Be a Winner

Having tried and failed, I'll always consider you a winner; but having not tried and failed, I'll always consider you a nobody!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

United States Military not Capable of Attacking a Pack of Rats

United States Military not Capable of Attacking a Pack of Rats

MCGUMSTUMP, you're an idiot! Have you forgotten how that lying, mass-murdering President George W. Bush destroyed our military by stretching it too thin; and frightening our young men and women from enlisting and re-enlisting in the military? You'd better listen to me and you'd better hear what I say! Currently, the United States military ranks, in preparedness and readiness, in the world at the bottom of the totem pole; thanks to the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, for blocking the Democratic Congress from impeaching President Bush.

Our military "died," after Bush and his White House thugs lied, made up the fraudulent Iraqi war in which George W. Bush ordered our young men and women to fight and be slaughtered and be wounded, causing our young men and women to become afraid to join the military. Reportedly, two years into the Iraqi war, the military recruitment dropped to a precipitous, precedent all-time low. Matter-of- fact, so low until the military dropped its recruiting military entrance standard--to the level of accepting ex-cons, drunks and crack heads, etc. The media and the government don't want Americans to know this--so they hush, hush it up! I tell you because I'm a blogger and a writer and don't have to be concerned about "political correctness." Ahmadinejad spoke the truth when he said, "Iran is so powerful today that no country would dare attack it!" Really, he's speaking to America. He knows that President Obama has no military might to threaten Iran. He can only talk worthless sanctions.

Oh, by the way, Senator Patrick Leaky has formed a Bush Truth Commission to go after Bush and Chaney to investigate and find out the truth about the Iraqi war. You can sign the petition at: This would put President Bush and Chaney on trial before the Americans people; and I'm sure they will be found guilty and punished. Afterward, American young men and women will regain trust and confident in the government and begin joining the military, bring it back up to par, avoiding the mandatory military draft.

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