Be a Winner

Having tried and failed, I'll always consider you a winner; but having not tried and failed, I'll always consider you a nobody!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Mayoral Candidate Mary Norwood wins Without Run-off

To: All My Cyberspace Loyal Fans and Readers:

Subject: Mayoral Candidate Mary Norwood wins Without Run-off

Date: October 21, 2009

Dear Fans and Readers:

Black mayoral candidates stay in mayoral race hoping to force a run-off! Give it up folks, don't be such a bunch of hardcore, sore losers! Strange thing about this campaign, that makes it so interesting and suspicious, is that candidates, that should've dropped out of the race months ago, are still in it--even with no poll rating--mind you! How can that be? Speculatively speaking, it wouldn't be surprising if there's being a higher- up, organized strategy to force a run-off with mayoral candidate Mary Norwood. Still in the race--a mayoral candidate, with whom I've personally attempted to communicate, concerning his vision for the City of Atlanta, as mayor , (I won't divulge his name for the sake of embarrassment), which I thought came across on an elementary level. His e-mails revealed, not only he couldn't master grammar, but that he was intellectually lacking.

Make no mistake about it; mayoral candidate Mary Norwood has done her homework! She knows her timing is just right, the blacks no longer hold the black vote bloc, and she has revealed the scandalous inept, irresponsible, pecuniary bookkeeping of the Mayor Shirley Franklin Administration. While the City of Atlanta was being run by blacks, for years now, whites were sneaking back into the City limit of Atlanta, preparing to take the city back. I have lived in several cities which was first run by whites and later by blacks; in each instance, after blacks took over the helm they plunged the city into an organized mess! The Whiteman may ascribe to racism and prejudice; but he's a business man first! Mary Norwood's not worried about any run-off, because she knows that she has the white vote bloc on her side.

Meanwhile, I say to the rest of the remaining mayoral candidates, out there--keep your money in your pocket, stop wasting your time and accept the agony of the bitter truth! You "aint" got a "frickin'" chance!


Sir Leonard

Recording Artist, Writer and Blogger

Fit T Hit Records

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