Be a Winner

Having tried and failed, I'll always consider you a winner; but having not tried and failed, I'll always consider you a nobody!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

An Update on Former President George W. Bush

To: All My Cyberspace Loyal Fans and Readers

Subject: An Update on Former President George W. Bush

Date: March 8, 2010

Dear Loyal Fans and Readers:

Many of you may be wondering about what's happening to former President George W. Bush now that he's has sneaked out of office unpunished for the war crimes he committed; and the majority of you don't give a damn about what's happening to him; and there are many of you're wondering if it's possible that he could still be brought to justice! The following is a brief reply to all of your curiosity and inquisitiveness:

Can He Still be Brought to Justice?

Yes! According to a populous, reliable source, "While President George W. Bush can't be impeached, technically, but he can be tried for many crimes, including negligence of office, lying, misspending government funds, politicizing the department of justice and other agencies and war crimes, etc. It will take time to put it all together and there may be several trials--but it seems like the process is moving forward.

How's He Doing?

Not too good! In the March 2009 issue of the Globe Magazine, One month after President George W. Bush left office, it reported that, "Former First Lady Laura Bush and President Bush had split up; she moved to Dallas, Texas, to shop for her own home; while Bush remains at the Crawford Texas Ranch." It went on to say that, "Former President George W. Bush had become depressed and suicidal; and had started drinking like a fish!" In a follow up April issue of the Globe, President Bush and his former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice appeared on the cover page, talking to each other on the phone; Bush appears unshaven, looking like a drunken bum and all haggard out. The Globe stated that, "Georg W. Bush called Condoleezza Rice and told her, 'I need your help! Please, come here and help me! I have a problem. Laura has left me and I'm all alone! Will you come and help me?'" The magazine said that George W. Bush had become antsy, suicidal and stressed out; mainly, over the fact that President Barack Obama is plotting to have him arrested for war crimes.

Meanwhile, let's hope that this former mendacious president doesn't kill himself before he's arrested and brought to trial before the American people; especially, so the young men and women of this country can see that President Bush cannot get away with lying and making up the Iraqi war that has slaughtered and wounded tens of thousands of their peers. Arresting and putting Georg W. Bush on trial before the American people, would accomplish and resolve two important elements of our government:

First, it would restore the validation of the rule of law in this country. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., said, "Law without order is no law at all!" Not impeaching President Bush under the established rule of law, in this country, makes it a law without order; and, therefore, rendering it as of having no effect.

Second, it would restore the trust and confidence of our young men and women--in our government--within and without of the military--returning its preparedness and readiness to its previous level of posture in the world. President Bush's lying and inventing the fraudulent Iraqi war scared the day light out of our young men and women--especially, college students! Currently, they wouldn't touch the military with a 10 foot pole, so to speak--a military's standing in the world, in preparedness and readiness that ranks at the bottom of the totem pole. Iran knows that President Obama is not, militarily, prepared to defend against nor attack even a pack of rats, so to speak! We no longer have that military might that can be used as deterrence!

Oh well, there you have it, folks; all you wanted to know about your ex-President--George W. Bush--the liar!


Sir Leonard

Writer and Blogger

Fit T Hit Records

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