Be a Winner

Having tried and failed, I'll always consider you a winner; but having not tried and failed, I'll always consider you a nobody!

Monday, December 14, 2009

The 2009 History-making Presidential Inauguration Day

To: All My Cyberspace Loyal Fans and Readers

Subject: The 2009 History-making Presidential Inauguration Day

Date: December 8, 2009

Dear Fans and Readers:

On January 20, 2009, America made history in the following two ways:

1. It inaugurated its first Black President (Barack Hussein Obama) of the United States.

2. It set free its first lying, mass-murdering President (George W. Bush) of the United States.

Dichotomously speaking, both “good” and “bad” happened today; the “good,” the American people celebrated the inauguration of the first Black President of this country; the “bad,” the lawmakers of our country set free the first lying and mass-murdering President of this country. What a “frickin'" pity and a miscarriage of justice that this110th Democratic Congress has perpetrated upon the American people, by taking the impeachment of President George W. Bush "off the table" for the war crimes that he has committed upon our young American boys and girls in ordering them to fight in his manufactured, fraudulent Iraqi war.

My claim that President George W. Bush is a "lying, mass-murdering" President is based upon the grounds of the following reliable, indisputable evidence on record:

President Bush provided the evidence, himself, in his pre-war-TV speeches, when he was trying to convince the Congress, beyond a shadow of any doubt, that Saddam Hussein possessed WMD's and chemical weapons; and most of all, General Colin Powell’s sitting before the United Nation Security Council, not only trying to convince it, but explaining that he had in his hands blue prints that pinpointed the existence and the whereabouts of Saddam Hussein’s WMD’s and chemical weapons. To find out for sure, all we had to do was to demand that this Administration produce these blue prints and hand them over to be examined for their authenticity; and if it claims that these documents have gotten lost in the shuffle of things, then we’ll know the answer—which would've been--that there weren’t any blue prints in the first place. I do believe that this Bush Administration had General Colin Powell fake the existence of these blue prints before this Security Council. Lies!

Later, it was revealed to the American people that evidence showed that Saddam Hussein did not have WMD's and chemical weapons, was not connected to Al-Qaeda nor was he involved in the Nine Eleven attack on America. President Bush and his thuggish group panicked; and became confused and were at a loss of what to do next; now that their elaborate surreptitious scheme they had put together had come to the light! In trying to change the subject, President Bush and his Administration went on the offense, accusing Saddam Hussein of mustard-gassing and killing his own people. After thousands of our American young boys and girls had been wounded and slaughtered behind those lies the President had told the American people about Saddam Hussein--and had no proof--he, vehemently, went after Saddam Hussein for murdering his own people; and, again, began lying about fighting the war on terrorists. The media, such as, radio- TV talk shows and the Press took it and ran with! Soon naive America's amnesia set in, as usual! Until this day, the majority of the America people don't even remember that President Bush and his White House thugs made up this Iraqi war! Way to go America!

Freeing George W. Bush, today, from being held accountable and responsible for our young men and women's deaths , and being brought to justice and punished for the despicable war crimes that he has perpetrated upon our young American boys and girls and the American people in this fraudulent, illegal Iraqi war is going to cause America, subsequently, permanent damaging consequences; such as, placing the safety and freedom of the American people in great peril because of the fear and distrust of our government that has been instilled in our young men and women by the action of this duplicitous President.

Because of the irresponsible action of this President, our military has been stretched to a precipitously, dangerous level, in military preparedness. We rank at the bottom of the totem pole compared to Iran, North Korea, China and Russia. Our young men and women are now afraid to join the military and those that are already in can’t wait to get out. It's no wonder, as being reported, that our recruitment service is at an all-time low; and has lowered its enlistment standard to the level of accepting ex-cons, crack head and heroin addicts and other undesirable characters!

As to President Barack Hussein Obama, I’ve already stated that he’s unfit to serve as President of these United States because of the following reasons:

1. Chief reason being what he did and what he didn't do after becoming President-Elect.

after being elected President by the American people, the honorable thing that Barack Obama should’ve done was to draft President George W. Bush a memo, requesting that he and Vice-President Dick Chaney, step aside and let him meet with the third person, in power, to make arrangement for the transference of power; but, instead, Barack Obama met with a President who had the blood of our innocent young American boys and girls all over his hands and the President Elect seemed to be delighted in making arrangement for the transference of power from this President; and more than willing to take up residency in the oval office without making sure that it having been purged of the blood stain of these young men and women—unnecessarily--wounded and murdered in Iraq by this mendacious President.

2. This fraudulent Iraqi war that, Barack Obama was so adamantly opposed to from the beginning, not once denounce President Bush and his White House thugs for making it up; neither during his presidential campaign nor after being elected President. Especially, after learning along with the American people, that there were no WMD’s, no chemical weapons, Saddam Hussein didn't have any ties to Al- Qaeda and that he was not implicated in the Nine-Eleven attack on America. Why? Yet he said nothing!

3. Knowing what President Bush and his Administration had been accused of doing, he should have, publicly, called for the character and the integrity of President Bush and Vice- President Dick Chaney be called into questioning; and that an honest, not “sham,” congressional investigation, be launched to uncover the real truth about the legitimacy of the Iraqi war, which has wounded and killed tens of thousands of our young American boys and girls. This, definitely, demonstrates President Obama's lack of boldness, courage and his being more concerned about "political correctness" than getting to the bottom of the truth about the basis for the Iraqi-war controversy.

This is not the characteristics of a strong, qualified Commander-In-Chief; it’s more like the qualification of a wimpy, wishy-washy Commander-In-Chief. An honest, loyal and courageous Presidential Candidate would’ve made sure that the office that he was aspiring to win would not be defiled by the wrong doings of an unscrupulous predecessor.


Sir Leonard

Recording Artist, Writer and Blogger

Fit T Hit Records

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Marching Super-Bowl-minded New Orleans Saints

To: All My Cyberspace Loyal Fans and Readers

Subject: The Marching Super-Bowl-minded New Orleans Saints

Date: December 1, 2009

Dear Fans and Readers:

The NFL, New Orleans Saints quarterback, Drew Brees, and his supporting cast, won their Monday night football game against the Tom Brady and his New England Patriots, in an unorthodox style, by beating the game out of them! The supernatural-like, accurate, passing performance of quarterback Drew Brees and the saintly running of his running backs and the pass-catching of his astute receivers frustrated, confused and irritated the New England Patriots throughout the Monday night contest! Even their team's proud, high-minded coach, Bill Belichick, became discombobulated!

This power-house, New Orleans Saints' team, didn't just happen! It was put together by a meticulous craftsman, who had to be punctilious in his attention to rules and etiquette; and that craftsman is their guru coach, Sean Peyton! May be, just maybe, this is the coach that Notre Dame needs to get them back on the right track again!

I caution NFL Indianapolis Colts quarterback, Peyton Manning, that this New Orleans Saints' team is not fooling around; its goal is set on winning the next super bowl championship; and when you meet them, your usual super miraculous way of coming from behind, in the last minutes to beat your opponents, will come to an end! With these Saints, once you get behind, you'll stay behind, and you'll lose behind!


Sir Leonard

Recording Artist, Writer and Blogger

Fit T Hit Records

Proof of possible Voter Fraud in the City of Atlanta Mayor's Race

To: All My Cyberspace Loyal Fans and Readers

Subject: Proof of possible Voter Fraud in the City of Atlanta Mayor's Race

Date: December 2, 2009

Dear Fans and Readers:

For over two year, I've been, vehemently, complaining about the possibility of voter fraud, at the precinct where I vote. Why, because the voting ballot storage little black box is not secure and vote tamper free; because it seems to be left unlocked, on purpose, so that any unscrupulous individual can remove the voting ballots. If this is the same setup throughout Fulton and other counties, then voter fraud is no longer an educated guess, but has become a reasonable, plausible possibility. The most logical thing for an individual to do, if he intends to remove these ballots from those unlocked boxes, would not be to throw them away, but to burn them, covering up the crime.

Before conceding, I advise mayoral Mary Norwood to, immediately, request a vote recount; and demand a voter-fraud suspicion, FBI investigation is launched. The following is what people are commenting about the results of this dead-heat, mayoral run-off race:

Lilburnlady wrote: "Don't blame her (Mary Norwood). You know if the shoe was on the other foot he (Kasim Reed) would have cried fraud and a recount. Hopefully, Fulton County didn't throw out ballots like they did in the presidential election."

Misperfect wrote: "If I were there I'd check to see how many of those 759 voters are DEAD!!!!!! Smells just a BIT too fishy...hmmm I wonder if ole Shirley had her stinky hand in the pot???!!!"

Oh, yes, the location of the voting precinct where I vote is in the Morris Brown Building, SW Martin Luther King, Jr., DR.--(next to the Morris Brown branch US post office).

In closing, I'm a strong advocate against everybody having the right to vote--especially those that's uneducated and can't read and write any at all. As I speak, I'm in the process of having Congress appeal these laws that give everybody the right to vote. Had these uneducated, ignorant people were not allowed to vote in the Atlanta Mayor's run-off race, yesterday--which negated and rendered the responsible voters' votes to no affect--Mary Norwood would've won by a landslide! Instead, Kasim Reed was given the opportunity to continue the ongoing corruption and pilfering in our downtown City of Atlanta government.



