Be a Winner

Having tried and failed, I'll always consider you a winner; but having not tried and failed, I'll always consider you a nobody!

Monday, December 14, 2009

The 2009 History-making Presidential Inauguration Day

To: All My Cyberspace Loyal Fans and Readers

Subject: The 2009 History-making Presidential Inauguration Day

Date: December 8, 2009

Dear Fans and Readers:

On January 20, 2009, America made history in the following two ways:

1. It inaugurated its first Black President (Barack Hussein Obama) of the United States.

2. It set free its first lying, mass-murdering President (George W. Bush) of the United States.

Dichotomously speaking, both “good” and “bad” happened today; the “good,” the American people celebrated the inauguration of the first Black President of this country; the “bad,” the lawmakers of our country set free the first lying and mass-murdering President of this country. What a “frickin'" pity and a miscarriage of justice that this110th Democratic Congress has perpetrated upon the American people, by taking the impeachment of President George W. Bush "off the table" for the war crimes that he has committed upon our young American boys and girls in ordering them to fight in his manufactured, fraudulent Iraqi war.

My claim that President George W. Bush is a "lying, mass-murdering" President is based upon the grounds of the following reliable, indisputable evidence on record:

President Bush provided the evidence, himself, in his pre-war-TV speeches, when he was trying to convince the Congress, beyond a shadow of any doubt, that Saddam Hussein possessed WMD's and chemical weapons; and most of all, General Colin Powell’s sitting before the United Nation Security Council, not only trying to convince it, but explaining that he had in his hands blue prints that pinpointed the existence and the whereabouts of Saddam Hussein’s WMD’s and chemical weapons. To find out for sure, all we had to do was to demand that this Administration produce these blue prints and hand them over to be examined for their authenticity; and if it claims that these documents have gotten lost in the shuffle of things, then we’ll know the answer—which would've been--that there weren’t any blue prints in the first place. I do believe that this Bush Administration had General Colin Powell fake the existence of these blue prints before this Security Council. Lies!

Later, it was revealed to the American people that evidence showed that Saddam Hussein did not have WMD's and chemical weapons, was not connected to Al-Qaeda nor was he involved in the Nine Eleven attack on America. President Bush and his thuggish group panicked; and became confused and were at a loss of what to do next; now that their elaborate surreptitious scheme they had put together had come to the light! In trying to change the subject, President Bush and his Administration went on the offense, accusing Saddam Hussein of mustard-gassing and killing his own people. After thousands of our American young boys and girls had been wounded and slaughtered behind those lies the President had told the American people about Saddam Hussein--and had no proof--he, vehemently, went after Saddam Hussein for murdering his own people; and, again, began lying about fighting the war on terrorists. The media, such as, radio- TV talk shows and the Press took it and ran with! Soon naive America's amnesia set in, as usual! Until this day, the majority of the America people don't even remember that President Bush and his White House thugs made up this Iraqi war! Way to go America!

Freeing George W. Bush, today, from being held accountable and responsible for our young men and women's deaths , and being brought to justice and punished for the despicable war crimes that he has perpetrated upon our young American boys and girls and the American people in this fraudulent, illegal Iraqi war is going to cause America, subsequently, permanent damaging consequences; such as, placing the safety and freedom of the American people in great peril because of the fear and distrust of our government that has been instilled in our young men and women by the action of this duplicitous President.

Because of the irresponsible action of this President, our military has been stretched to a precipitously, dangerous level, in military preparedness. We rank at the bottom of the totem pole compared to Iran, North Korea, China and Russia. Our young men and women are now afraid to join the military and those that are already in can’t wait to get out. It's no wonder, as being reported, that our recruitment service is at an all-time low; and has lowered its enlistment standard to the level of accepting ex-cons, crack head and heroin addicts and other undesirable characters!

As to President Barack Hussein Obama, I’ve already stated that he’s unfit to serve as President of these United States because of the following reasons:

1. Chief reason being what he did and what he didn't do after becoming President-Elect.

after being elected President by the American people, the honorable thing that Barack Obama should’ve done was to draft President George W. Bush a memo, requesting that he and Vice-President Dick Chaney, step aside and let him meet with the third person, in power, to make arrangement for the transference of power; but, instead, Barack Obama met with a President who had the blood of our innocent young American boys and girls all over his hands and the President Elect seemed to be delighted in making arrangement for the transference of power from this President; and more than willing to take up residency in the oval office without making sure that it having been purged of the blood stain of these young men and women—unnecessarily--wounded and murdered in Iraq by this mendacious President.

2. This fraudulent Iraqi war that, Barack Obama was so adamantly opposed to from the beginning, not once denounce President Bush and his White House thugs for making it up; neither during his presidential campaign nor after being elected President. Especially, after learning along with the American people, that there were no WMD’s, no chemical weapons, Saddam Hussein didn't have any ties to Al- Qaeda and that he was not implicated in the Nine-Eleven attack on America. Why? Yet he said nothing!

3. Knowing what President Bush and his Administration had been accused of doing, he should have, publicly, called for the character and the integrity of President Bush and Vice- President Dick Chaney be called into questioning; and that an honest, not “sham,” congressional investigation, be launched to uncover the real truth about the legitimacy of the Iraqi war, which has wounded and killed tens of thousands of our young American boys and girls. This, definitely, demonstrates President Obama's lack of boldness, courage and his being more concerned about "political correctness" than getting to the bottom of the truth about the basis for the Iraqi-war controversy.

This is not the characteristics of a strong, qualified Commander-In-Chief; it’s more like the qualification of a wimpy, wishy-washy Commander-In-Chief. An honest, loyal and courageous Presidential Candidate would’ve made sure that the office that he was aspiring to win would not be defiled by the wrong doings of an unscrupulous predecessor.


Sir Leonard

Recording Artist, Writer and Blogger

Fit T Hit Records

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