Be a Winner

Having tried and failed, I'll always consider you a winner; but having not tried and failed, I'll always consider you a nobody!

Monday, September 14, 2009

The Word "Remorse"

To: All My Loyal Cyberspace Fans and Readers

Subject: The Word "Remorse"

Date: August 17, 2009

Dear Fans and Readers:

Every since Michael Vick got out of prison, the word "remorse" has been used so many times until it now has become an icon associated with Michel Vick. The dictionary says that the word "remorse" is a noun; and it takes on many meanings; the one I'm impressed with the most is the one which lists penitence as the synonym for the word remorse; and define it as, an individual, feeling guilty about the things he did wrong in the past. This tells me that remorse is an emotion--not anything that that can be visualized (can be shown). Commissioner Roger Goodell, the National Football League, was in error and showed his lack of understanding of what the word of remorse is all about; when he said that Michael Vick hadn't shown him any remorse for what he had done.

Mr. Goodell, if remorse, is feeling guilty about the things one did wrong in the past, then, where were you when Michael Vick pleaded guilty in a Virginia court to what he had done wrong? Michael Vick showed remorse the moment he pled guilty; he went to prison and served his time and, without incident, served his time required under house arrest. Yet, you still screamed that he hadn't shown any remorse! You peeve my off, Commissioner, the way you're embarrassing Michael Vick in catering to those animals rights waco's in forcing him to prove to them that he's being remorseful by joining in with their movement in railing and preaching against animal abuse. This is ridiculous and ad nausea!

In closing, just think; all this is happening to an outstanding sports' athlete, because he did a noble thing of destroying some ole vicious pit bull dogs! How about what happens to those sweet, good ole race horses when they break a leg and not capable of racing anymore? I'll tell you what happens; they're "put down" (shot and killed)! What about that, you animal rights lovers!


Sir Leonard
Recording Artist and Writer
Fit T Hit Records

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