Sir Leonard

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Campaign Update - Less than 48 Hours

Campaign Update - Less Than 48 Hours

Dear Friends,

This is it. Less than 48 hours from now, Atlantans will go to the polls to pick a new Mayor. Today, we still need your help, your contribution today will help us Get Out The Vote and win the runoff election Tomorrow, December 1st.

Thanks to you, we finished the General election with a 10 point lead and beat Kasim Reed by nearly 8,000 votes.

But we need everyone to vote one more time - Tomorrow, December 1st.

We're fighting a battle on two fronts. Kasim Reed is attacking from one side; spreading intentional distortions and flat out falsehoods in an attempt to trick voters about my record. Meanwhile, the political establishment is attacking from the other - because Kasim Reed knows the only way he can win is with the support of the same regime that has made Atlanta less safe and less prosperous.

Your donation, before midnight Monday, will be the final nail in the coffin of pay to play politics in Atlanta.

Please give what you can now: click here to contribute.

Here's what we already know about the General election fundraising results: Kasim Reed raised more money from well heeled, well connected, big business contractors than every other candidate combined. While he's been flying to big city fundraisers across the Country (and what exactly did Kasim Reed promise to these out of state developers and contractors? We know it wasn't good government for Atlanta), I've been in your neighborhood. I've been to your Churches and Synagogues. I've been in your homes. Not just this year, but for the last twenty.

We've built this campaign from the grassroots up by relying on the more than 5,000 individual donors who have supported my campaign for Mayor by giving only what they are able.

Change does not come from the top down - it comes from the bottom up.

When we started this campaign over a year ago, the press, the pundits, the political insiders and the big business cronies didn't think a campaign that focused on the communities; delivering services, getting crime under control and fixing the city's finances had a chance.

We have proven them wrong so far, and on December 1st we have a chance to prove them wrong once and for all.

Please give what you can one more time and help us make Atlanta shine again: click here to contribute.

Thank you,


Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Atlanta's Mayoralty Office has Lost It's Magic

To: All My Loyal Cyberspace Fans and Readers

Subject: The Atlanta's Mayoralty Office has Lost It's Magic

Date: 29, 2009

Dear Fans and Readers:

Around the beginning of the last three decades, blacks inundated large cities of America, establishing a monolithic black voting bloc which, for the first time, elected black Mayors; Atlanta was no exception.  A  child prodigy, sixteen-year-old graduate of Morehouse College, Maynard Jackson became the first black Mayor of the City of Atlanta. During these history-making years, these fledgling Mayoralty Administrations worked hard to prove that they could run the Mayoralty office as well, if not, better than whites; and did a damn good job of it, too! The Maynard Jackson's Administration was followed by another well run Atlanta's Mayoralty Administration--Mayor Andrew Young's.

However, beginning with the Bill Campbell's Mayoralty Administration, the City of Atlanta's Mayoralty office began to lose it magic. The citizens began to lose trust and confidence in the Atlanta's City government. You know the rest of the story! From that period on, the people of Atlanta's main skepticism have been focused on the Mayoralty office of the City of Atlanta. The current $100,000,000 that a most recent audit discovered missing from the books and no one has any clue of what happened to it; high water bills vexed homeowners due to the Watershed Department mismanagement and $80,000 penalty fees of taxpayers' money unnecessarily paid out for late payments, are all indicative of irresponsible, ineffective mayoralty leadership.

Meanwhile, with only two days left, I suggest that mayoral candidate Mary Norwood stop apologizing to black folks about whom she is; and start telling them who she is; in the context of such verbiage as, , "As you know my name is Mary Norwood, I'm white and proud of it and I'm running for Mayor of Atlanta. My opponent is Kasim Reed, a Blackman. Black leaders, especially civil rights and other, all have plotted against me becoming Mayor of Atlanta; simply because I'm white! I say to the black voters of Atlanta, please don't let anyone tells you who to vote for--not mother, father, husband, wife, or anyone else-- because your vote is personal and private. Don't be influenced to vote for skin color, be your own person and cast your vote for the more qualified candidate! What these civil rights and other black leaders are saying to you, 'Your vote is bequeathed to Kasim Reed because he's a Blackman! We don't care about qualifications; being black is the only qualification he needs to be Mayor of Atlanta!' On next Tuesday, December 1, 2009, show your courage and new found, independent thinking by breaking away from the crowd and vote for Mary Norwood--the better qualified candidate for Mayor of the City of Atlanta."



Sir Leonard

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Atlanta's Mayoralty Office and City Council Presidential Run-off Races

To: All My Loyal Cyberspace Fans and Readers

Subject: Atlanta's Mayoralty Office and City Council Presidential Run-off Races

Date: November 24, 2009

Dear Fans and Readers:

Note the following identical structure that makes up the Atlanta's mayoralty office and City Council presidential run-off races, scheduled for December 1, 2009:

The City of Atlanta's Mayoralty Office Run-off Race

Current polls say that Kasim Reed (A Blackman) and Mary Norwood (A White woman) are at a dead heat at 46%, with 8% undecided. In the regular campaign, at one point, Mary Norwood was leading Kasim Reed by 50%; and on November 3, 2009, the poll's results showed that Kasim Reed had closed the gap within 2000 votes, ending up in a race run-off. With third-place Lisa Borders only getting 15% of the votes, from whence did Kasim Reed get his sudden surge in strength? Certainly, the reason of his surge didn't come from the worthless endorsement of the failed mayoral candidate, Lisa Borders!

Moreover, endorsements coming from black leaders are always biased against the white candidate in a political race such as this one. Example, when Joseph E. Lowery endorsed candidate Kasim Reed, that showed bias and racism on his part, and weighed so heavily on his mind so much so that he, immediately, spoke these apologetic words, "This endorsement is not based upon race!" In return, Kasim Reed said in his acceptant speech, "This race is not about race! The only time the word 'race' will be used in this campaign is when it is used in the phrase, 'race' for Mayor!" Nothing but a lie, what else would the endorsement be based upon? For the civil rights leader knows that, in anything else, Mary Norwood exceeds Kasim Reed beyond compare!

In my estimation, the reason for the sudden surge that took place in the Kasim Reed's campaign was due to extreme low voter turnout; and due the same ole political ignorant black-voter turnout! My advice to the monolithic white voting bloc and those educated, sensible black voters, for Mary Norwood, to get up off your behinds and drag yourselves to the polls and vote on December 1, 2009!

Atlanta's City Council Presidential Run-off Race

Likewise, as in the mayoral run-off race, the Atlanta's City Council presidential run-off race between Caesar Mitchell (A Blackman) and Claire Mueller (A White woman), it's predictable that candidate Caesar Mitchell will get his 100% support from black leaders and political ignorant blacks.

As in the mayoral run-off race, a large white voting bloc turnout will make Claire Mueller the winner. Candidate Claire Mueller needs not worry too much about campaign funds, because Mary Norwood has enough for both; because what Mary Norwood does for her campaign, also, equally affects Claire Mueller's campaign. It's just that simple! As white candidates, competing against black candidates, in a dominantly black city, Mary Norwood and Claire Mueller must find or make a way to encourage and influence white voters to flock to the polls, in droves, to make them the winning candidates! Good Luck!


Sir Leonard

Recording Artist, Writer and Blogger

Fit T Hit Records

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Kasim Reed and Mary Norwood another Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton?

To: All My Loyal Cyberspace Fans and Readers

Subject: Kasim Reed and Mary Norwood another Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton?

Date: November 18, 2009

Dear Fans and Readers:

To you young, first-time, black Atlanta, mayoralty voters; ignorant black and white voters and hip-hop crowd (which doesn't know a commissioner from a councilman) voters, make no mistake about it, Kasim Reed is no Barack Obama! He neither has the charm, oratorical and intellectual skills nor is he in a similar position to make black history; thanks be to God that we've gone down that road before, to pull such an upset win!

Meanwhile, black voters need to get beyond their only reason for voting is for blackness, following family voting tradition and do their own homework while honing their own voting skills before going to the polls to vote. Like your signature, your vote is a personal and private matter; and let no one, I mean no one--mother, father, sister, brother, husband, wife, friend nor foe ever take that right away from you! The candidate you're casting your vote for means that you trust that particular candidate and are giving him or her legal permission to work for you X amount of years, whether it is four or two. That's why it is so very important that during this process you don't judge by color; you judge by character, honesty and integrity. The candidate, you vote for to represent you, becomes your employee; and the only time you'll have to check him or her out is during the campaign period. You do this by listening to every little thing that's being reported in the news about him or her; and when given the opportunity, carefully observe his or her demeanor and listen closely to what he or she says and look for patterns of irregularities in what he or she says. If any hint of dishonesty and irregularities are detected, in what your favorite candidate does or says, that's the time to abandon him or her.

Moreover, in order for you to make a rational, intelligent choice for Mayor, you need only to apply the above barometers I've outlined; and you're good to go! Remember, don't be rushed; forget about this early voting mess--especially in such an important run-off! I hazard to guess that this is just another one of those political, deliberate tricks to rush the voters to the polls unprepared. When unprepared voters go to the polls to vote, they usually vote the same ole establishment into office! Don't be the early bird in a hurry and be fooled, wait out the whole campaign and be prepared!


