Be a Winner

Having tried and failed, I'll always consider you a winner; but having not tried and failed, I'll always consider you a nobody!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Judges, Not Terrorists, are the Biggest Threat to America

The Oxford modern dictionary defines a judge as an appointed official.  Notice that it didn't say "an elected official."  Therefore, a judge has to be appointed by an elected official, such as, the President, the Governor or the Mayor.  Someone, please tell me why are some judges are listed on our voting ballot?  As appointed officials, it should be illegal for them to be placed of our voting ballot.  I appeal to the ballot organizers to take note and make sure that judges’ names never appear on the voting ballots again.  The judges sitting on the highest court in the land, the US Supreme Court, all are appointed by Presidents of the United States.  Only elected officials have the power to make law or rescind law.  Why are our elected officials just standing by and letting these appointed judges step out of their scope and purview and attack our judicious laws with unlawful rulings, which have plunged our country into turmoil and unnecessary unhappiness?

Now let me enumerate some of these unlawful rulings: 

In Texas, where two homosexuals were caught in the very act of sodomy, were arrested and convicted; they appealed their case, and some Texas judge ruled that the law that stated that sodomy was a felony, which was enacted by elected officials, was unconstitutional, bringing these entire homosexual "sickies" out of the closet from all over America. 

How about that dumb ruling in 2003 when this San Francisco's judge ruled that, "Ban on same-sex marriage is unconstitutional," bringing thousands of these sad, sick individuals (homosexuals) from all over the United States to get married.  

What about the most recently asinine ruling by that Fulton County Superior Court judge, in Atlanta Georgia, where she said that the 76% of the Georgia voters, banning same-sex marriage, is "unconstitutional"; the identical thing happened in the State of California a few months ago.  Unbelievable!

It is my sincere wish that the media cease and desist in sugar coating these judges as activist judges; instead of, correctly, describe them as who they really are--homosexual judges!  Don't get me wrong, there are judges who are activist judges; such as those who were involved in "Rhode vs. Wade"; "Women right to vote”; etc.  An activist judge is a judge who believes in a reasonable controversial movement and espouses to help bring justice to the victims.  Conversely, the homosexual judge believes in the illogical, "far-out" movement of a group of people who are fighting for special rights and privileges to do their own thing no matter what the cost or what the majority of society thinks, or who they hurt.

Before going further, I want to qualify myself.  I am not an attorney, paralegal nor studied any form of law.  The statement that I make in this writing is totally based upon my own logical and orderly thinking.  As I stated outright at the beginning of this writing, that the Berkley second edition, July 2001 Oxford dictionary defines a judge as, "an appointed official."  In my honest judgment, however, this being the case, these judges' rulings do not affect any law that is put before them, because they only have authority to interpret and apply that law to the issues that are before them; they don't have the authority to restrain, amend or set aside any law; only Congress has that authority!

Appointed judges make rulings (their opinions); and our elected officials make laws!  Now, the sixty-four dollar question is, why haven't our lawmakers stepped forward and blasted these rulings (judge's opinions) as meaningless and have no affect on enacted laws whatsoever?  This would've avoided all that chaos and optimistic bedlam.  Congress is the only entity that can amend, rescind or make a new law to encompass a judge's ruling.  I hold our esteem lawmakers responsible for allowing these judges to turn our country upside down and inside and out with their meaningless rulings.  I'm not certain that, "Rhode vs. Wade" or "Separation of Church and State," is a law or a ruling.  If they are only rulings, then, abortion is still illegal and mixing church and state is still legal. To all you fancy lawyers out there, would you please answer these questions?

