Be a Winner

Having tried and failed, I'll always consider you a winner; but having not tried and failed, I'll always consider you a nobody!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

State of Arizona and Illegal Immigration


Fit T Hit Records

Protest against law in Arizona

For more, visit my blog, at:

To: All My Loyal Cyberspace Fans and Readers

Subject: State of Arizona and Illegal Immigration

Date: July 29, 2010

Dear Fans and Readers:

Arizona's Governor Jan Brewer's enforcement of illegal immigration law went into effect today, one minute after midnight. Come on now, folks; we're not talking about a problem with regular or illegal immigration in this country as a whole; we're talking about problems with "illegal Mexican immigration" in our South and far Western States of the United States; such as, California, New Mexico, Texas, and of course, Arizona.

However, the much talked-about unprotected Mexico boarders are not the problem! The problem is construction companies and other illegal Mexican-immigrant hiring entities--such as, cities, counties and states. Yes, it's true; your governments are hiring illegal Mexican-immigrants and paying them with your tax money! The majority of workers I see working on government projects are Mexicans--only a very few Americans. As they say, "Cut the snake's head off and you kill the snake!" As far as the law concerned, there's no further action that's required of the US Congress. It has already given law enforcement legal authority to go after these contractors (including government) and lay a hefty $20, 000 fine on them for hiring illegal Mexicans or any illegal.

Nevertheless, my message, to the President and Congress, is to get out of the way and let law enforcement do its job! The solution is just that simple! Case closed.




Copyright 2010, all rights reserved. Thundercat



Fit T Hit Records

To: The Christian Voter X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

Subject: The Vote! X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

Date: July 19, 2010

Dear Christian Voter:

Knowingly, a true Christian would never vote for a Devil! The majority of American Christians vote for devils because they're unaware that they're voting for devils. That's why I wrote the brochure, "The Vote," to educate you on which party stands for the principles of the Devil and which party stands for the principles of God. I have extracted the following excerpts from the above brochure for your information, perusal and enlightenment:

The Purpose

Primarily, this brochure is geared towards disseminating pertinent information to the Christian black and the Christian poor white voters. You will notice in this pamphlet, how I have juxtaposed, for your convenience, the views of each party, at a single glance, on sensitive controversial issues that are very important to these voters’ Christian faith and belief. This is strictly for the King James, Bible believing Christians; you atheists and agnostics don’t waste your time!

Description of the Democratic Party

Within the last two decades or more, the Democratic Party has made a three-hundred-sixty-degree, subtle metamorphic turn-around as far as believing in the principles of God. In year 2003, I began noticing this subtle change in the Democratic Party. Up until then, I had been voting like my family voted—straight party line! That King James Version, Bible believing, God-fearing Democratic Party day is gone bye-bye with the wind! Preachers now in the contemporary Democratic Party are preaching the true Word of God and don’t even believe in it. This is a Christian nation; and this is why I feel obligated to inform the ninety-six percent of the American Christian voters about this contemporary Democratic Party.

Description of Republican Party

Many poor people think that the Republican Party only caters to the rich; such perception exists because the Republican Party doesn't believe in the government giving the people everything they need; but, instead, it believes in teaching the people how to earn what they need! God says, "No work, no eat! I've placed life and death and blessings and curses before you--choose life!" Wisely, the Republican Party has chosen life for you; while the Democratic Party has, foolishly, chosen death for you. What a pity!

Democratic Party

(For) Separation of Church and State

Like apples and oranges, secular and non secular things don’t add up. The government’s job is to govern the American people’s business and not their religious community affairs

(For) Evolution taught in Schools

The two controversial concepts of creationism and evolutionism should be taught to the student in school and let the student makes up his own mind as to what he thinks what happened.

(For) Abortion

It’s the woman’s body and she should be the one to make the decision to have or not have the baby she’s carrying in her body. After all, abortion is lawful.

(Against) Ten Commandments in Schools

The Ten Commandments promote and proselytize religion and that is unconstitutional. It is the parents’ responsibility to teach their children about God and not our government public schools.

(For) Same-Sex Marriage

As Rev. Jesse Jackson said, “If two same-sex people love each other, there’s nothing wrong with it.” After all, none of us has control over how we are born into the world. These people should be allowed to live a full and happy life just as anyone else.

Republican Party

(Against) Separation of Church and State

The first public school classes were held in the same churches the early Americans held their Sunday meeting and worship services. You cannot separate God from man. After all, God made man and had to give him instruction and guidance as to how he should live.

(Against) Evolution being taught in Schools

This is nonsense! It’s inconceivable why our educators would waste their time listening to these crazy theories of evolutionists; such as, the world came into being by the big, bang theory, man has no superior being to give in account for his action and man evolve from an ape and monkey I’ll tell you something, if one of these kooks told me that I evolved from a monkey I would look at him as though if he had just fell of the back of a turnip truck; for any fool knows that a man and a woman are still producing babies and monkeys are still producing monkeys. You see, this alone, kills this evolution thing!

(Against) Abortion

Life begins at conception. As soon as a woman and man sperm link up together, at that moment a human being is conceived and if any one stops the natural development of this human being, by killing him, is guilty of intentional meditated, first degree murder. Man has no right to take something that he can’t give; only God has that right because He can give life.

(For) Ten Commandments in Schools

What other individuals are more qualified to instruct and guide their children than the parents. God made us and he knows more about us and what we need than anyone else on this earth; so He gave us instructions to guide us and direct our lives. Those instructions are incorporated in a guide called the Ten Commandments.

(Against) Same-Sex Marriage

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist or any person with a well balanced logical mind to know that Mother Nature does not tolerate “sameness.” God built this world upon the principle of opposites—male and female. Note the animal kingdom—male and female; the plant kingdom—male and female and even gravitation, the force that keeps things in order, such as, the north and south poles. Remember, back in school, when we played with the magnets of the north and south poles? Every time that we would put the two north poles or the two south poles together, how they would repel each other(they would run away from each other—they couldn’t stand each other); but when we would put the opposites, north and south, magnets together they loved it! This is why God tells a man and a man and a woman and a woman it’s an abomination (it’s disgusting and despicable to him) for them to sleep together. God didn’t have to tell me, because I can look around at Mother Nature and observe this principle of opposites operating in the life of all living creatures and living plants.

There, I've already done the work for you; and all there's left for you to do is make up your mind which party you're comfortable voting for. Of course, the choice is entirely left up to you; so, be responsible and go out there and vote!




Sir Leonard

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