Sir Leonard

Writer and Blogger

Fit T Hit Records

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Kasim Reed vs. Mary Norwood

To: All My Loyal Cyberspace Fans and Readers

Subject: Kasim Reed vs. Mary Norwood

Date: November 17, 2009

Dear Fans and Readers:

On December 1, 2009, the City of the Atlanta voters will be going to the polls the second time to elect a Mayor for the great City of Atlanta. In order to elect the Mayor right for this City, the following barometers must be carefully weighed and considered:

1. Which one of the two is a match for living up to the principles and ideology that our forefathers established as a template and yardstick for leaders of future generations.

2. Which of the two's reputation, character, honesty and integrity is above reproach--unblameable (unaccusable).

3. Make damn sure, the one you vote for, knows the meaning of moral values! Make sure you attend one of their debates; and have the moderator ask each one of them what his or her take on moral values. If either thinks that moral values are creating jobs, curtailing violence, cutting taxes, etc; which members of the Democratic Party in Washington, DC, think they are--draw a straight line threw that clown's name and wave him or her good-bye! What the Democratic Party thinks moral values are--has nothing to do with moral values! The Republicans got it right--moral values deal with the principles of God--not the principles of man!

4. Which of the two, when looking straight into the TV cameras, solemnly says to you, "On December 1, 2009, please put your trust in me and vote for me to become the next Mayor of Atlanta," sounds more sincere, credible and trustworthy? I certainly understand how difficult it is to distinguish the difference between sincerity and empty semantics, gushing from the mouth of a politician. However, I found out that if you carefully observe any politician's demeanor and listen closely to his words, the task becomes a piece of cake!

In conclusion, following the clues and guidelines I've listed above are guaranteed to bring you the ultimate success in voting for the right candidate--without making some ole educated guess! Within the next two weeks, as this mayoral campaign heats up along the way, so will my blogging! You can follow my blog updates, at: http://thundercatspeaks...!; and at: Feel free to comment at the end of each blog.



Fit T Hit Records

Monday, November 16, 2009

Read All About It (Colts and Patriots)!

Read All About It (Colts and Patriots)!

Monday, November 16, 2009

NFL Johnny Unitas-like, Indianapolis Colts quarterback, Peyton Manning, razzle-dazzles Sunday's NFL late-nighters' fans with his super, surreal, aerodynamic passing performance to beat the New England Patriots, 35-34. Those first dull three quarters, of the game, lulled the majority of the working TV watchers to sleep; as the New England Patriots quarterback, Tom Brady, picked the Indianapolis Colts' shaky, fragile defense apart-- completing passes and throwing touchdowns at will--who woke up early this morning appall and awed in learning about the stunning outcome of the game.

The New England Patriots' football coach, Bill Belichick, showed a lack of computer skill by not clicking on the "save" button to protect and save the game for his New England Patriots. Instead, he jeopardized the game by chancing "going for it on 4th down and inches on his own 30-yard line." The domineering coach demonstrated a lack of prudence; good judgment and common sense when, knowingly, if his decision to "go for it" failed, it would put the football back into the hands of the Indianapolis Colts quarterback, Peyton Manning, the feared and most dreaded quarterback in current NFL history. Coach Belichick, haven't you heard of the byword, "A bird in the hand is worth a thousand in the bushes"? If you haven't, I'm sure you know now; because Peyton Manning and Company taught you the unforgettable painful lesson in your Sunday night debacle.

Moreover, of all the exciting, dramatic, spectacular come-from-behind to win performances, put on by quarterback, Peyton Manning, fall well short of his Sunday night's remember-able performance. Kudos and adulations to the NFL Indianapolis Colts quarterback, Peyton Manning and Company!


You're Sports Update

Fit T Hit Records

P.S. Keep updated on what I'm up to, through my blog pages, at: "thundercatspeaks..!"; and at:; where I speak about everything, inform, educate, excite and entertain! See you there!

Mothers give Black College Students "Hope"--not the Election of Barack Obama

To: All Black College Students

Subject: Mothers give Black College Students "Hope"--not the Election of Barack Obama

Date: November 7, 2009

Dear Students, Studying at Black Colleges:

After the November 2008 election of Barack Hussein Obama, there were bedlam and pandemonium throughout all black colleges across America! Newspapers were bombarded with headlines, such as, "The Election of Barack Obama as the first black President of the United States, gives Us Hope," exclaimed one black student! As I watched these not-so-bright students, screaming their heads off as they leaped for joy in sheer merriment! I said to myself, "What a pity! These students are so bent on blackness that they've lost their sense of reckoning, forgetting the praiseworthy hero who has been in their lives since day one, when they breathed their first breath outside the womb!" Yes, that's right, your mother! It was your mother who held and nurtured you through the good times and the bad times--not Barack Obama! It was your mother who in the middle of the night would hear your cries and get up and come to see about you--not Barack Obama! It was your mother who made sure that you didn't want for food, clothing and warmth--not Barack Obama!

In the above paragraph, I pointed out, how you not knowingly, had your role model and hero--your mother-- all along, right there by your side, while you were taking her for granted! It was mom who enrolled you in your first grade of formal training and learning; and stood by you through high school as you approached the age of accountability; the age of maturity where you could decide for yourself whether you wanted to continue to follow the path of your formal training or abandon it and follow the path you elect to choose. At this stage of your life, you can try or not try something while venturing out and dabbling into the unknown. As I always say, "If you try and you fail, you're still a winner; but if you don't try and you fail, you're a no-body!"

In conclusion, I'm very sure if you ponder and peruse my presentation, you'd want nothing less than to sit back and write your mother a note, apologizing to her for being so foolish and caught up in worldly "things and stuff" until you became callous to not only being able to see her as a caring and loving mother, but as your best friend; and tell her you thank her for being there by your side when you needed her--and most of all thank her for giving you HOPE!


Sir Leonard

Recording Artist, Writer and Blogger

Fit T Hit Records

Monday, November 2, 2009

Black Candidates Calling Mary Norwood a "Republican"

To: All Christians and Black Voters

Subject: Black Candidates Calling Mary Norwood a "Republican"

Date: October 29, 2009

Dear Christians and Black Voters:

The Atlanta black mayoral candidates are calling Mary Norwood a "Republican," in the hope of energizing the black voting bloc in voting for them, forcing a Mary Norwood run-off, on November 3rd, in the City of Atlanta Mayor's race. What they don't realize, is that this is a good thing for us devout Christians! These black candidates are telling the black voting bloc, "Vote for us, because we all are black and Democrats (Like you always do, vote straight party line, on next Tuesday, November the 3rd)."

Not so fast, you Democratic candidates! In 2006, I wrote a brochure, entitled, "The Vote!" In this brochure, I define what the contemporary Democratic and the Republican Parties believes in and stands for. The following is a copy of the brochure for your information and perusal:


The Purpose

Primarily, this brochure is geared towards disseminating pertinent information to the Christian black and the Christian poor white voters. At the very beginning of the pamphlet, I have juxtaposed, for your convenience, the views of each party, at a single glance, on sensitive controversial issues that are very important to these voters’ Christian faith and belief. Strictly for the King James, Bible believing Christians; you atheists and agnostics don’t waste your time!

Description of the Democratic Party

Within the last decade, the Democratic Party has made a three -hundred –sixty-degree subtle metamorphic turn-around. In year 2003, I began noticing this subtle change in the Democratic Party. Up until then, I had been voting like my family voted—straight party line! That King James Version, Bible believing God-fearing Democratic Party day is gone bye-bye with the wind! Preachers now in the contemporary Democratic Party are preaching the true Word of God and don’t even believe in it. This is a Christian nation; and this is why I feel obligated to inform the ninety-six percent of the American Christian voters about this contemporary Democratic Party.

Description of Republican Party

Many say that the Republican Party only caters to the rich; it's because the Republican Party doesn't believe in the government giving the people what they need; but instead, teach the people how to earn what they need! God said, “I place before you, life and blessings and death and curses. Choose life.” Wisely, the Republican Party has chosen life for you; but the Democratic Party has, foolishly, chosen death. What a pity!

© Copyrighted 2006.


Democratic Party

(For) Separation of Church and State

Like apples and oranges, secular and non secular things don’t add up. The government’s job is to govern the American people’s business and not their religious community affairs

(For) Evolution taught in Schools

The two controversial concepts of creationism and evolutionism should be taught to the student in school and let the student makes up his own mind as to what he thinks what happened.

(For) Abortion

It’s the woman’s body and she should be the one to make the decision to have or not have the baby she’s carrying in her body. After all, abortion is lawful

(Against) Ten Commandments in Schools

The Ten Commandments promote religion and that is unconstitutional. It is the parents’ responsibility to teach their children about God and not our government public schools.

(For) Same-Sex Marriage

As Rev. Jesse Jackson said, “If two same-sex people love each other, there’s nothing wrong with it.” After all, none of us has control over how we are born into the world. These people should be allowed to live a full and happy life just as anyone else has, living here in America.

© Copyrighted 2006.


Republican Party

(Against) Separation of Church and State

The first public school classes were held in the same churches the early Americans held their Sunday meeting worship services. You cannot separate God from man; after all, God made him and the only one who could give him instruction and guidance (The Bible) as to how he should live.

(Against) Evolution being taught in Schools

This is nonsense! It’s inconceivable why our educators would waste their time listening to these crazy theories of evolutionists; such as, the world came into being by the big, bang theory, man has no superior being to give in account for his action and man evolve from an ape and monkey. Let me tell you something, if one of these kooks told me that I evolved from a monkey I would look at him as though if he had just fell of the back of a turnip truck; for any fool knows that a man and a woman are still producing babies and monkeys are still producing monkeys. You see, this alone, kills this evolution theory thing!

