Be a Winner

Having tried and failed, I'll always consider you a winner; but having not tried and failed, I'll always consider you a nobody!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Blackmailers Belong in Prison

To: NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell and Wayne Pacelle, CEO of the National Animal Humane Society:

Shamed on both of you! How could Michael Vick's lawyers allow you two to get away with blackmailing him? Huh! Some lawyers! Don't you guys realize this man has completed his prison sentence; and not allowing him to earn a living through doing what he knows best--playing football--unless he promises to go into schools and influence students to be kind to animals and have them to promise to never engage in the sports of the dog-fighting ring, is a clear and winnable case of blackmail? What Michael Vick doesn't realize is that, not as many individuals are as hung up on this be -good- and -kind -to -animal asinine nonsense, as he may think! I like animal as well as any other reasonable individual; but don't espouse to them stinking up the couch and house and sleeping in beds with the kids. Animals were designed for the outdoors--not the indoors! Just to enlighten all of you mixed up animal lovers, out there, these critters' bodies definitely weren't designed for wearing clothing and out fits as the human body were.
However, while we're preaching to school students about animal rights, let's equalize the playing field, by urging and demanding church pastors to go all across the nation preaching to school students about innocent unborn babies, that are being brutalized and suck out of their mother's womb in the name of abortion, have a God given right to live, too! And, remember, that these animals have no rights to the kingdom of God; but these innocent unborn babies have!

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