Be a Winner

Having tried and failed, I'll always consider you a winner; but having not tried and failed, I'll always consider you a nobody!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Same-sex Couples Allowed to Attend School Prom

An article, posted by 11Alive, 3/23/2010, said that Bleckley County High School, Cochran, GA, allowed senior, 18 year-old Derrick Martin and his homosexual partner, to attend the school prom.

The following is my blurb to those commenting on the article that seem to think that it's alright and no big deal:

Hey, all of you guys are just as sick, in your minds, as those illogical, unreasonable thinking, poor homosexual souls! Don't you realize that the only link between man and the lower animal is the reasoning process? Man lives by the reasoning process; the animal, regardless what those animal-lover wachos, might say--the animal lives by instincts and instincts only! Yet, I've yet to observe or hear of any such, two animals of the same sex attempting to copulate! That being said, don't you realized that by going along with the, psychologically, screwed up way those sick, demented individuals think, is just a reversal of the way the Creator designed the process to operate? The animal seems to be smart enough to observe and follow the designed principles of Mother Nature; while you guys, or whatever, are too stupid to understand these principles!

Oh, by the way, you make yourselves look more stupid when you say things like, "Why is this news? Who cares? If there's no rules or set principles, why did these kids had to even seek permission? Why not just go?" I'll answer all these questions! First, of all, this guy knew that what he wanted to do was a perversion against Mother Nature; and it didn't fit into the normal flow of God's creation.

Hey, Songwriter2898, where've all your faculties gone--into some woodpecker's head? This article is not about, "Some bait for hate!" It's about these homosexuals trying to force their abominable, disgusting lifestyle upon our Judeo way of life. Songwriter, I just so happen to be an accomplished songwriter, recording artist and blogger; frankly, your way of thinking makes me wanna barf! When God said, "Man do not lay with man; woman do not lay with woman, for this is an abomination!" Remember, He didn't say it was a sin--where most, so-called, preachers get it wrong--He said it was an abomination. Abomination is defined as something despicable, loathsome and disgusting! I, truly, understand why God said this-- because when I see two men or two women hugging and kissing each other--Song Writer, I don't feel "hate"; I feel disgust, despicability and a sense of loathsomeness! And to top it all off, our little innocent children are being influenced and confused by these cognitive demented people. Just a little eye-opening education, I feel, by listening to what you have to say, you're lacking!



Sir Leonard

Monday, March 22, 2010

"What's Going on With the Weather?"

"What's going on with the Weather?" the subject of a post 11Alive posted on it's website on Monday, March 22, 2010.  Below is my response.

God is venting his wrath upon the, so-called Christians of this country, for continuing to vote His (God) adversaries, the Democrats, into office--election after elections! These un-Godly Democrats--not the Republicans--are the ones striving to make this country a God-free country; they're the ones passing all these abominable, unreasonable laws, allowing two men (same-sex) to "shack up" in the name of some "domestic partnership program"; and putting guns to the taxpayers' heads, forcing them to pay for the benefits of these sick people! These Democrats' goal is to promote humanism and absolutism, where there's no absolute right and wrong, moral and immoral behaviors and where each individual decides for himself what he needs to do to make his life more pleasurable and happier--no matter what! The goal of a society with the motto: "If it feels good, do it! Anything goes!"

Note, a few months ago, the Washington DC Mayor signed into law same-sex marriage--following suit of several States, where the Governors have signed this abominable legislation into their state laws. All Democrats are of the same mind--they all believe alike, they all think alike and they all will act alike! Don't be duped by President Barack Obama when he says he believes in God. If it were not for his nemeses, the Republicans, and the opportunity presented itself, he would sign same-sex marriage into law in the winks of a cat's two hind quarters! Thank God for His (God) Republicans! For God to withdraw His wrath from upon America, we must all go to the polls, this November, and vote all these devils out of office!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

President Obama's Healthcare Reform Rips America Apart!

Hey, folks, it's the American democratic voters to blame for all the ills of America today! The majority of the American voters, election after election, continue to vote the un-Godly, anti-America Democratic Party into office. The Democratic Party, not the Republican Party, that's striving to make America a God-free country of, humanism and absolutism, with a motto, "If it feels good, do it! Anything goes! What is right and what is wrong, what is acceptable and what is unacceptable and the accountability of one's action is determined by the individual!" It was the Democratic Party, not the Republican Party, that enacted abominable laws, putting a gun to the taxpayers' heads forcing them to pay for the benefits of homosexuals (same-sex), "shacking" up in the name of some "domestic partnership program." It was the Democratic Party, not the Republican Party that took the Ten Commandments out of our schools and replaced them with guns, drugs and gangs!

Oh, yes! It is the Democratic Party, not the Republican Party that is causing widespread poverty and homelessness in America; by telling their constituents that, "If you vote for us and keep us in power, you won't have to work; we'll force the taxpayers to take care of you and your family and their families." Giving these voters everything and not encouraging them to work--make them poor and poor and poor and poor and poor! On the other hand, the philosophy of the Republican Party is that, "If you give a man a fish he can live for a day; you teach him how to fish; he'll live for a life time!" Black folks are of the misnomer that the Republican Party, "only caters to the rich." No, that's not true; it just believes in encouraging its constituents to learn to take care of them. Even the Bible say, "No work, no eat!" What that means is, if an able body individual sitting around too lazy to work, let him starve to death!

On the morality side, the bottom line is that the contemporary Democratic Party stands for and embraces the principles of the Devil; while the contemporary Republican Party stands for and embraces the principles of God! You see, that's why it's so easy for these democrats, in Congress, to do what they're doing to cram and ram this healthcare reform bill down the throat of the American people--as we speak--conniving, cheating breaking all the rules which is contrary to our Constitution. It's not so much about being against the passage of this healthcare reform bill, but about the unscrupulous, demonizing methods of going about it! Yet when it's all over with, when time to vote, those same, not-so-bright democratic voters, will vote these devil right back into office!




