Be a Winner

Having tried and failed, I'll always consider you a winner; but having not tried and failed, I'll always consider you a nobody!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

"Coming Out"

 On the homosexual scene homosexual men have recently replaced coming out of the closet with just plain ole "Coming Out."  The sole purpose for writing this blog is to prove and clear up the fact, once and for all, that the behavior and lifestyle of homosexuals are not innate; but brought on by the despicable act of molestation.  In Atlanta, while watching People TV, on which two men were guests appearing on the Mills Connection Show; and as I was watching Miss Mills' grinning and congratulating these men on going public with their homosexual lifestyle, turned me off considerably.  As a Christian leader, hosting a Christian show, I would've never allowed any homosexual to come on my show and boast about coming out of the closet and committing abomination.  Instead, Miss Mills sat in her chair while she happily joked around with these two guys talking about "coming out" and being their true selves.  Yet, moral guidance and God were never mentioned in the conversation.  These two confused men talked as if they had been convinced that they were born homosexual, and had a moral right to live a happily normal life.

As homosexuality being an intrinsic and innate trait, no one has proved, in any way that this is true. I'm a fair and honest person, and I believe God is too. If God had made homosexuals the way they are, and then told him to not sleep with the same-sex, He wouldn't be fair and honest, knowing that they couldn't help from doing so. It would be like Him telling me, it's an abomination for me to cry in public, knowing He has built the tear ducks into my eyes.  If homosexuals are not born homosexual, then how did these people come about?  Let's try reasoning our way to a logical answer.  It appears that most homosexuals coming out of the closet, as they testified on the Oprah Winfrey Show, had been molested.  Now, please pay closely attention to what I'm about to say, and don't miss it.  A male molesting a male child produces homosexual tendencies (the child becomes attracted to other males).  Vice versa, a female molesting a female child produces homosexual tendencies (the child becomes attracted to other females).  Remember, these children are only little virgins.  Apparently, the molester has force the child to do oil sex on him/her or he/her on the child, altering the child's normal sex drives (feelings and emotions) towards his own sex.  

On the other hand, when a male molests a female child, the female child's sex drives are not altered toward her own sex; the brunt of this despicable act upon the child is experienced through his mental capacity, such as, a sense of feeling cheap, a good for nothing person with a rock bottom, low self-esteem.  Likewise, when a female molests a male child--w-e-l-l--- I have to assume the same thing happens, because Google is silent on this one. 

But the lesson we learned from the above was that homosexuality is not innate, but induced by the molestation of the same sex gender.  However, when the opposite sex molests the opposite sex gender, homosexuality does not occur. Therefore, through deductive reasoning, we've proved that homosexuality is a form of mental disorder, caused by the despicable act of same-sex molestation forced upon a same-sex child.

In summary, a same-sex individual molesting a same-sex child causes homosexuality, while an opposite-sex individual molesting an opposite-sex child does not cause homosexuality; but causes a heap of mental anguish and much suffering in the child's life.


Psychological and psychosomatic treatment counseling.  Can these doctors, successfully, treat and alter these individuals' deeply rooted confusion, caused by this despicable act of molestation?  I don't know.  I just don't know.  But what I do believe is that free treatment and counseling should become available and offered to all of these unfortunate individuals.



Sir Leonard

Copyrights 2011, all rights reserved.

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