Be a Winner

Having tried and failed, I'll always consider you a winner; but having not tried and failed, I'll always consider you a nobody!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Vicious Dogs Attacking and Killing Americans

To: All My Cyberspace Loyal Fans and Readers

Subject: Vicious Dogs Attacking and Killing Americans

Date: August 19, 2009

Dear Fans and Readers:

Vicious dogs attacking and killing American adults and children are being silenced by the "political correctness" of the media and public officials in this country. Their inaction against such violence is due to the fear and worrying about what the Humane Society and those other asinine, nonsensical animal rights' groups, out there, would say or do. There's no time to worry about political correctness when our people are being mauled and killed by these vicious dogs! I urge and importune Congress to enact tuft and strict laws that would warrant dog owners to be criminally held accountable and responsible for the actions of their dogs. This legislation should stipulate that any owner's dog, that inflicts a vicious attack upon a person, the owner would be charged with a felonious dog attack which should carry no less than 5 years in prison, without the possibility of parole; and if the person dies from this dog attack, the owner would then be subject to 20 years in prison, without the possibility of parole. This legislation would deter the lackadaisical attitudes dog owners are currently exhibiting throughout our society.

Meanwhile, for the safety of the American people, Congress must ignore any innuendo coming from the Humane Society and other anti-human, asinine animal rights' group. Something must be done and something must be done now! I encourage all of my fans and readers, out there, to call, write and fax your Congress and Senate persons, demanding and urging them to enact the above suggested laws, holding dog owners accountable and responsible for their dogs' actions!


Sir Leonard
Recording Artist and WriterFit T Hit Records

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