(Against) Abortion

Life begins at conception. As soon as a woman and man's sperm link up together, at that moment a human being is conceived; and if any one stops the natural development of this human being, by killing him, is guilty of intentional meditated, first degree murder. Man has no right to take something that he can’t give; only God has that right because He can give life.

(For) Ten Commandments in Schools

What other individuals are more qualified to instruct and guide their children than the parents. God made us and he knows more about us and what we need than anyone else on this earth; so He gave us instructions to guide and direct our lives. Those instructions are incorporated in a guide called the Ten Commandments.

(Against) Same-Sex Marriage

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist or any person with a well balanced logical mind to know that Mother Nature does not tolerate “sameness.” God built this world upon the principle of opposites—male and female. Note the animal kingdom—male and female; the plant kingdom—male and female and even gravitation, the force that keeps things in order; such as, the north and south poles. Remember, back in school, when we played with the magnets of the north and south poles? Every time that we would put the two north poles or the two south poles together, how they would repel each other(they would run away from each other—they couldn’t stand each other); but when we would put the opposites, north and south, magnets together they loved it! This is why God tells a man and a man and a woman and a woman it’s an abomination (it’s disgusting and despicable to him) for them to lie together. God didn’t have to tell me because I can look around at Mother Nature and observe this principle of opposites operating in the life of all living creatures and living plants.



Sir Leonard

Recording Artist and Writer

Fit T Hit Records

© Copyrighted 2006.

In the meantime, I don't want anyone to think that I just made up the information contained in the above brochure. This information was obtained from the media; such as, television, talk radio, newspapers and the populace. This information is based upon truth and needs no defense! I compiled it so that the voter can really know where his or her candidate stands on issues and what he or she believes in--because all you're going to get from the candidate is double talk, evasiveness and straight out deception. The reaction I observed from most people, after reading my brochure, and learning the truth about both parties--especially, the Democratic Party, is always the same, "Ah! I didn't know they were like that! I think, I'm going to vote Republican the next time!" The purpose of the brochure is not to promote either Party; but to educate the voter on what each believes in and stands for. Remember, when you vote Tuesday, November 3, 2009, don't vote color vote qualification! Vote Mary Norwood!


Sir Leonard

Recording Artist, Writer and Blogger

Fit T Hit Records

Mayoral Candidate Mary Norwood wins Without Run-off

To: All My Cyberspace Loyal Fans and Readers:

Subject: Mayoral Candidate Mary Norwood wins Without Run-off

Date: October 21, 2009

Dear Fans and Readers:

Black mayoral candidates stay in mayoral race hoping to force a run-off! Give it up folks, don't be such a bunch of hardcore, sore losers! Strange thing about this campaign, that makes it so interesting and suspicious, is that candidates, that should've dropped out of the race months ago, are still in it--even with no poll rating--mind you! How can that be? Speculatively speaking, it wouldn't be surprising if there's being a higher- up, organized strategy to force a run-off with mayoral candidate Mary Norwood. Still in the race--a mayoral candidate, with whom I've personally attempted to communicate, concerning his vision for the City of Atlanta, as mayor , (I won't divulge his name for the sake of embarrassment), which I thought came across on an elementary level. His e-mails revealed, not only he couldn't master grammar, but that he was intellectually lacking.

Make no mistake about it; mayoral candidate Mary Norwood has done her homework! She knows her timing is just right, the blacks no longer hold the black vote bloc, and she has revealed the scandalous inept, irresponsible, pecuniary bookkeeping of the Mayor Shirley Franklin Administration. While the City of Atlanta was being run by blacks, for years now, whites were sneaking back into the City limit of Atlanta, preparing to take the city back. I have lived in several cities which was first run by whites and later by blacks; in each instance, after blacks took over the helm they plunged the city into an organized mess! The Whiteman may ascribe to racism and prejudice; but he's a business man first! Mary Norwood's not worried about any run-off, because she knows that she has the white vote bloc on her side.

Meanwhile, I say to the rest of the remaining mayoral candidates, out there--keep your money in your pocket, stop wasting your time and accept the agony of the bitter truth! You "aint" got a "frickin'" chance!


Sir Leonard

Recording Artist, Writer and Blogger

Fit T Hit Records

Calling All Pastors

To: All Pastors

Subject: Calling All Pastors

Date: October 31, 2009

Dear Pastors:

As a writer and blogger, I was taken aback after learning how the churches in the Atlanta area are being governed and influenced by the agenda of the contemporary Democratic Party. Instead of the black aspirants, running for the mayoralty office of Atlanta, demonstrating their skill and quality of leadership and character, they're exhibiting their ignorance and unprofessionalism! This whole black "charade" that's being carried out by Lisa Borders and Kasim Reed, only makes their sponsors look bad--not Mary Norwood! What did I learn? Having lived in the City of Los Angeles for nine years, I learned that black leadership, in dominantly black cities, is influenced and controlled by the contemporary Democratic Party. The current Georgia Democratic Party's sponsored public racist, prejudice and hate-filled ads, showing on TV and mailing posters against mayoral candidate Mary Norwood prove and bear this out! Please, believe me, when I say, writing about and watching this whole dang gone political floorshow, have been such an anomalous, unpleasant experience. The tragedy, about these black mayoral candidates, is that they're all simpletons and in need of teaching; and I'm led to believe that God has anointed me to do just that!

In the meantime, I have a message to all you pastors of the Atlanta area churches. Most of you've been on my e-mailing list for some time now; and have received a copy of my blog memo, "Churches Everywhere," a copy of my brochure, "The Vote," and a copy of my, "Ten Pledges for School Students." Yet, there's no indication that you, as pastors, have had any effect or made any appreciative difference or impact upon the surrounding community whatever! This hold and stupor, which the Democratic Party has over you, are preventing you from doing the right thing for the community and parishioners of your church. I clearly informed and made you aware of Atlanta Mayor Shirley Franklin and her Administration, surreptitiously, having in force, an ongoing social program, that's putting a gun to the Atlanta taxpayers' heads, and forcing them to pay for the benefits of two men and two women couples (same-sex couples) "shacking up" in the name of some "domestic partnership!" As Apostle Paul warned the churches of the New Testament, I warn you pastors, it'll be much sooner than you think, when God's going to hold you responsible and accountable for compromising and withholding his Word from your parishioners for the sake of "political correctness"; in other word, for the sake of following the doctrine and unbelief of the secular Democratic Party.

Oh, by the way, the above message wasn't meant for those Hollywood, mega church pastors; because God said that, "They have their reward already!" Because of my not having set the love of money as top priority in my daily life, I believe God has primarily anointed me, as His spokesman, to speak to this nation about stopping the Democratic Party and the ACLU from trying to turn America into a second "Sodom and Gorromorah!"

Meanwhile, let me explain why the Democratic Party, mayoral candidates Kasim Reed and Lisa Borders are waging these last- minute vicious, uncivilized, verbal attacks against Mary Norwood. It all boils down to four reasons; first, because Mary Norwood has done her homework; second, because Mary Norwood is unstoppable; third, because she has the white vote bloc on her side and fourth, because Mary Norwood has publicly exposed and proven that black folk are incapable of leading. This sheer, nonsense, last-minute attack on Miss Norwood as being a "Republican" is some witch hunt trying to convince the voters that she is dishonest, can't be trusted and a liar--especially about her voting record and Party affiliation. They're trying to disprove that she's an Independent by questioning her voting record--which is none of their business! My suggestion, to Miss Norwood, is that the next time someone questions how she votes, whether it is the moderator, candidate, audience or whomever; answer the question, in no uncertain words, such as, "That's private, personal and none of your business whom I vote for! Neither my vote is bequeathed to the Democratic Party nor the Republican Party; I'm an Independent and free to vote for either of the two parties if I choose to; because I'm not a slave to either Party!"

Moreover, my suggestion to all the above black mayoral candidates is to visit my blog pages at:; and at: http://thundercatspeaks...!; and down load a copy of my 2006 brochure, "The Vote," in which I expose the Democratic Party for what it really believes in and stands for! The format of the brochure is such that the information, on both parties, is juxtaposed for convenience and easy comprehension at a glance. This brochure is eye-opening, entertaining, exciting and full of the truth. In it, you'll discover that the Democratic Party believes in, stands for and embraces the principle of the Devil; as the Republican Party believes in, stands for and embraces the principle of God. The 2003, abominable event that took place in San Francisco, when a "homo" court judge ruled, ruled I said, mind you; not enacted law, that ban on same-sex marriage was unconstitutional, is what induced me to write this brochure. The surprisingly stunning event that took place, during this time, was when a TV newscaster asked Rev. Jesse Jackson, "What do you think about two men getting married?" "There's nothing wrong with it, if they love each other." This surprised response made me numbed all over! Not only was I stunned, angry and disappointed, but I lost respect and confidence in a man had I considered being a man of God! This was the catalyst that kindled my curiosity about Democrats; so I began observing and researching the ideology of the contemporary Democratic Party. My results are incorporated in my brochure, "The Vote!"

In addition, I recommend that all American voters, both Democratic and Republican, carefully, read and study this brochure before voting; you'll find it informative, entertaining and exciting!


Sir Leonard

Recording Artist, Writer and Blogger

Fit T Hit Records

Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Vote!

