Be a Winner

Having tried and failed, I'll always consider you a winner; but having not tried and failed, I'll always consider you a nobody!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

President Obama's Healthcare Reform Rips America Apart!

Hey, folks, it's the American democratic voters to blame for all the ills of America today! The majority of the American voters, election after election, continue to vote the un-Godly, anti-America Democratic Party into office. The Democratic Party, not the Republican Party, that's striving to make America a God-free country of, humanism and absolutism, with a motto, "If it feels good, do it! Anything goes! What is right and what is wrong, what is acceptable and what is unacceptable and the accountability of one's action is determined by the individual!" It was the Democratic Party, not the Republican Party, that enacted abominable laws, putting a gun to the taxpayers' heads forcing them to pay for the benefits of homosexuals (same-sex), "shacking" up in the name of some "domestic partnership program." It was the Democratic Party, not the Republican Party that took the Ten Commandments out of our schools and replaced them with guns, drugs and gangs!

Oh, yes! It is the Democratic Party, not the Republican Party that is causing widespread poverty and homelessness in America; by telling their constituents that, "If you vote for us and keep us in power, you won't have to work; we'll force the taxpayers to take care of you and your family and their families." Giving these voters everything and not encouraging them to work--make them poor and poor and poor and poor and poor! On the other hand, the philosophy of the Republican Party is that, "If you give a man a fish he can live for a day; you teach him how to fish; he'll live for a life time!" Black folks are of the misnomer that the Republican Party, "only caters to the rich." No, that's not true; it just believes in encouraging its constituents to learn to take care of them. Even the Bible say, "No work, no eat!" What that means is, if an able body individual sitting around too lazy to work, let him starve to death!

On the morality side, the bottom line is that the contemporary Democratic Party stands for and embraces the principles of the Devil; while the contemporary Republican Party stands for and embraces the principles of God! You see, that's why it's so easy for these democrats, in Congress, to do what they're doing to cram and ram this healthcare reform bill down the throat of the American people--as we speak--conniving, cheating breaking all the rules which is contrary to our Constitution. It's not so much about being against the passage of this healthcare reform bill, but about the unscrupulous, demonizing methods of going about it! Yet when it's all over with, when time to vote, those same, not-so-bright democratic voters, will vote these devil right back into office!




Sir Leonard

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