Be a Winner

Having tried and failed, I'll always consider you a winner; but having not tried and failed, I'll always consider you a nobody!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Atlanta's Mayoralty Office and City Council Presidential Run-off Races

To: All My Loyal Cyberspace Fans and Readers

Subject: Atlanta's Mayoralty Office and City Council Presidential Run-off Races

Date: November 24, 2009

Dear Fans and Readers:

Note the following identical structure that makes up the Atlanta's mayoralty office and City Council presidential run-off races, scheduled for December 1, 2009:

The City of Atlanta's Mayoralty Office Run-off Race

Current polls say that Kasim Reed (A Blackman) and Mary Norwood (A White woman) are at a dead heat at 46%, with 8% undecided. In the regular campaign, at one point, Mary Norwood was leading Kasim Reed by 50%; and on November 3, 2009, the poll's results showed that Kasim Reed had closed the gap within 2000 votes, ending up in a race run-off. With third-place Lisa Borders only getting 15% of the votes, from whence did Kasim Reed get his sudden surge in strength? Certainly, the reason of his surge didn't come from the worthless endorsement of the failed mayoral candidate, Lisa Borders!

Moreover, endorsements coming from black leaders are always biased against the white candidate in a political race such as this one. Example, when Joseph E. Lowery endorsed candidate Kasim Reed, that showed bias and racism on his part, and weighed so heavily on his mind so much so that he, immediately, spoke these apologetic words, "This endorsement is not based upon race!" In return, Kasim Reed said in his acceptant speech, "This race is not about race! The only time the word 'race' will be used in this campaign is when it is used in the phrase, 'race' for Mayor!" Nothing but a lie, what else would the endorsement be based upon? For the civil rights leader knows that, in anything else, Mary Norwood exceeds Kasim Reed beyond compare!

In my estimation, the reason for the sudden surge that took place in the Kasim Reed's campaign was due to extreme low voter turnout; and due the same ole political ignorant black-voter turnout! My advice to the monolithic white voting bloc and those educated, sensible black voters, for Mary Norwood, to get up off your behinds and drag yourselves to the polls and vote on December 1, 2009!

Atlanta's City Council Presidential Run-off Race

Likewise, as in the mayoral run-off race, the Atlanta's City Council presidential run-off race between Caesar Mitchell (A Blackman) and Claire Mueller (A White woman), it's predictable that candidate Caesar Mitchell will get his 100% support from black leaders and political ignorant blacks.

As in the mayoral run-off race, a large white voting bloc turnout will make Claire Mueller the winner. Candidate Claire Mueller needs not worry too much about campaign funds, because Mary Norwood has enough for both; because what Mary Norwood does for her campaign, also, equally affects Claire Mueller's campaign. It's just that simple! As white candidates, competing against black candidates, in a dominantly black city, Mary Norwood and Claire Mueller must find or make a way to encourage and influence white voters to flock to the polls, in droves, to make them the winning candidates! Good Luck!


Sir Leonard

Recording Artist, Writer and Blogger

Fit T Hit Records

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