To: All Christians and Black Voters

Subject: Black Candidates Calling Mary Norwood a "Republican"

Date: October 29, 2009

Dear Christians and Black Voters:

The Atlanta black mayoral candidates are calling Mary Norwood a "Republican," in the hope of energizing the black voting bloc in voting for them, forcing a Mary Norwood run-off, on November 3rd, in the City of Atlanta Mayor's race. What they don't realize, is that this is a good thing for us devout Christians! These black candidates are telling the black voting bloc, "Vote for us, because we all are black and Democrats (Like you always do, vote straight party line, on next Tuesday, November the 3rd)."

Not so fast, you Democratic candidates! In 2006, I wrote a brochure, entitled, "The Vote!" In this brochure, I define what the contemporary Democratic and the Republican Parties believes in and stands for. The following is a copy of the brochure for your information and perusal:


The Purpose

Primarily, this brochure is geared towards disseminating pertinent information to the Christian black and the Christian poor white voters. At the very beginning of the pamphlet, I have juxtaposed, for your convenience, the views of each party, at a single glance, on sensitive controversial issues that are very important to these voters’ Christian faith and belief. Strictly for the King James, Bible believing Christians; you atheists and agnostics don’t waste your time!

Description of the Democratic Party

Within the last decade, the Democratic Party has made a three -hundred –sixty-degree subtle metamorphic turn-around. In year 2003, I began noticing this subtle change in the Democratic Party. Up until then, I had been voting like my family voted—straight party line! That King James Version, Bible believing God-fearing Democratic Party day is gone bye-bye with the wind! Preachers now in the contemporary Democratic Party are preaching the true Word of God and don’t even believe in it. This is a Christian nation; and this is why I feel obligated to inform the ninety-six percent of the American Christian voters about this contemporary Democratic Party.

Description of Republican Party

Many say that the Republican Party only caters to the rich; it's because the Republican Party doesn't believe in the government giving the people what they need; but instead, teach the people how to earn what they need! God said, “I place before you, life and blessings and death and curses. Choose life.” Wisely, the Republican Party has chosen life for you; but the Democratic Party has, foolishly, chosen death. What a pity!

© Copyrighted 2006.


Democratic Party

(For) Separation of Church and State

Like apples and oranges, secular and non secular things don’t add up. The government’s job is to govern the American people’s business and not their religious community affairs

(For) Evolution taught in Schools

The two controversial concepts of creationism and evolutionism should be taught to the student in school and let the student makes up his own mind as to what he thinks what happened.

(For) Abortion

It’s the woman’s body and she should be the one to make the decision to have or not have the baby she’s carrying in her body. After all, abortion is lawful

(Against) Ten Commandments in Schools

The Ten Commandments promote religion and that is unconstitutional. It is the parents’ responsibility to teach their children about God and not our government public schools.

(For) Same-Sex Marriage

As Rev. Jesse Jackson said, “If two same-sex people love each other, there’s nothing wrong with it.” After all, none of us has control over how we are born into the world. These people should be allowed to live a full and happy life just as anyone else has, living here in America.

© Copyrighted 2006.


Republican Party

(Against) Separation of Church and State

The first public school classes were held in the same churches the early Americans held their Sunday meeting worship services. You cannot separate God from man; after all, God made him and the only one who could give him instruction and guidance (The Bible) as to how he should live.

(Against) Evolution being taught in Schools

This is nonsense! It’s inconceivable why our educators would waste their time listening to these crazy theories of evolutionists; such as, the world came into being by the big, bang theory, man has no superior being to give in account for his action and man evolve from an ape and monkey. Let me tell you something, if one of these kooks told me that I evolved from a monkey I would look at him as though if he had just fell of the back of a turnip truck; for any fool knows that a man and a woman are still producing babies and monkeys are still producing monkeys. You see, this alone, kills this evolution theory thing!

(Against) Abortion

Life begins at conception. As soon as a woman and man's sperm link up together, at that moment a human being is conceived; and if any one stops the natural development of this human being, by killing him, is guilty of intentional meditated, first degree murder. Man has no right to take something that he can’t give; only God has that right because He can give life.

(For) Ten Commandments in Schools

What other individuals are more qualified to instruct and guide their children than the parents. God made us and he knows more about us and what we need than anyone else on this earth; so He gave us instructions to guide and direct our lives. Those instructions are incorporated in a guide called the Ten Commandments.

(Against) Same-Sex Marriage

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist or any person with a well balanced logical mind to know that Mother Nature does not tolerate “sameness.” God built this world upon the principle of opposites—male and female. Note the animal kingdom—male and female; the plant kingdom—male and female and even gravitation, the force that keeps things in order; such as, the north and south poles. Remember, back in school, when we played with the magnets of the north and south poles? Every time that we would put the two north poles or the two south poles together, how they would repel each other(they would run away from each other—they couldn’t stand each other); but when we would put the opposites, north and south, magnets together they loved it! This is why God tells a man and a man and a woman and a woman it’s an abomination (it’s disgusting and despicable to him) for them to lie together. God didn’t have to tell me because I can look around at Mother Nature and observe this principle of opposites operating in the life of all living creatures and living plants.



Sir Leonard

Recording Artist and Writer

Fit T Hit Records

© Copyrighted 2006.

In the meantime, I don't want anyone to think that I just made up the information contained in the above brochure. This information was obtained from the media; such as, television, talk radio, newspapers and the populace. This information is based upon truth and needs no defense! I compiled it so that the voter can really know where his or her candidate stands on issues and what he or she believes in--because all you're going to get from the candidate is double talk, evasiveness and straight out deception. The reaction I observed from most people, after reading my brochure, and learning the truth about both parties--especially, the Democratic Party, is always the same, "Ah! I didn't know they were like that! I think, I'm going to vote Republican the next time!" The purpose of the brochure is not to promote either Party; but to educate the voter on what each believes in and stands for. Remember, when you vote Tuesday, November 3, 2009, don't vote color vote qualification! Vote Mary Norwood!


Sir Leonard

Recording Artist, Writer and Blogger

Fit T Hit Records

Monday, October 19, 2009

President Obama: "Others were more deserving of the Nobel Peace Prize than I"

To: All My Loyal Cyberspace Fans and Readers

Subject: President Obama: "Others were more deserving of the Nobel Peace Prize than I"

Date: October 10, 2009

Dear Fans and Readers:

It's being reported that President Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize for promoting diplomacy. Promoting diplomacy, what diplomacy? The President sitting down talking with world heads of State is not promoting diplomacy; it's only part of the job that the President of the United States is expected to do. There's nothing anomalous about that; leaders do that all the time!

Meanwhile, on November 27, 1895, Mr. Alfred Nobel authorized in his last will and testament that most of his wealth be given away as a series of prizes--which he named, "Nobel Prizes." Mr. Nobel, himself, described the two types of individuals who would be eligible recipients of such prize:

1. One who, effectively, persuades nations to abolish or reduce their armies.

2. One who, humanitarianly, intervenes and facilitates peaceful, diplomatic dialogue among hostile nations.

The above requirements seem to fit the description of President Bill Clinton rather than President Barack Hussein Obama. Wouldn't you say? It's inconceivable how such prestigious committee could have overlooked and ignored such world-wide camaraderie that President Bill Clinton had established with nations, and awarded the Nobel Peace Prize to a rookie President who has only been in office for a mere few months! This is as illogical and unreasonable as two men or two women turning toward each other (same-sex) seeking sexual fulfillment! Way to go distinguished members of the Nobel Peace Prize Committee!


Sir Leonard

Writer and Blogger

Fit T Hit Records

DeKalb Co. Homeless Man's Lawsuit wins $165,000 of Taxpayers' Money

To: All My Cyberspace Loyal Fans and Readers

Subject: DeKalb Co. Homeless Man's Lawsuit wins $165,000 of Taxpayers' Money

Date: October 17, 2009

Dear Fans and Readers:

In many instances, winning a lawsuit is not the most difficult problem, but collecting it! In this case, there was no problem at all. Immediately, after the verdict, DeKalb County cut the man a $165,000 check on the spot. How prompt and easy can that be? Reason being that DeKalb Co. is fully aware of that it doesn't own a dang, dong copper cent! It's the taxpayers' money it is paying out! Meanwhile, let's talk a little about the incident lead up to this costly, taxpayer payout. Reportedly, this homeless man approached this DeKalb County police officer and asked him to arrest him. Instead of ignoring the man or trying to help him, the police officer put the man in his squad car and drove him to the next county and dropped him off. Later, apparently, the man made a deal with an attorney (it had to a deal; because this bum didn't have any money to hire him) to file a lawsuit on his behalf that his civil rights had been violated. This avarice attorney jumped on the case!

As in the case above, the policeman always creates the reason for going to court--whether it's appropriate or not! Being arrested and ticketed by the police, I've learned that, that policeman out there has absolute control over our lives; he can choose to give you a ticket, if he decides to--for anything; for instance, if he doesn't like your looks, the way you talk, if you refuse to "sir" him--any ole thing! And, oh, how about him being armed with that ole "probable cause" law? Most American citizens are unaware of just how this law works. It gives the policeman authority to act upon, not evidence, but what he thinks! If this clown even thinks you're doing something wrong, such as having drugs in your car or home, he can stop you and search your car or kick your door in and destroy your home without any judge signing a warrant; and you don't have any recourse in the court system. He can make your life a living hell on earth!

