only lead to repletion of the earth.
Meanwhile, I invite you people to open your eyes and take a good look around you. Tell me if you can observe or ever have observed two male or two female animals (same-sex) attempt to copulate? If not, what that tells you? This tells me that homosexuality is not a normal part of God's creation mix. It had to come about by and through some unnatural experiences that occurred in the early background of such a person's life. The principles of Mother Nature are built upon the principle of opposites not duplications or sameness! Just you remember, "You can't trick or fool Mother Nature!"
Blame the Democratic Party and the ACLU for School Violence
To: All My Cyberspace Loyal Fans and Readers
Subject: Blame the Democratic Party and the ACLU for School Violence
Date: September 14, 2009
Dear Fans and Readers:
These children just don't know any better! Every since the Democrats and the ACLU initiated a movement to kick God out of America, by the false illusion of Separation of Church and State, succeeded in removing God's guidance and standard moral template, the Ten Commandments, for training up our children to know right from wrong, from our schools twenty-five years ago and replaced them with drugs, knives and guns, our schools have grown to be nothing other than a haven for misguided and morally untrained children! Our contemporary government claims that it's not the responsibility of the government to teach children the Ten Commandment but the parents' responsibility. The government is totally wrong; because it has the children in its immediate possession 75% percent of the time and the parents only 25% of the time in the 9-month, school-year period. Think about it!
In the meantime, these children really don't know that they shouldn't shoot and kill, one another, because they never were taught that the value of the life of a human being is worth more than the value of the life of a dog or cat. This ignorance of school children plus the government interference in telling parents what they can do and what they cannot do while disciplining their own children. For instance, the government prohibits parents from using corporeal punishment even when a child constantly continues to disobey his parents, as the Bible so vividly instructs the parent to do in bringing up a child, "Spare the rod; and you spoil the child!" Psychologists and sociologists are in error when they say that "the rod" in this statement means counseling and guidance. I beg the difference; had these learned scholars continued reading this Biblical passage, they would've read, "For beating him won't kill him!" This hardly sounds like verbal counseling to me! The government has a parent afraid to pick up his or her own little two -year old child and spank his or her behind when becoming unruly. Oh, yes, our government is to blame alright! In the past, children went to school to learn math and how to read and write; nowadays, children go to school to learn how to be bad!
This may sound gruesome and cruel, but the only way to retool this untoward child generation is to begin from age seven through fourteen by popping them through the head and mass-burying them in trenches. Then, starting all over again, with first graders, by putting the Ten Commandments back in schools, beginning and ending the school day with prayer and love-sharing and the prohibiting of government interference in family affairs by not usurping the power of the man from totally controlling his household. I see this as the only solution to our current problems, because our current children generation has become utterly incorrigible!
Sir Leonard
Subject: Blame the Democratic Party and the ACLU for School Violence
Date: September 14, 2009
Dear Fans and Readers:
These children just don't know any better! Every since the Democrats and the ACLU initiated a movement to kick God out of America, by the false illusion of Separation of Church and State, succeeded in removing God's guidance and standard moral template, the Ten Commandments, for training up our children to know right from wrong, from our schools twenty-five years ago and replaced them with drugs, knives and guns, our schools have grown to be nothing other than a haven for misguided and morally untrained children! Our contemporary government claims that it's not the responsibility of the government to teach children the Ten Commandment but the parents' responsibility. The government is totally wrong; because it has the children in its immediate possession 75% percent of the time and the parents only 25% of the time in the 9-month, school-year period. Think about it!
In the meantime, these children really don't know that they shouldn't shoot and kill, one another, because they never were taught that the value of the life of a human being is worth more than the value of the life of a dog or cat. This ignorance of school children plus the government interference in telling parents what they can do and what they cannot do while disciplining their own children. For instance, the government prohibits parents from using corporeal punishment even when a child constantly continues to disobey his parents, as the Bible so vividly instructs the parent to do in bringing up a child, "Spare the rod; and you spoil the child!" Psychologists and sociologists are in error when they say that "the rod" in this statement means counseling and guidance. I beg the difference; had these learned scholars continued reading this Biblical passage, they would've read, "For beating him won't kill him!" This hardly sounds like verbal counseling to me! The government has a parent afraid to pick up his or her own little two -year old child and spank his or her behind when becoming unruly. Oh, yes, our government is to blame alright! In the past, children went to school to learn math and how to read and write; nowadays, children go to school to learn how to be bad!
