Be a Winner

Having tried and failed, I'll always consider you a winner; but having not tried and failed, I'll always consider you a nobody!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

: Churches Everywhere!

Like multitudes of people, I see churches everywhere; on the corner, across the street, up the street, down the street, in store fronts and other unsightly places! With all these churches around, it would seem that there would be better relationships and more widespread love abounding throughout our communities; yet this is not the case. Matter-of-fact, it's just the opposite!

Whether these churches are small or large, they all seem to have one thing in common, making money. While living in Denver, Colorado, I can vividly recall this particular church that was cooking and selling dinners; and just for fun, I went inside and told them I was hungry and didn't have any money to buy a dinner; and asked them could they let me have one. They said, no, and told me to get out! I pulled a wad of money from my pocket and showed it to them, and said, "I'm not hungry. I just wanted to see where you guys' hearts were-- in the church or at home-- but, frankly, I don't think you have one, period!" One thing I learned about church folks is that most of them are hateful, mean- spirited and downright insensitive to the needs of people. As for me, I try to avoid coming in contact with them as much as possible.

Meanwhile, what about this federal faith based initiative program? It's nothing but a great way to fleece the taxpayers out of more of their hard-earned money. As in all government programs, I suspect a considerable amount of fraud going on. Like, for instance, churches exaggerating the number of homeless people they helped by feeding them; and not by any means of an attempt to secure jobs for them! Just another government entitlement program being taken advantage of!
In the mentioning of churches, however, you'll notice that I did not once allude to those mega churches. They were not mentioned, because they get their money from their asinine, stupid followers--especially those emotionally excitable women followers; who truly believe that no amount of money is too much to give to these Hollywood preachers. I reiterate what I said in my book, "Hollywood goes to Church." "Ladies, keep your money in your purse!"

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