However, with your help, we can conquer this big, bad boy by petitioning Congress to enact legislation that would give the American citizens the right to not only be able to sue police departments, but, also, the police officer if found not guilty of the crime this police officer accused you of committing. Not only would this unclog our court systems of those frivolous tickets policemen are currently giving out, but would make the police officer really think before he writes you a ticket or arrests you without having enough credible evidence to get a conviction against you in court. Currently, there's no skin off his back if you're found not guilty; but then, if you win, you can sue him--take that pretty car, town house or condo!


Sir Leonard

Atlanta not being a Sports Championship Town

To: All My Cyberspace Loyal Fans and Readers:

Subject: Atlanta not being a Sports Championship Town

Date: October 19, 2009

Dear Fans and Readers:

Having lived in many large sports cities, I find that Atlanta, Georgia, is the only one that's not a sports championship town! Arriving in Atlanta some twenty-plus years ago, I found that the Atlanta Braves Baseball team was the talk of the town! Every year this Atlanta baseball team would begin the season in an awesome, ferocious manner, beating all teams who dared to compete against them--living up to a seemingly fitting name for Atlanta, "Home of the Braves!" Approaching the last two months of the season, this brave game-winning team's record would begin falling below mediocre in their league's percentage standings. After three years of this same ole thing; it became enough for me! Yet the town's people continue to support and yak about these not-so-cool Atlanta Braves.

However, ten years later, this early-sprinting baseball team managed to forge a way to win a World Series Championship for Atlanta. Sheer pandemonium fell upon the entire City of Atlanta--fans stampeding streets, destroying automobiles, business establishments and everything that wasn't nailed down!

Nevertheless, this would not change mind about the Atlanta Braves. My pet phrase for this continuously losing team was, "The sorry Atlanta Braves!" After the Atlanta Braves' World Series win, their fans and supporters would ask me why I continue to call the team "sorry." My response was always the same, "Because they stayed too sorry for too long!" How about the Atlanta Falcons football and the Atlanta Hawks basketball teams? Atlanta has had the cream of the crop players in football; such great Falcons quarterbacks, beginning with Randy Johnson, Bobby Hebert, Steve Bartkowski, Chris Miller, Jeff George and the infamous Michael Vick, etc-- but all failed to win a super bowl. Atlanta Hawks basketball greats, such as , straight-shooter "Pistol Pete," Dominique Wilkins (beat Michael Jordon in a one on one slam-dunk contest) and Dikembe Mutombo (the tallest human body in professional basketball)--didn't amount to a hill of beans when it came right down to winning a basketball championship for the City of Atlanta! Let's face it folks, Atlanta is not a championship town!


Sir Leonard

Recording Artist, Writer and Blogger

Fit T Hit Records

New England Patriots' 59-0 unfair win over Tennessee Titians

To: All My Cyberspace Loyal Fans and Readers

Subject: New England Patriots' 59-0 unfair win over Tennessee Titians

Date: October 19, 2009

Dear Fans and Readers:

After interrupting my daily routine exercise for a few minutes to take a peek in on the NFL New England Patriots-Tennessee Titians football game, I became very upset about what I saw! Mater-of-fact, I became so intensely frustrated, I had to abandon my exercising entirely. Compared to Atlanta, these players were playing on an outdoors football field in an environment of inclement weather which had produced heavy snow, 10 to 15 mph winds and 40 degree temperatures. It was downright frustrating and uneventful to watch the Titians struggling to maintain their balance and hold on the football without any success whatever; they only appeared like little school kids out playing in the snow! The main brunt of my problem I had was with those bird brain sports commentators. It was astounding that neither one of the two ever mentioned the unfamiliar playing environment condition, under which the Tennessee Titians were playing, was the cause of their unusual poorly playing performance. All these two nit-wits could comment was, "This is the results of the Tennessee Titians injuries and young inexperienced players"

What happened today is what I was afraid would happen to teams playing in the NFL under inequitable playing environments; such as, indoors vs. outdoors. I suggest that the NFL Commissioner, owners and the NFL Football Players Union, immediately, come together and adopt a mandatory universal rule that all football games be played indoors. Rule that current teams without football domes must make arrangement to have their games played indoors while their own domes are being built. This would acclimatize players for playing in only one environment instead of many. Today, after throwing 5 interceptions, the rookie New York Jets' quarterback Mark Sanchez said, "I'm not use to playing in this kind of weather. I never played in weather below 55 degrees!" See what I mean?

Meanwhile, if all playing accommodations were either inside or outside there would be an equal playing field; and very likely the final results, in both above situations, would have had a different outcome. Players of baseball, basketball, tennis, hockey, racing, etc., they all play in equal weather environment settings. Currently, NFL players are playing in weather prone environment that is antiquated and well in need of updating.


Sir Leonard

Recording Artist, Writer and Blogger

Fit T Hit Records

Monday, October 12, 2009

Torrential Rain-falls, Storms and Earthquakes

To: All My Loyal Cyberspace Fans and Readers

Subject: Torrential Rain-falls, Storms and Earthquakes

Date: October 6, 2009

Dear Fans and Readers:

Being of such destructive forces of Nature, I feel it's my humanitarian obligation to attempt to reduce unusual rainfalls, storms and earthquakes to their lowest term; so much so, as to be able to be understood by all. Unusual rainfalls are results of abnormal fluctuation of the temperatures in the earth's atmosphere; storm development, named after animals (Such as, "Tiger," "Panda," etc.), in the Pacific Ocean are called typhoons and cyclones and identifiable by wind velocity; similarly, storm development, named after people (Such as, "Susuie," "Ringo," etc.), in the Atlantic Ocean are called hurricanes and tornadoes and, also, identifiable by wind velocity. The tornado is the most violent of all storms!

However, I shall deal with the earthquake as a special phenomenon. An earthquake is caused by a violent movement of the earth within itself. Neither wind nor rain is involved in an occurrence of an earthquake, only sound. Usually, earthquakes occur along the California Andrea Faulk; but may occur anywhere on the planet without warning. When this phenomenon occurs along the earth's seismic faulks, it is called an earthquake; but when it occurs on the ocean's bottom it is called a tsunami earthquake. The ocean tides are the only water associated with tsunami earthquakes; while no rain at all is involved, as some people may think. The strength and force of earthquakes are measured on a seismograph Richter Magnitude scale from one to ten--ten being the strongest.

Moreover, there you have it! I'm hoping, to your satisfactory, that this will clear out some of the fog and much confusion of the phenomenon of the meteorological weather world surrounding us on planet earth. There is more info on my blog page, "Thundercat Speaks...," at Google.


Sir Leonard

Your Favorite Blogger

Fit T Hit Records

The United Football League--the Black Football League

To: All My Loyal Cyberspace Fans and Readers

Subject: The United Football League--the Black Football League

Date: October 1, 2009

Dear Fans and Readers:

It's a sad sense of regret when our sports leaders regress back to the dark period of segregation where the black baseball leagues, the black basketball leagues, etc., were the norm. The United Football League is a total eclipse--everybody is black--the commissioner, coaches, players including referees! Oh, well, that shouldn't surprise me, at all, because blacks are the causes of our black schools have become re-segregated this very day, all over America. I will never forget, while living in Los Angeles, that it was reported on the news how the blacks in Atlanta, GA, were protesting and screaming their heads off about not wanting their children being "bussed" from their black neighborhoods schools to white neighborhoods schools. I thought my own eyes were deceiving me as I watched such idiotic thing taking place in Atlanta; because I approved the way the federal government was using forced bussing as a tool for desegregating schools in America. As a result of these black people's protest, the federal government forced bussing was ended; also, was ended the history-making progress made toward desegregation by bold and courageous individuals for which they gave their lives.

Moreover, I witnessed a crystal clear example taking place as I went through my Air Force basic training at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas. Housed at this Base were young men and women from all over the United State--North and South, East and West and many foreign countries. At the beginning of the training period, training personnel laid down the rules and procedures by which everyone was to be governed; such as, everyone would be treated the same whether from North, South, East, West or wherever; and no form of segregation nor discrimination would be tolerated! And low and behold, at social gatherings, one could tell those that were from the South by obviously segregating themselves in little groups hovering in corners of social gatherings. I could never understand that; since there, they had nothing to fear. I thank God that I never had to undergo such humiliating, deep-rooted fear in my bringing up in Portland, Or.

After attending and graduating from such distinguished University as Cornell, one would think that UFL Commissioner Michael Hugyhue would know better not to regress backward while organizing this football league. Any proud, aggressive, forward-minded, black NFL player, rightfully, would never agree to enter in any interleague competition, with such backward-moving football league. He has my vote!



Sir Leonard

Why Same-sex Relationships are Shun?

To: All My Loyal Cyberspace Fans and Readers:

Subject: Why Same-sex Relationships are Shun?

Date: October 13, 2009

Dear Fans and Readers:

Same-sex relationships are shun because reasonable and logical individuals can't even began to phantom how two individuals, of the same sex , can consider such asinine thing, when animals of the same sex know better. I've neither seen nor heard of any same-sex animals attempting to copulate. The strange thing about this, which I've noticed, that those individuals, who participate in such nonsense, show neither shame nor embarrassment. Surly, their heads have to contain rocks, instead of brains! This doesn't mean that God "miscreated" them, in any part of the sense. In the book of Genesis 1:1, the Bible says, "In the beginning God created the heaven, the earth...," but stopped short of saying, "and good and evil." How about us restating this for clarification: "In the beginning God created the heaven, the earth and good and evil." After God made the Israelites (the Jewish people) His chosen people, they were the only people who had access to salvation. The Greek, known as the gentiles, had no access to salvation at that time; but later were grafted in, after the conversion of Paul, the Apostle.