This may sound gruesome and cruel, but the only way to retool this untoward child generation is to begin from age seven through fourteen by popping them through the head and mass-burying them in trenches. Then, starting all over again, with first graders, by putting the Ten Commandments back in schools, beginning and ending the school day with prayer and love-sharing and the prohibiting of government interference in family affairs by not usurping the power of the man from totally controlling his household. I see this as the only solution to our current problems, because our current children generation has become utterly incorrigible!
Sir Leonard
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Blackmailers Belong in Prison
To: NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell and Wayne Pacelle, CEO of the National Animal Humane Society:
Shamed on both of you! How could Michael Vick's lawyers allow you two to get away with blackmailing him? Huh! Some lawyers! Don't you guys realize this man has completed his prison sentence; and not allowing him to earn a living through doing what he knows best--playing football--unless he promises to go into schools and influence students to be kind to animals and have them to promise to never engage in the sports of the dog-fighting ring, is a clear and winnable case of blackmail? What Michael Vick doesn't realize is that, not as many individuals are as hung up on this be -good- and -kind -to -animal asinine nonsense, as he may think! I like animal as well as any other reasonable individual; but don't espouse to them stinking up the couch and house and sleeping in beds with the kids. Animals were designed for the outdoors--not the indoors! Just to enlighten all of you mixed up animal lovers, out there, these critters' bodies definitely weren't designed for wearing clothing and out fits as the human body were.
However, while we're preaching to school students about animal rights, let's equalize the playing field, by urging and demanding church pastors to go all across the nation preaching to school students about innocent unborn babies, that are being brutalized and suck out of their mother's womb in the name of abortion, have a God given right to live, too! And, remember, that these animals have no rights to the kingdom of God; but these innocent unborn babies have!
Shamed on both of you! How could Michael Vick's lawyers allow you two to get away with blackmailing him? Huh! Some lawyers! Don't you guys realize this man has completed his prison sentence; and not allowing him to earn a living through doing what he knows best--playing football--unless he promises to go into schools and influence students to be kind to animals and have them to promise to never engage in the sports of the dog-fighting ring, is a clear and winnable case of blackmail? What Michael Vick doesn't realize is that, not as many individuals are as hung up on this be -good- and -kind -to -animal asinine nonsense, as he may think! I like animal as well as any other reasonable individual; but don't espouse to them stinking up the couch and house and sleeping in beds with the kids. Animals were designed for the outdoors--not the indoors! Just to enlighten all of you mixed up animal lovers, out there, these critters' bodies definitely weren't designed for wearing clothing and out fits as the human body were.
However, while we're preaching to school students about animal rights, let's equalize the playing field, by urging and demanding church pastors to go all across the nation preaching to school students about innocent unborn babies, that are being brutalized and suck out of their mother's womb in the name of abortion, have a God given right to live, too! And, remember, that these animals have no rights to the kingdom of God; but these innocent unborn babies have!
: Churches Everywhere!
Like multitudes of people, I see churches everywhere; on the corner, across the street, up the street, down the street, in store fronts and other unsightly places! With all these churches around, it would seem that there would be better relationships and more widespread love abounding throughout our communities; yet this is not the case. Matter-of-fact, it's just the opposite!
Whether these churches are small or large, they all seem to have one thing in common, making money. While living in Denver, Colorado, I can vividly recall this particular church that was cooking and selling dinners; and just for fun, I went inside and told them I was hungry and didn't have any money to buy a dinner; and asked them could they let me have one. They said, no, and told me to get out! I pulled a wad of money from my pocket and showed it to them, and said, "I'm not hungry. I just wanted to see where you guys' hearts were-- in the church or at home-- but, frankly, I don't think you have one, period!" One thing I learned about church folks is that most of them are hateful, mean- spirited and downright insensitive to the needs of people. As for me, I try to avoid coming in contact with them as much as possible.
Meanwhile, what about this federal faith based initiative program? It's nothing but a great way to fleece the taxpayers out of more of their hard-earned money. As in all government programs, I suspect a considerable amount of fraud going on. Like, for instance, churches exaggerating the number of homeless people they helped by feeding them; and not by any means of an attempt to secure jobs for them! Just another government entitlement program being taken advantage of!