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

"Coming Out"

 On the homosexual scene homosexual men have recently replaced coming out of the closet with just plain ole "Coming Out."  The sole purpose for writing this blog is to prove and clear up the fact, once and for all, that the behavior and lifestyle of homosexuals are not innate; but brought on by the despicable act of molestation.  In Atlanta, while watching People TV, on which two men were guests appearing on the Mills Connection Show; and as I was watching Miss Mills' grinning and congratulating these men on going public with their homosexual lifestyle, turned me off considerably.  As a Christian leader, hosting a Christian show, I would've never allowed any homosexual to come on my show and boast about coming out of the closet and committing abomination.  Instead, Miss Mills sat in her chair while she happily joked around with these two guys talking about "coming out" and being their true selves.  Yet, moral guidance and God were never mentioned in the conversation.  These two confused men talked as if they had been convinced that they were born homosexual, and had a moral right to live a happily normal life.

As homosexuality being an intrinsic and innate trait, no one has proved, in any way that this is true. I'm a fair and honest person, and I believe God is too. If God had made homosexuals the way they are, and then told him to not sleep with the same-sex, He wouldn't be fair and honest, knowing that they couldn't help from doing so. It would be like Him telling me, it's an abomination for me to cry in public, knowing He has built the tear ducks into my eyes.  If homosexuals are not born homosexual, then how did these people come about?  Let's try reasoning our way to a logical answer.  It appears that most homosexuals coming out of the closet, as they testified on the Oprah Winfrey Show, had been molested.  Now, please pay closely attention to what I'm about to say, and don't miss it.  A male molesting a male child produces homosexual tendencies (the child becomes attracted to other males).  Vice versa, a female molesting a female child produces homosexual tendencies (the child becomes attracted to other females).  Remember, these children are only little virgins.  Apparently, the molester has force the child to do oil sex on him/her or he/her on the child, altering the child's normal sex drives (feelings and emotions) towards his own sex.  

On the other hand, when a male molests a female child, the female child's sex drives are not altered toward her own sex; the brunt of this despicable act upon the child is experienced through his mental capacity, such as, a sense of feeling cheap, a good for nothing person with a rock bottom, low self-esteem.  Likewise, when a female molests a male child--w-e-l-l--- I have to assume the same thing happens, because Google is silent on this one. 

But the lesson we learned from the above was that homosexuality is not innate, but induced by the molestation of the same sex gender.  However, when the opposite sex molests the opposite sex gender, homosexuality does not occur. Therefore, through deductive reasoning, we've proved that homosexuality is a form of mental disorder, caused by the despicable act of same-sex molestation forced upon a same-sex child.

In summary, a same-sex individual molesting a same-sex child causes homosexuality, while an opposite-sex individual molesting an opposite-sex child does not cause homosexuality; but causes a heap of mental anguish and much suffering in the child's life.


Psychological and psychosomatic treatment counseling.  Can these doctors, successfully, treat and alter these individuals' deeply rooted confusion, caused by this despicable act of molestation?  I don't know.  I just don't know.  But what I do believe is that free treatment and counseling should become available and offered to all of these unfortunate individuals.



Sir Leonard

Copyrights 2011, all rights reserved.

Racial Profiling

Nowadays, often in the news, we hear much talk about racial profiling; especially when it comes to illegal immigration.  I thought that when racial profiling is mentioned we're talking about People of Color (the Colored Race).  When policemen harass certain type of people, belonging to a certain race, it is called racial profiling, isn't it?  What sets me aback, how in the hell when policemen are enforcing the immigration laws upon illegal immigrants in this country has become racial profiling?

Perhaps in order to educate our total readership I should start from the beginning of this "race thing."  This may take a little time; so, sit back and get comfortable.  A little than fifty years ago our schools taught that there were five races in the world:

The Caucasian (White), Negro (Black), Indian (Red), Mongolia (Yellow) and Malaysia

In the 1960s, while living in Los Angeles, CA, is when I noticed a certain part of Los Angeles had become known as the Hispanic or Latino section; from watching the news as I traveled around the US, the country was politically rapidly changing its profile.  As I began to take notice, the political landscape had metamorphosed into a complexity of people until I hardly recognized the new political terminologies used in writing and reporting the new.  Taking heed to what was going on, I began investigating.  For instance, I asked one of my neighbor's school-teacher girlfriends (around thirty years old), "Does your school teach the existence of the world's five races, and what are they"?  She said, "No."  "You mean that you guys don't teach that there are five races in the world," I asked?  She said, "No," with a puzzled look on her face.

