Be a Winner

Having tried and failed, I'll always consider you a winner; but having not tried and failed, I'll always consider you a nobody!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Terminating Government Entitlement Programs (For the Lazy and Shiftless)

In 2008, all levels of governments were screaming about budget balancing problems! Even the sunny State of California, in the past, the most prosperous State in the union, was handing out IOU's trying to balance the budget. However, I've come up with a solution that would balance the budget and keep it balanced, without any hassle. In order to keep our governments afloat and financially sound, we must terminate those expensive entitlement programs for lazy, shiftless individuals. Instead, invest in labor pool employment and temp services; that way, they all qualify for employment, and jobs will always be available: to the educated, the uneducated, the skilled, the unskilled, the experienced, the inexperienced, etc. When everybody is working, tax revenues abound mightily! Of Course, there will be exceptions.

In the meantime, there'd be no excuse for those lazy, shiftless, worthless individuals to not to get up of their behinds and go to work! God has given everyone the ability to learn how to take care of him or her needs; and if he or she hinders this learning process by dropping out of school or doing drugs, that's on him or her!
Currently, let's take a good look at the way things are going on, as our governments and churches are reaching out in trying to help these individuals by giving them food, shelter, clothing and even financial assistance; only to discover that most of them, before making it home with these goods, stop and peddle them on the street and street corners to get money for their alcoholic or drug habit. Instead of making these goods, at the expense of the taxpayer, available to these people, make these labor pools and temp services available to them!

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