However, the following information is my paraphrase of what Apostle Paul reveals, in the book of Romans 1:26-32, regarding how homosexuality got started:

The Israelites, being God's chosen people, became what they thought all wise and turned away from God and started doing their own thing. Matter-of-fact, so much so, that they all became fools; and God gave them up to their unclean lust and vile affections that they had for one another; as they dishonored their own bodies between themselves. Their women turned away from their men; and turned toward the unnatural affection for one another. The men turned away from the woman and burned in their lust for one another; men with men doing the unseemly, unthinkable things with each other.

Officially, withstanding the above Biblical information let it be known to psychologists, sociologists, psychiatrists and all the other "ologists," that homosexuality was not part of God's designed creation! Note, the words and phrases, "turning away from the natural," "toward the unnatural," all indicative of perversion against Mother Nature! Homosexuality is, definitely, a profound, self-chosen lifestyle.



Sir Leonard

President Obama: "Others were more deserving of the Nobel Peace Prize than I"

To: All My Loyal Cyberspace Fans and Readers

Subject: President Obama: "Others were more deserving of the Nobel Peace Prize than I"

Date: October 10, 2009

Dear Fans and Readers:

It's being reported that President Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize for promoting diplomacy. Promoting diplomacy, what diplomacy? The President sitting down talking with world heads of State is not promoting diplomacy; it's only part of the job that the President of the United States is expected to do. There's nothing anomalous about that; leaders do that all the time!

Meanwhile, on November 27, 1895, Mr. Alfred Nobel authorized in his last will and testament that most of his wealth be given away as a series of prizes--which he named, "Nobel Prizes." Mr. Nobel, himself, described the two types of individuals who would be eligible recipients of such prize:

1. One who, effectively, persuades nations to abolish or reduce their armies.

2. One who, humanitarianly, intervenes and facilitates peaceful, diplomatic dialogue among hostile nations.

The above requirements seem to fit the description of President Bill Clinton rather than President Barack Hussein Obama. Wouldn't you say? It's inconceivable how such prestigious committee could have overlooked and ignored such world-wide camaraderie that President Bill Clinton had established with nations, and awarded the Nobel Peace Prize to a rookie President who has only been in office for a mere few months! This is as illogical and unreasonable as two men or two women turning toward each other (same-sex) seeking sexual fulfillment! Way to go distinguished members of the Nobel Peace Prize Committee!


Sir Leonard

Writer and Blogger

Fit T Hit Records

Sunday, September 27, 2009

"Operation Dogs and Cats"

To: All My Cyberspace Loyal Fans and Readers

Subject: "Operation Dogs and Cats"

Date: September 26, 2009

Dear Fans and Readers:

For years, the US military has been training dogs and cats to be used in military combat missions. Today, President Bush surprised all America, and the world, when he decreed that these dogs and cats were replacing our young American military men and women, fighting in combat missions in Iraq! The Democratic Congress, ACLU, CEO, National Animal Humane Society and other animal rights groups became irate, outraged over this an anomalous, unprecedented shift to such strange military strategy in fighting the Iraqi war. These dogs and cats were used as robots, strapped with bombs, hand-grenades and minds, to sneak in and destroy enemy territories. Instead of being easy targets for our enemies, our young men and women were overseers of this dog-and-cat, robotic, operation. This human-life-saving military strategy was devised and approved by Vice-President Dick Chaney, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and President Bush's brilliant Advisory Committee.

Meanwhile, two weeks after "Operation Dogs and Cats" began, the President's approval rating sky-rocketed from 15% to a whopping 99%! "Operation Dogs and Cats," revved up the President's approval rating, because the American people, whole-heartedly, agreed with the President's change of strategy in fighting the Iraqi war. These dogs and cats were, satisfactorily, getting the job done even though many were being blown to pieces in the process. All hell broke loose in America! You guessed it! All those animal loving wachos, all over America, began protesting and demonstrating against the US military using these animals in combat missions; instead of using US military soldiers. The American people's response was simple and to the point, "At least these are just dogs and cats; and not our young boys and girls! They're only dogs and cats; for heaven sakes!"

However, in spite of the President's high approval rating, a buzz of impeachment started to brew upon Capitol Hill. The talk was that President Bush had lost his mind; and was unfit to serve as Commander-In-Chief. Impeachment noise continued until the media picked it up; and headlines began to appear all over, such as, "Will President Bush be impeached on Charges of Animal Cruelty and Abuse?" Finally, the Speaker of the House, Democratic Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, filed Articles of Impeachment proceedings against President Bush, charging him with Animal Cruelty and Abuse. The articles were swiftly voted on; and President George W. Bush was later impeached and thrown out of office. End of story! See if you can guess the ultimate moral of this story!



Sir Leonard

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Signs of the Times

To: All My Cyberspace Loyal Fans and Readers

Subject: The Signs of the Times

Date: September 23, 2009

Dear Fans and Readers:

The phrase, "This is precedent setting," is now being used all over the place, after the heavy, rock-moving rain, continued to fall upon the State of Georgia the last several days! The rainwater rushed through neighborhoods and over busy freeways like the evening tides of the ocean, with hurricane-like swiftness, moving too fast to be clocked, taking everything it touched down streams with it--houses, cars, chunks of streets, highways, bridges and even people. The three following humanly sad incidents stand out in our minds:

1. The father desperately holding on to the hand of his son as he held on to a standing tree trying to save him from being pulled away, by rising rushing waters; but the power of the water snatched him away anyway, as the father watched helplessly. "I told my son I loved him," the father said, with tears continuously, like the flood, gushing from his eyes down his face.

2. How can one ever forget, the Sam's Club's employee, Seydi Burciaga? Mrs. Seydi Burciaga had gotten off work at 5 o'clock PM and gotten into her minivan and headed for her home on Desiree Drive; but only got as close as 7 tenth of the way there; before having to make an emergency 911 phone call to the Gwinnett County Police Department. She told the 911 dispatcher that, "I need help! I'm about to drown! Please help me! The wheels of my van are rising above the water and my car is moving downstream! Please help!" The dispatcher did all she could, on the phone, to help her but to no avail.

3. Fourteen year old Nicholas Osley drowned when he and a friend saw a jeep in the muddy water and they dove in to see if any one in it needed help. His friend survived.

Just two months after a parching two year drought, the several days of steady, pounding rain now saturate the red-clay soil of the State of Georgia. With saturated soils, the roots of every tree have become loosen and are hazards for the public to watch out for.

Meanwhile, let's pause and take a good look at what has happened to us within the last year. Check out the following precedent-setting occurrences:

Collapse of World Economies

The banking systems, auto industry, housing crises and mortgage foreclosures, they were all anomalous events taking place simultaneously. Local, world town-hall meetings and summits will not fix the economy. Matter-of-fact, no country leader is qualified to come up with the fix for any current economy, except the anti-Christ. This individual is currently somewhere in Europe, as we speak. He will soon, publicly, appear on the scene and effect a peace treaty between the Israelis and the Palestinians. He's going to be charismatic, charming and oratorical, as he influences and captivates the world masses. The miraculous powers he will demonstrate will be awesome and unbelievable! Everybody will mistake him as the real Jesus Christ except God's elect. There will be one world order, which began a little over a decade ago, one currency (the Euro) that is already in Europe; one bank, one economy and one world government--headed by this anti-Christ.

But Of course, if you're a true follower of Jesus Christ, there's no need to worry, because Jesus will have returned and raptures you away from all of this. The signs of the times!


The various influenza viruses, such as, the West Nile, the Bird flu and the current, worst of all, swine flu, we have been experiencing the last decade. And other deadly pestilences, such as, AIDS, mad cow disease, salmonella and equine encephalitis, are all part of Biblical prophecy. The signs of the times!

Other, Surprising, History-making Events

We always thought of earthquakes being connected to California and other foreign countries; but recently these earthquakes are occurring everywhere, even in the State of Georgia and other unusual whereabouts. Men and women are turning away from the opposite sex toward their own sex and instead of people loving and fellowshipping with one another; many are turning their love away from one another to cats and dogs! Just yesterday, I read from a blog, where an animal wacho woman said, "It's animals first and then humans!" On January 20, 2009, America made history in two ways; first, by inaugurating the first Black President of the United States and, secondly, by setting free, the first lying, lawless, mass-murdering President of the United States, President George W. Bush! The Signs of the times!

Putting my trust in God's Word, Jesus said, in Mathews 24, that all of the things now happening would be the signs of the times and that we should look up, as His second return would be eminent and near, even at the door! Some has already predicted that the glaring return of Jesus Christ will be in May 22, 2011. So, get ready, my brothers and sisters, we're out of here, anytime now!


Sir Leonard

Recording Artist and Writer

Fit T Hit Records

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Michael Jackson's Skin-Color Change

To: All My Loyal Cyberspace Fans and Readers

Subject: Michael Jackson's Skin-Color Change

Date: September 17, 2009

Dear Fans and Readers:

After watching the Oprah Winfrey Show, "Remembering Michael Jackson," and Oprah dedicating her entire one hour show, narrating her 1993 interview with Michael Jackson, I decided to write my take on the interview--especially the sensitive part where he was asked about the color-change; and he became uneasy and acrimoniously combative. Miss Oprah, wisely, took a hint and moved on; in her narrative remarks, she said, "He became very testy and didn't want to talk about it!"

