Be a Winner

Having tried and failed, I'll always consider you a winner; but having not tried and failed, I'll always consider you a nobody!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Why Same-sex Relationships are Shun?

To: All My Loyal Cyberspace Fans and Readers:

Subject: Why Same-sex Relationships are Shun?

Date: October 13, 2009

Dear Fans and Readers:

Same-sex relationships are shun because reasonable and logical individuals can't even began to phantom how two individuals, of the same sex , can consider such asinine thing, when animals of the same sex know better. I've neither seen nor heard of any same-sex animals attempting to copulate. The strange thing about this, which I've noticed, that those individuals, who participate in such nonsense, show neither shame nor embarrassment. Surly, their heads have to contain rocks, instead of brains! This doesn't mean that God "miscreated" them, in any part of the sense. In the book of Genesis 1:1, the Bible says, "In the beginning God created the heaven, the earth...," but stopped short of saying, "and good and evil." How about us restating this for clarification: "In the beginning God created the heaven, the earth and good and evil." After God made the Israelites (the Jewish people) His chosen people, they were the only people who had access to salvation. The Greek, known as the gentiles, had no access to salvation at that time; but later were grafted in, after the conversion of Paul, the Apostle.

However, the following information is my paraphrase of what Apostle Paul reveals, in the book of Romans 1:26-32, regarding how homosexuality got started:

The Israelites, being God's chosen people, became what they thought all wise and turned away from God and started doing their own thing. Matter-of-fact, so much so, that they all became fools; and God gave them up to their unclean lust and vile affections that they had for one another; as they dishonored their own bodies between themselves. Their women turned away from their men; and turned toward the unnatural affection for one another. The men turned away from the woman and burned in their lust for one another; men with men doing the unseemly, unthinkable things with each other.

Officially, withstanding the above Biblical information let it be known to psychologists, sociologists, psychiatrists and all the other "ologists," that homosexuality was not part of God's designed creation! Note, the words and phrases, "turning away from the natural," "toward the unnatural," all indicative of perversion against Mother Nature! Homosexuality is, definitely, a profound, self-chosen lifestyle.



Sir Leonard

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