Be a Winner

Having tried and failed, I'll always consider you a winner; but having not tried and failed, I'll always consider you a nobody!

Monday, September 14, 2009

: Abortion Doctor boasts and brags About Killing 60, 000 Innocent Babies

To: All My Loyal Cyberspace Fans and Readers

Subject: Abortion Doctor boasts and brags About Killing 60, 000 Innocent Babies

Date: August 29, 2009

Dear Fans and Readers:

A late-term, abortionist doctor, LeRoy Carhart, Bellevue, Nebraska, joked and laughed about having killed 6o, 000 babies and 400 of them had reach the age of six months old in their mothers' wombs. As you know that there are many babies born prematurely at that age. Dr. LeRoy Carhart was the understudy and friend of the infamous late-term, abortionist doctor, George Tiller, who was shot point blank in the head on May 31, 2009, while attending the Reformation Lutheran Church in Wichita, Kansas, just south of Omaha. This scum -of- a doctor, LeRoy Carhart said that Dr. Tiller was an ideal human being and, like himself, just admired the word, "abortionist." I say to you, Dr. LeRoy Carhart, you're nothing but a disgusting, despicable piece of sad humility; and should be burnt up!

However, Troy Newman, President, "Operation Rescue," one of the largest activist organizations against abortion in the world, has organized a huge protest and demonstration against abortion, in this country, that will take place this weekend in Bellevue, Nebraska. One of the drivers has a picture of a dismembered baby's hand on a quarter displayed across the truck he'll be driving in this weekend's demonstration.

Speaking of aborting babies, how about aborting dogs and cats; they're overpopulating and straying all over the place! Yet we never hear of an abortion veterinarian doctor! Why is this, is it because we value the animal life above Homo sapiens (us human beings)? Think about it America!

In conclusion, I leave this field of eye-opening wisdom with you:

"God Assigns the Glory

In assigning the glory, God assigned man as His glory; a woman as man's glory, which he's trying to replace with another man; and the woman's hair as her glory, which she's trying to replace with cats and dogs!" (An extract from the chapter, entitled, "You May Quote Me," from my book, "Sir Leonard Speaks...!")

BySir Leonard

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