However, I list two medical discoveries below that I believe are being suppressed and withheld from the public because of the possibility of getting into the hands of the wrong unscrupulous groups of people.

The Invisibility Discovery

I never cared, and still don't, about going to movies too much when I was growing up. The movies that turned me on were Shoot'em ups, Superman, and the Invisible Man; and oh, how I loved to go see the Invisible Man movies! In one of these movies, the Invisible Man revealed his secret of becoming invisible. He said, "A scientist had discovered the secret from a flower that came from a plant in South America; and he had vials filled with this chemical; and, when he wished to become invisible, he gave himself a shot in the arm. Somehow, I always believed that there was some truth in this; but it was kept a secret less the criminal world found out about it and became the world unstoppable enemy! Imagine a criminal becoming invisible; walking in and taking money from banks at will, slapping people at will as law enforcement becomes helpless!

Skin-Color Change Discovery

This is where the late pop-singer Michael Jackson comes in. I don't think the metamorphic change of Michael Jackson's skin color, from black to white, was a gradual process but more closely to a sudden one. In the interview, I observed that the white pigment of his was smooth and homogeneous. There was a continuity of whiteness covering the entire surface of his skin--his ears, neck, arms hands face, etc. In my opinion, like many blacks, Michael Jackson's ultimate desire was to become white; and he had the wealth to search out ways to get it accomplished. I do believe he succeeded. He found some scientific way to achieve his desire. The biological color system, a system with which I'm not too familiar, I'm convinced was a great part of Michael Jackson's world over the last two decades. The saddest thing of all that I gleaned from the interview was how distraught the king of pop was about having done these things to himself; and, ho, how he wished he could undo what he had done!

Monday, September 14, 2009

The Coercion of Michael Vick to Preach Against Dog- Fighting

To: All My Loyal Cyberspace Fans and Readers

Subject: The Coercion of Michael Vick to Preach Against Dog- Fighting

Date: August 17, 2009

Dear Fans and Readers:

Just as one can't, effectively, stop the prevalence of wickedness and sin in the world; also, it will not do any good in forcing Michael Vick to rail and preach to kids against the dog- fighting industry! By preaching and telling kids to not to follow his example in doing dog -fighting, are just as futile as it has always been, when teaching kids to avoid getting involved in criminal activities; such as, selling drugs, prostitution, robbery, burglary, forcible rape, assaults, etc. The fact that these crimes still exist is evidence that all the preaching and teaching in the world are not going to end the activity of crime!

Accordingly, the above criminal activities will always go on and on and on without an iota of ever being retarded in the slightest sense of the word. Of course, these animal wacos already know this. They're using Michael Vic's predicament to blackmail him into doing what they want him to do; and that is to be the catalyst in promoting their stupid animal rights movement--without him having the choice of saying yes or no. They know that they've got him over the barrel! This is blackmail in its deepest sense, mean-spirited and downright lowdown!


Sir Leonard
Recording Artist and WriterFit T Hit Records

The Word "Remorse"

To: All My Loyal Cyberspace Fans and Readers

Subject: The Word "Remorse"

Date: August 17, 2009

Dear Fans and Readers:

Every since Michael Vick got out of prison, the word "remorse" has been used so many times until it now has become an icon associated with Michel Vick. The dictionary says that the word "remorse" is a noun; and it takes on many meanings; the one I'm impressed with the most is the one which lists penitence as the synonym for the word remorse; and define it as, an individual, feeling guilty about the things he did wrong in the past. This tells me that remorse is an emotion--not anything that that can be visualized (can be shown). Commissioner Roger Goodell, the National Football League, was in error and showed his lack of understanding of what the word of remorse is all about; when he said that Michael Vick hadn't shown him any remorse for what he had done.

Mr. Goodell, if remorse, is feeling guilty about the things one did wrong in the past, then, where were you when Michael Vick pleaded guilty in a Virginia court to what he had done wrong? Michael Vick showed remorse the moment he pled guilty; he went to prison and served his time and, without incident, served his time required under house arrest. Yet, you still screamed that he hadn't shown any remorse! You peeve my off, Commissioner, the way you're embarrassing Michael Vick in catering to those animals rights waco's in forcing him to prove to them that he's being remorseful by joining in with their movement in railing and preaching against animal abuse. This is ridiculous and ad nausea!

In closing, just think; all this is happening to an outstanding sports' athlete, because he did a noble thing of destroying some ole vicious pit bull dogs! How about what happens to those sweet, good ole race horses when they break a leg and not capable of racing anymore? I'll tell you what happens; they're "put down" (shot and killed)! What about that, you animal rights lovers!


Sir Leonard
Recording Artist and Writer
Fit T Hit Records

Michael Vick Blew It!

To: All My Loyal Cyberspace Fans and Readers

Subject: Michael Vick Blew It!

Date: August 15, 2009

Dear Fans and Readers:

Michael Vick's decision to sign a one year 1.6 million dollar contract to play with the Philadelphia Eagles is one he'll soon regret. It's just too much going on in this organization for Michael Vick to achieve the success he's hoping for; his pride and stubbornness are going to cause his stay with the Eagles to be short lived. Snubbing and thumbing his nose at the interest that the Orlando, one of the four teams of the new fledgling United Football League, had in him as a player, are certainly going to haunt him.

The way the NFL treaty him, after getting out of prison Michael Vick should've gone straight to Orland and signed with this Orlando team. This Orlando team had such strong interest in him; such interest, I believe they would've given him any stipend amount, even a signed blank check on which Michael Vic could've entered any amount he wanted it to pay him for playing. With Orlando, Michael Vick could be on his way to regaining his athletic omnipresence throughout the sports world again with popularity far greater than he ever had earned in the NFL. Let's face it, Michael Vick, you blew it, man! You blew it! Big time!


Sir Leonard
Recording Artist and WriterFit T Hit Records

: Abortion Doctor boasts and brags About Killing 60, 000 Innocent Babies

To: All My Loyal Cyberspace Fans and Readers

Subject: Abortion Doctor boasts and brags About Killing 60, 000 Innocent Babies

Date: August 29, 2009

Dear Fans and Readers:

A late-term, abortionist doctor, LeRoy Carhart, Bellevue, Nebraska, joked and laughed about having killed 6o, 000 babies and 400 of them had reach the age of six months old in their mothers' wombs. As you know that there are many babies born prematurely at that age. Dr. LeRoy Carhart was the understudy and friend of the infamous late-term, abortionist doctor, George Tiller, who was shot point blank in the head on May 31, 2009, while attending the Reformation Lutheran Church in Wichita, Kansas, just south of Omaha. This scum -of- a doctor, LeRoy Carhart said that Dr. Tiller was an ideal human being and, like himself, just admired the word, "abortionist." I say to you, Dr. LeRoy Carhart, you're nothing but a disgusting, despicable piece of sad humility; and should be burnt up!

However, Troy Newman, President, "Operation Rescue," one of the largest activist organizations against abortion in the world, has organized a huge protest and demonstration against abortion, in this country, that will take place this weekend in Bellevue, Nebraska. One of the drivers has a picture of a dismembered baby's hand on a quarter displayed across the truck he'll be driving in this weekend's demonstration.

Speaking of aborting babies, how about aborting dogs and cats; they're overpopulating and straying all over the place! Yet we never hear of an abortion veterinarian doctor! Why is this, is it because we value the animal life above Homo sapiens (us human beings)? Think about it America!

In conclusion, I leave this field of eye-opening wisdom with you:

"God Assigns the Glory

In assigning the glory, God assigned man as His glory; a woman as man's glory, which he's trying to replace with another man; and the woman's hair as her glory, which she's trying to replace with cats and dogs!" (An extract from the chapter, entitled, "You May Quote Me," from my book, "Sir Leonard Speaks...!")

BySir Leonard

Vicious Dogs Attacking and Killing Americans

To: All My Cyberspace Loyal Fans and Readers

Subject: Vicious Dogs Attacking and Killing Americans

Date: August 19, 2009

Dear Fans and Readers:

Vicious dogs attacking and killing American adults and children are being silenced by the "political correctness" of the media and public officials in this country. Their inaction against such violence is due to the fear and worrying about what the Humane Society and those other asinine, nonsensical animal rights' groups, out there, would say or do. There's no time to worry about political correctness when our people are being mauled and killed by these vicious dogs! I urge and importune Congress to enact tuft and strict laws that would warrant dog owners to be criminally held accountable and responsible for the actions of their dogs. This legislation should stipulate that any owner's dog, that inflicts a vicious attack upon a person, the owner would be charged with a felonious dog attack which should carry no less than 5 years in prison, without the possibility of parole; and if the person dies from this dog attack, the owner would then be subject to 20 years in prison, without the possibility of parole. This legislation would deter the lackadaisical attitudes dog owners are currently exhibiting throughout our society.

Meanwhile, for the safety of the American people, Congress must ignore any innuendo coming from the Humane Society and other anti-human, asinine animal rights' group. Something must be done and something must be done now! I encourage all of my fans and readers, out there, to call, write and fax your Congress and Senate persons, demanding and urging them to enact the above suggested laws, holding dog owners accountable and responsible for their dogs' actions!


Sir Leonard
Recording Artist and WriterFit T Hit Records