Be a Winner

Having tried and failed, I'll always consider you a winner; but having not tried and failed, I'll always consider you a nobody!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Proof of possible Voter Fraud in the City of Atlanta Mayor's Race

To: All My Cyberspace Loyal Fans and Readers

Subject: Proof of possible Voter Fraud in the City of Atlanta Mayor's Race

Date: December 2, 2009

Dear Fans and Readers:

For over two year, I've been, vehemently, complaining about the possibility of voter fraud, at the precinct where I vote. Why, because the voting ballot storage little black box is not secure and vote tamper free; because it seems to be left unlocked, on purpose, so that any unscrupulous individual can remove the voting ballots. If this is the same setup throughout Fulton and other counties, then voter fraud is no longer an educated guess, but has become a reasonable, plausible possibility. The most logical thing for an individual to do, if he intends to remove these ballots from those unlocked boxes, would not be to throw them away, but to burn them, covering up the crime.

Before conceding, I advise mayoral Mary Norwood to, immediately, request a vote recount; and demand a voter-fraud suspicion, FBI investigation is launched. The following is what people are commenting about the results of this dead-heat, mayoral run-off race:

Lilburnlady wrote: "Don't blame her (Mary Norwood). You know if the shoe was on the other foot he (Kasim Reed) would have cried fraud and a recount. Hopefully, Fulton County didn't throw out ballots like they did in the presidential election."

Misperfect wrote: "If I were there I'd check to see how many of those 759 voters are DEAD!!!!!! Smells just a BIT too fishy...hmmm I wonder if ole Shirley had her stinky hand in the pot???!!!"

Oh, yes, the location of the voting precinct where I vote is in the Morris Brown Building, SW Martin Luther King, Jr., DR.--(next to the Morris Brown branch US post office).

In closing, I'm a strong advocate against everybody having the right to vote--especially those that's uneducated and can't read and write any at all. As I speak, I'm in the process of having Congress appeal these laws that give everybody the right to vote. Had these uneducated, ignorant people were not allowed to vote in the Atlanta Mayor's run-off race, yesterday--which negated and rendered the responsible voters' votes to no affect--Mary Norwood would've won by a landslide! Instead, Kasim Reed was given the opportunity to continue the ongoing corruption and pilfering in our downtown City of Atlanta government.



Sir Leonard

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