Be a Winner

Having tried and failed, I'll always consider you a winner; but having not tried and failed, I'll always consider you a nobody!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

President Obama Promotes Homosexuality and Illegal Immigration

To: All My Cyberspace Loyal Fans and Readers

Subject: President Obama Promotes Homosexuality and Illegal Immigration

Date: May 12, 2010

Dear Fans and Readers:

Against my written advice and counsel, the American people overwhelmingly went ahead and made, then-candidate, Senator Barack Hussein Obama, President of the United States; and now they're screaming they're sorry and wishing they hadn't! Too late now; they might as well shut up and suffer the consequences. I tried to tell them that this man was "full of it!" When he was promising them how he was going to "change the way Washington does business, as usual," if they made him President. Continuously, I explained to them that then-Senator Obama was just spewing out empty rhetoric and doing what all politicians do when aspiring to get elected. I even dissected as I broke down his statement of "changing the way Washington does business, as usual," by explaining to them in the following details:

1. In order to change things in Washington, Obama would have to become a dictator, which he can never become in America, because we live under a democratic government.

2. Any changes he makes in Washington would have to be approved by both houses, the US House of Representatives (435 members--255 Democrats and 180 Republicans) and the House of the US Senate (100 members--60 Democrats and 40 Republicans). Meanwhile, had you known how your government actually works, you would've know Barack Obama was lying through his teeth. This is what happens when people are allowed to vote who don't know the different between a Congressperson and a Commissioner!

Nevertheless, after spending 1/4th of his term monkeying around with this healthcare debacle, President Barack Obama and his Democratic Congress did nothing to put Americans back to work. This healthcare reform, at one point, died and should have remain dead, but this President and Congress--against the will of the people--resurrected it and broke all the rules and laws of the US Constitution to pass it and force it down the American people's throats.

Immediately, after ignoring the will of the taxpayers, President Obama and his un-Godly Democratic Party passed an unnecessary "Hate Crime" bill that had nothing to do with crime, because hate crime bills have already been on the books for years. This new, particular bill that the President signed into law is meant to silent our free speech against how we feel about homosexuality in America. President Obama and the Democratic Congress' goal is to normalize homosexuality in our country. For instance, allow teachers to teach two little boys and two little girls that it's alright for them to love each other. God forbid!

In the meantime, President Barack Obama is publicly condemning the action Arizona's Governor, Jan Brewer, took when she signed into the State of Arizona's law book giving law enforcement authority to crackdown on illegal immigration in the State. President Barack Obama said that, "The governor misconceived the meaning of the federal immigration law." Phooey, Mr. President! You're just like the rest; you don't know what the hell you're talking about! What's so difficult to understand about enforcing the immigration law? Mayor Gordon, you're an idiot! As Mayor of Phoenix, the largest city in Arizona, you should have the commonsense of knowing how authorities go about enforcing the law. Come on now, you know and I know that this law is only about illegal Mexicans in the United States and not about regular immigrants; there's no need to harass 16 year olds, seniors, black folks (Al Sharpton) and others--just Mexicans (the problem). I salute Arizona's Governor Jan Brewer for taking the lead in fixing the problem of illegal Mexicans trampling upon our soil. There shouldn't be any need for processing them; just ship them back to Mexico immediately, avoiding having to feed and house them.

As we all know, it's now time for these Democrats to begin promising and spreading their lies all over again. As I've already decided, and I hope you have, too, to vote these Democrats out of office this November. As reminders, while they're campaigning, think "healthcare, hate crime and homosexuality." These thoughts will tune them out of your mind! For our children's sake, let's vote moral values and spiritual principles back into our government this fall.


Sir Leonard

Recording Artist, Write and Blogger

Fit T Hit Records

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