Be a Winner

Having tried and failed, I'll always consider you a winner; but having not tried and failed, I'll always consider you a nobody!

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Islamic Shariah Law vs. Fire and Brimstones

You'd better listen up, folks--you'd better listen up and hear what I have to say about Islamic Shariah law and fire and brimstones.  Just what is Islamic Shariah law?  Islamic Shariah law is the law all Muslims are obligated to abide by.  Some Muslims pretend that they don't abide by the Islamic Shariah law.  They're just flat out lying through their teeth--all Muslims must follow and obey the preambles of Islamic Shariah law.

 However, God used fire and brimstones to rid His world of those homosexuals in Sodom and Gomorrah.  Since America has proliferated homosexuality around the world--pissing God off to the nth degree--so, God has decided to use Islamic Shariah law to rid His world off these homosexuals for good.   Believe it or not, Muslims have already taken over America--and, as we speak, many of our States are now installing Islamic Shariah law in their courts--soon to replace our current "rule of law" judicial system.  You see, folks, under Islamic Shariah law, the practicing of homosexuality is a capital (beheading) offense--frightening and scaring these homosexuals back into the closet, where they belong.

Please, save this important message to your Favorites for future reference.

Why You Should Understand Islamic Shariah Law?

 Hey, folks, I've been posting messages about Islamic Shariah law now daily --and hopeful you're paying attention--because many of our States are not installing Islamic Shariah law in their courts, soon to replace our judicial "rule of law" system.  After all, believe it or not, the Muslims have already taken over America.  I explained in my message, "Islamic Shariah Law versus Fire and Brimstones," that I've been posting on my Face Book page mostly daily, how God decided to use Islamic Shariah law to rid His world of these homosexuals for good, this time.  You see, folks, under Islamic Shariah law, the practice of homosexuality is a capital (beheading) offense--frightening and scaring these homosexuals back into the closet--where they belong.
Authored by SirLeonard

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