Of course, I went on to educate her along this line and for more than an hour, while standing under her umbrella outside in the rain.  She was so intrigued with my conversation until she forgot it was raining outside.  This made me wonder if I schools have discontinued teach not only school children but our school teacher world history which include the five races of the world.  Yet, they're still being taught about the Caucasian or White and Negro or Black races.  I began to wonder why.  There has to be some surreptitious motive throughout this whole process; and I vowed to find out.

However, my first effort was to find out what happened to the other three races.  In my diligent research, I found out that the White Establishment was behind this conniving and shuffling around all this race mess.  It changed the Indian (Red) race to Native American, which is nonsense because anyone born in America is a Native American.  It changed the Mongolia or Yellow race to the Asian Ethnic Group and as far as the Malaysia race, I think the Establishment got a little mixed up and confused and has never come up with any group with which to associate these people; so, I believe it just lop them in the Asian Ethnic Group as well.  The important thing here is to ascertain why the Caucasoid or White race and the Negroid or Black race were left intact?   Could it be to act as a permanent reminder of the Whiteman's Establishment objecting to the idea of the Blackman and White Woman ever being or getting together?  That's why I say in my Bookrix-published book You May Quote Me, It’s impossible to achieve racial harmony in America--even with God!  I know, it surprises and awes you when I make such a bold statement, linking it to God.  I'll explain:  You see, in order to achieve racial harmony in America, the Caucasian woman has to disappear; and this is not likely to happen.  This is why I said, “Even impossible with God”!

Meanwhile, back to racial profiling.  You see, I'm I know all about racial profiling because I've been the subject of racial profiling and experienced quite a bit of it in my life time.  Not only me, but other People of Color have experienced such unwanted harassment by the police.  Since the United States only recognizes two races, the Caucasoid or White and the Negroid or Black races, how in the hell when the police are stopping and searching out possible illegal immigrants from Mexico is racial profiling since these non-Americans are not a member of either of the two races of which I just referred.  These suspected Mexican illegal immigrants are members of one of the Ethnic Groups and not of the two races. 

This bogus "racial profiling" nonsense is an excuse to force America to continue to allow illegal Mexican immigrants to enter.  Our lawmakers can easily close this loophole by adding to this

Immigration law that, "These Mexican immigrants are members of neither the White nor the Black race."  The following is a file copy of the blog I wrote on July 29, 2010:

"Arizona's Governor Jan Brewer's enforcement of illegal immigration law went into effect July 29, 2010, one minute after midnight.  Come on now, folks; we're not talking about a problem with regular or illegal immigration in this country as a whole; we're talking about problems with illegal Mexican immigration in our South and far Western States of the United States; such as, California, New Mexico, Texas, and of course, Arizona.

However, the much talked-about unprotected Mexico boarders are not the problem!  The problem is construction companies and other illegal Mexican-immigrant hiring entities--such as, cities, counties and states.  Yes, it's true; your governments are hiring illegal Mexican-immigrants and paying them with your tax money! The majority of workers I see working on government projects are Mexicans--only a very few Americans.  As they say, "Cut the snake's head off and you kill the snake!"  As far as the law concerned, there's no further action that's required of the US Congress.  It has already given law enforcement legal authority to go after these contractors (including government) and lay a hefty $20, 000 fines upon them for hiring illegal Mexicans or any illegal.

Nevertheless, my message to the President and Congress is to get the hell out of the way and let law enforcement do its job!  The solution is just that simple!  Case closed.

Sir Leonard