In the mentioning of churches, however, you'll notice that I did not once allude to those mega churches. They were not mentioned, because they get their money from their asinine, stupid followers--especially those emotionally excitable women followers; who truly believe that no amount of money is too much to give to these Hollywood preachers. I reiterate what I said in my book, "Hollywood goes to Church." "Ladies, keep your money in your purse!"
Whether these churches are small or large, they all seem to have one thing in common, making money. While living in Denver, Colorado, I can vividly recall this particular church that was cooking and selling dinners; and just for fun, I went inside and told them I was hungry and didn't have any money to buy a dinner; and asked them could they let me have one. They said, no, and told me to get out! I pulled a wad of money from my pocket and showed it to them, and said, "I'm not hungry. I just wanted to see where you guys' hearts were-- in the church or at home-- but, frankly, I don't think you have one, period!" One thing I learned about church folks is that most of them are hateful, mean- spirited and downright insensitive to the needs of people. As for me, I try to avoid coming in contact with them as much as possible.
Meanwhile, what about this federal faith based initiative program? It's nothing but a great way to fleece the taxpayers out of more of their hard-earned money. As in all government programs, I suspect a considerable amount of fraud going on. Like, for instance, churches exaggerating the number of homeless people they helped by feeding them; and not by any means of an attempt to secure jobs for them! Just another government entitlement program being taken advantage of!
In the mentioning of churches, however, you'll notice that I did not once allude to those mega churches. They were not mentioned, because they get their money from their asinine, stupid followers--especially those emotionally excitable women followers; who truly believe that no amount of money is too much to give to these Hollywood preachers. I reiterate what I said in my book, "Hollywood goes to Church." "Ladies, keep your money in your purse!"
Terminating Government Entitlement Programs (For the Lazy and Shiftless)
In 2008, all levels of governments were screaming about budget balancing problems! Even the sunny State of California, in the past, the most prosperous State in the union, was handing out IOU's trying to balance the budget. However, I've come up with a solution that would balance the budget and keep it balanced, without any hassle. In order to keep our governments afloat and financially sound, we must terminate those expensive entitlement programs for lazy, shiftless individuals. Instead, invest in labor pool employment and temp services; that way, they all qualify for employment, and jobs will always be available: to the educated, the uneducated, the skilled, the unskilled, the experienced, the inexperienced, etc. When everybody is working, tax revenues abound mightily! Of Course, there will be exceptions.
In the meantime, there'd be no excuse for those lazy, shiftless, worthless individuals to not to get up of their behinds and go to work! God has given everyone the ability to learn how to take care of him or her needs; and if he or she hinders this learning process by dropping out of school or doing drugs, that's on him or her!
Currently, let's take a good look at the way things are going on, as our governments and churches are reaching out in trying to help these individuals by giving them food, shelter, clothing and even financial assistance; only to discover that most of them, before making it home with these goods, stop and peddle them on the street and street corners to get money for their alcoholic or drug habit. Instead of making these goods, at the expense of the taxpayer, available to these people, make these labor pools and temp services available to them!
In the meantime, there'd be no excuse for those lazy, shiftless, worthless individuals to not to get up of their behinds and go to work! God has given everyone the ability to learn how to take care of him or her needs; and if he or she hinders this learning process by dropping out of school or doing drugs, that's on him or her!
Currently, let's take a good look at the way things are going on, as our governments and churches are reaching out in trying to help these individuals by giving them food, shelter, clothing and even financial assistance; only to discover that most of them, before making it home with these goods, stop and peddle them on the street and street corners to get money for their alcoholic or drug habit. Instead of making these goods, at the expense of the taxpayer, available to these people, make these labor pools and temp services available to them!
Police Dare-devil Creeps--Kill Two Innocent Women
No, those two dare-devils, scum of a police officer, don't need to be sitting at a desk writing reports; they need to be sitting in jail cells without bonds! Two innocent ladies are dead because of the reckless, careless and criminal behavior of these two creeps that were allowed to play God, while wearing law enforcement uniforms and a badge. I'm quite sure, that these two women, innocent by-standers, killed had loving families and both could've been the only bread winner in their family. In no uncertain words, we must hammer into the heads of our police officers that the by-word is that, "It's better to lose a guilty suspect than to cause an innocent citizen to lose his or her life!"
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