Be a Winner

Having tried and failed, I'll always consider you a winner; but having not tried and failed, I'll always consider you a nobody!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

"Operation Dogs and Cats"

To: All My Cyberspace Loyal Fans and Readers

Subject: "Operation Dogs and Cats"

Date: September 26, 2009

Dear Fans and Readers:

For years, the US military has been training dogs and cats to be used in military combat missions. Today, President Bush surprised all America, and the world, when he decreed that these dogs and cats were replacing our young American military men and women, fighting in combat missions in Iraq! The Democratic Congress, ACLU, CEO, National Animal Humane Society and other animal rights groups became irate, outraged over this an anomalous, unprecedented shift to such strange military strategy in fighting the Iraqi war. These dogs and cats were used as robots, strapped with bombs, hand-grenades and minds, to sneak in and destroy enemy territories. Instead of being easy targets for our enemies, our young men and women were overseers of this dog-and-cat, robotic, operation. This human-life-saving military strategy was devised and approved by Vice-President Dick Chaney, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and President Bush's brilliant Advisory Committee.

Meanwhile, two weeks after "Operation Dogs and Cats" began, the President's approval rating sky-rocketed from 15% to a whopping 99%! "Operation Dogs and Cats," revved up the President's approval rating, because the American people, whole-heartedly, agreed with the President's change of strategy in fighting the Iraqi war. These dogs and cats were, satisfactorily, getting the job done even though many were being blown to pieces in the process. All hell broke loose in America! You guessed it! All those animal loving wachos, all over America, began protesting and demonstrating against the US military using these animals in combat missions; instead of using US military soldiers. The American people's response was simple and to the point, "At least these are just dogs and cats; and not our young boys and girls! They're only dogs and cats; for heaven sakes!"

However, in spite of the President's high approval rating, a buzz of impeachment started to brew upon Capitol Hill. The talk was that President Bush had lost his mind; and was unfit to serve as Commander-In-Chief. Impeachment noise continued until the media picked it up; and headlines began to appear all over, such as, "Will President Bush be impeached on Charges of Animal Cruelty and Abuse?" Finally, the Speaker of the House, Democratic Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, filed Articles of Impeachment proceedings against President Bush, charging him with Animal Cruelty and Abuse. The articles were swiftly voted on; and President George W. Bush was later impeached and thrown out of office. End of story! See if you can guess the ultimate moral of this story!



Sir Leonard

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