Be a Winner

Having tried and failed, I'll always consider you a winner; but having not tried and failed, I'll always consider you a nobody!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Same-sex Couples Allowed to Attend School Prom

An article, posted by 11Alive, 3/23/2010, said that Bleckley County High School, Cochran, GA, allowed senior, 18 year-old Derrick Martin and his homosexual partner, to attend the school prom.

The following is my blurb to those commenting on the article that seem to think that it's alright and no big deal:

Hey, all of you guys are just as sick, in your minds, as those illogical, unreasonable thinking, poor homosexual souls! Don't you realize that the only link between man and the lower animal is the reasoning process? Man lives by the reasoning process; the animal, regardless what those animal-lover wachos, might say--the animal lives by instincts and instincts only! Yet, I've yet to observe or hear of any such, two animals of the same sex attempting to copulate! That being said, don't you realized that by going along with the, psychologically, screwed up way those sick, demented individuals think, is just a reversal of the way the Creator designed the process to operate? The animal seems to be smart enough to observe and follow the designed principles of Mother Nature; while you guys, or whatever, are too stupid to understand these principles!

Oh, by the way, you make yourselves look more stupid when you say things like, "Why is this news? Who cares? If there's no rules or set principles, why did these kids had to even seek permission? Why not just go?" I'll answer all these questions! First, of all, this guy knew that what he wanted to do was a perversion against Mother Nature; and it didn't fit into the normal flow of God's creation.

Hey, Songwriter2898, where've all your faculties gone--into some woodpecker's head? This article is not about, "Some bait for hate!" It's about these homosexuals trying to force their abominable, disgusting lifestyle upon our Judeo way of life. Songwriter, I just so happen to be an accomplished songwriter, recording artist and blogger; frankly, your way of thinking makes me wanna barf! When God said, "Man do not lay with man; woman do not lay with woman, for this is an abomination!" Remember, He didn't say it was a sin--where most, so-called, preachers get it wrong--He said it was an abomination. Abomination is defined as something despicable, loathsome and disgusting! I, truly, understand why God said this-- because when I see two men or two women hugging and kissing each other--Song Writer, I don't feel "hate"; I feel disgust, despicability and a sense of loathsomeness! And to top it all off, our little innocent children are being influenced and confused by these cognitive demented people. Just a little eye-opening education, I feel, by listening to what you have to say, you're lacking!



Sir Leonard

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