Sir Leonard

Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Two Prostatectomy's Side Affects Doctors Dare Talk About

Doctors are always looking for that opportunity to put the knife you! Putting the knife to you is where doctors make their money--not writing prescriptions. After forty years old, the prostate gland becomes enlarged; and this is something that doctors jumpt at, in trying to talk the elder person into removing his prostate gland as a cancer-preventative measure or lie to him in telling him that his prostate gland is cancerous. Anything to make the money! It angried the VA doctors When I refused to let them test me for Prostate cancer; because of this, they refuse to write me a prescription to shrink my prostate gland unless I submit to the test. I read some where that after a while the enlarge prostate gland will shrink itself. Men that I talk to, who have undergone this testing, said that it hurts like hell!

My applauds and kudos go out to Dr. J. Leonard Lichtenfeld for being brave and honest enough to stand up and speak the true about the major two devastating side affects of a prostatectomy. My hunch was right all along! "The Doctor's Word is Not the Bible," is one of the chapters in my book, "Sir Leonard Speaks," in which I write about doctors' diagnoses in great length. In the chapter, I write about how much credence I would give to a dorctor's diagnosis if he told me that I had prostate cancer. I said that, without mentioning the previous doctor's diagnosis, I would go out, if necessary, and hire a hundred more doctors for an examination; and if the one hundredth doctor tells me that I have prostate cancer--and then, and only then, would I begin to think about it! Notice that I said, "Think about it!" Sir Leonard, Atlanta,

President George W. Bush can Still be Brought to Justice

According to a populous, reliable source, "While President George W. Bush can't be impeached technically, but he can be tried for many crimes, including negligence of office, lying, mispending government funds, politicizing the department of justice and other agencies and war crimes, etc. It will take time to put it all together and there may be several trials--but it seems like the process is moving forward. Yea!"

One month after President Bush left office, breaking news. in the March 2009 issue of the Globe Magazine, stated that, "Former First Lady Laura Bush and President Bush had split up; she moved to Dallas, Texas to shop for her own home, while Bush remains at the Crowford Texas Ranch." It went on to say that, "Former President George W. Bush had become depressed and cuicidal;and had started drinking like a fish!" In a follow up April issue of the Globe, President Bush and Conndi Rice appeared on the cover page, talking to each other on the phone; Bush appears unshaven, looking like a drunken bum and all haggarded out. The Globe stated that, "Georg W. Bush called Conndi Rice and told her, 'I need your help! Please, come here and help me! I have a problem. Laura has left me and I'm all alone! Will you come and help me?'" The magazine said that Bush had become antsy, suicidal and stressed out; mainly, over the fact that President Barack Obama is plotting to have him arrested for war crimes.

Meanwhile, let's hope that this former mendacious president doesn't kill himself before he's arrested and brought to trial before the American people, especially, so the young men and women of this country can see that President Bush cannot get away with lying and making up the Iraqi war that has slaughtered and wounded tens of thousands of their peers. Arresting and putting Georg W.Bush on trial before the American people, would accomplish and resolve two important elements of our government: first, it would restore the validation of the rule of law in this country. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., said, "Law without order is no law at all!" Not impeaching President Bush under the established rule of law, in this country, makes it a law without order; and, therefore, rendering it as of having no effect. second, it would restore the trust and confidence of our young men and women--in our government--with in and with out of the military--returning it's readiness and preparedness to it's previous level of posture in the world. President Bush's lying and inventing the fraudulent Iraqi war scared the day light out of our young men and women--especially, colleges students! Currently, they wouldn't touch the military with a 10 foot pole, so to speak--a military's standing in the world, in preparedness and readiness, that ranks at the bottom of the toteme pole.

Iran knows that President Obama is not, militarily, prepared to defend against nor attack even a pack of rats, so to speak! We don't have a military might that can be used as a deterrence anymore! Sir Leonard, Atlanta, GA

Friday, March 5, 2010

A Total Cure for Gang Activities and Other Violence in America

Gangs need caning! Yes, caning is the only effective way to go to eliminate and put a stop to gang violence in America. Syngapore and other countries, which include caning in their prison systems for punishing hard-core criminals, have successfully detered and practically wiped out gang activities and hard-core felonious, heineous crimes. "Caning" is administering corporal punishment by using a caning rod to give a prisoner X amount of strikes across his bare behind. Ten across the behind are no thrill for anybody!

Children need spanking ( with a belt, of course, not a caning rod)! Let's shut down and permanently close all juvenile centers in America; and give the police authority to administer punishment to unruly children with X amount of belt strikes across the behind (with clothes intact) and turn them loose. That way, we save money by not having to feed and house them. Furthermore, allow parents and schools to use corporal punishment, as an ultimatum, in disciplining childrens. In order to be fair to the dhildren, we must, first, teach them that what is right and that what is wrong; what is acceptable behavior and what is unacceptable behavior. Currenrly, the way things stack up, the child isn't being taught that the value of a human being's life is more valuabe than the value of an animal's life, to honor and respect others--especially, elders. Not only the parents must teach their children these values, but, also, our schools; because the child spends 9 months out of the year in the custody of the government (in school) and only 3 months out of the year in the custody of their parents. Also, That is why it is the government's responsibilty to teach our children these values; and they're all summarized in ten statements called, "The Ten Commandments." That's Right! Put-the-Ten-Commandments-back-in-the-schools! Sir Leonard, Atlanta, GA