Be a Winner

Having tried and failed, I'll always consider you a winner; but having not tried and failed, I'll always consider you a nobody!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Kasim Reed and Mary Norwood another Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton?

To: All My Loyal Cyberspace Fans and Readers

Subject: Kasim Reed and Mary Norwood another Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton?

Date: November 18, 2009

Dear Fans and Readers:

To you young, first-time, black Atlanta, mayoralty voters; ignorant black and white voters and hip-hop crowd (which doesn't know a commissioner from a councilman) voters, make no mistake about it, Kasim Reed is no Barack Obama! He neither has the charm, oratorical and intellectual skills nor is he in a similar position to make black history; thanks be to God that we've gone down that road before, to pull such an upset win!

Meanwhile, black voters need to get beyond their only reason for voting is for blackness, following family voting tradition and do their own homework while honing their own voting skills before going to the polls to vote. Like your signature, your vote is a personal and private matter; and let no one, I mean no one--mother, father, sister, brother, husband, wife, friend nor foe ever take that right away from you! The candidate you're casting your vote for means that you trust that particular candidate and are giving him or her legal permission to work for you X amount of years, whether it is four or two. That's why it is so very important that during this process you don't judge by color; you judge by character, honesty and integrity. The candidate, you vote for to represent you, becomes your employee; and the only time you'll have to check him or her out is during the campaign period. You do this by listening to every little thing that's being reported in the news about him or her; and when given the opportunity, carefully observe his or her demeanor and listen closely to what he or she says and look for patterns of irregularities in what he or she says. If any hint of dishonesty and irregularities are detected, in what your favorite candidate does or says, that's the time to abandon him or her.

Moreover, in order for you to make a rational, intelligent choice for Mayor, you need only to apply the above barometers I've outlined; and you're good to go! Remember, don't be rushed; forget about this early voting mess--especially in such an important run-off! I hazard to guess that this is just another one of those political, deliberate tricks to rush the voters to the polls unprepared. When unprepared voters go to the polls to vote, they usually vote the same ole establishment into office! Don't be the early bird in a hurry and be fooled, wait out the whole campaign and be prepared!


Sir Leonard

Writer and Blogger

Fit T Hit Records

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